
Explanation by Milton Friedman of his paper: "Capitalism and the Jews" - YouTube 1978

Explanation by Milton Friedman of his paper: "Capitalism and the Jews" - YouTube 1978
https://modernmonetarytheory2024.blogspot.com/2024/09/explanation-by-milton-friedman-of-his_3.html @






 以上、見てきたように反ユダヤ主義は、右翼からも左翼からも出てくるのである。ハンナ・アーレントは、それが「全体主義の起源」である、と主張しているのである。 副島隆彦氏が明確に指摘しているように、アーレントは『全体主義の起源』において、ソ連の脅威をナチスのそれと同じものだと解明してみせたのである。それがゆえに彼女は反ソ・ユダヤ知識人集団であるネオ・コン生みの親の一人だとされている(『世界覇権国アメリカを動かす政治家と知識人たち』 16-77p)。


 このゾンバルトに対する取扱いは当分変わらないのではないか。マネタリストの大御所である、ミルトン・フリードマン Milton Friedman (彼もユダヤ系である)が、1972年にモンペルラン・ソサエティ Mont Pelerin Society において、「資本主義とユダヤ人」というタイトルの講演を行なっている。その中で彼はゾンバルトの『ユダヤ人と経済生活』の要旨も紹介し、多くの人々がこの本を反ユダヤ的 Anti-Semitism と見なしていること、そして The Universal Jewish Encyclopaedia のゾンバルトの項目では、「彼はユダヤ人が資本主義をつくったと非難している。 “He accused the Jews of having created capitalism"」と記されていることを紹介している。



 そして最後に現代の歴史家たち、ポール・ジョンソンやフェルナン・プローデルたちは、ゾンバルトとヴェーバー、 二人まとめて名目を変えて歴史の彼方に葬り去ろうとしている、と私には思えてくるのだが、それは単に想像の度が過ぎるというものだろうか。



副島隆彦+ SNSI 副島国家戦略研究所

2018年7月10日 初版第1刷発行










シカゴ大学経済学教授ミルトン・フリードマンのこの録音は、1978年10月15日にジェームズ・Hによって録音されました。フォックス、JD '78。

スピーチはもともとB'nai B'rith Hillel Foundationで予定されていましたが、彼のノーベル経済学賞の発表の1週間前にシカゴ大学ロースクール講堂に移されました。




Stream Milton Friedman, "Capitalism and the Jews" by UChicagoLaw | Listen online for free on SoundCloud

This recording of University of Chicago Professor of Economics Milton Friedman was recorded on October 15, 1978 by James H. Fox, JD '78.

The speech was originally scheduled for the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, but was moved to the University of Chicago Law School Auditorium upon the announcement the week before of his Nobel Prize in Economics .

In the talk, Professor Friedman begins with two seemingly contradictory propositions (namely, "There are few peoples, if any in the world, who owe so great a debt to free enterprise and competitive capitalism as the Jews," and "There are few peoples, if any in the world, who have done so much to undermine the intellectual foundations of capitalism as the Jews.") and then attempts to reconcile them.

Explanation by Milton Friedman of his paper: "Capitalism and the Jews" - YouTube 1978 https://www.blogger.com/blog/post/edit/2133355681582705445/8407368978635643044

h religion and culture stresses charity uh stresses selfishness and therefore the Jewish anti capitalist values have derived from it well that particular explanation of course derives from someone who himself shares the anti capist mentality and therefore is driven to look for for attractive explanations that explanation can be dismissed out of hand for a very simple reason the Jewish anti-catholic mentality is only two two centuries old it dates from the enlightenment in the 18th century but Jewish religions and religion and culture is 2,000 years old now how is it that for 18800 years that culture and values did not generate an anti- capitalist mentality in the last 200 years it did that would leave just as big a puzzle to explain as you started with moreover if you look at Jewish attitudes during those years you will find that they were pro- free enterprise and not anti free entprise 

a German writer verer sombar who in 1911 wrote a book about capitalism in the Jews and I quote from that book throughout the centuries the Jews championed the cause of individual liberty in economic action activity against the dominating views of the time now verer sart's book is in very low repute among Jewish Scholars the reason it's in low repute is because he maintains that a pro capitalist mentality is entirely consistent with the values and culture of the Jews the people who have been criticizing it are themselves people who hold this anti capitalist mentality and they are therefore very unwilling to accept this particular view he has also been criticized justly for some of his later works after World War Two World War I when he flirted and more than flirted extensively with Nazis but this particular book which is a very fascinating and interesting book shows none of those elements in 1911 and is really a rather interesting discussion of the background and the relation between the attitudes and ideas of the Jews and their religious culture so in any event it seems to me that that EXP explation will not hold order a second explanation which has often been offered is that intellectuals are anic capitalist Jews are disproportionately intellectual and therefore this is purely a statistical bi that if I hold constant whether they are intellectual or not I will eliminate this appearance of a disproportionate anti capitalist mentality among the Jews now these statements are true it is true that on the whole intellectual at least in the past Century or so have largely been anti capitalist it is true the Jews have a disproportionate tendency to go into intellectual Pursuit for the for two reasons one I've already cited Jews are driven to go into those areas where there is the greatest competition the intellectual Pursuits have had large measures of free enterprise and the way of freelance journalism writing acting and so on so that it's been attracted to them but there is a second reason dating back to Jewish history from the hundreds and thousands of years why Jews have been attracted to intellectual Pursuits and that is because if you are A persecuted minority who are subject to being forced to flee from where you are you want to accumulate your capital in forms in which you can take it with and the best way of doing it obviously is intellectual that's why today who which people are in the best position to flee Britain not those who have accumulated physical wealth because Capital controls prevent them from taking their wealth out the people who have accumulated brains the bra I can see that all of you being in the process of making that kind of capital accumulation appreciate but in any event well it is true that the Jews have disproportionately been concentrated in intellectual Pursuit and intellectuals have been disproportionately anti capitalist that is only a very partial and incomplete explanation in the first place Jewish intellectuals are more anti capitalists than intellectuals in general if you take the fraction of any capitalist literature authored by Jews it is decidedly larger than the fraction authored by non-jewish intellectuals allowing for this but in the second place non-intellectual Jews are different from non-jews in the same direction they after all if you take the kind of voting evidence I was citing before in recent times please since the New Deal the situation for reasons all come to is different before the New Deal in the United States but since the New Deal in the United States or really

 ユダヤ人の宗教と文化は慈善を強調し、利己主義を強調する。だからユダヤ人の反資本主義的価値観はそこから派生したのだ、 000年前のことである。18800年間、その文化や価値観が反資本主義的なメンタリティを生み出さなかったのに、この200年で生み出されたのはどういうことなのか。




 また、第二次世界大戦後、第一次世界大戦後、ナチスに媚びを売り、ナチスに媚びを売る以上のことをした彼のいくつかの作品についても、当然のように批判されている。1911年にはそのような要素はまったく見られず、ユダヤ人の態度や思想と彼らの宗教文化との間の関係や背景について、実に興味深い議論を展開している。知識人は反資本主義者である ユダヤ人は不釣り合いなほど知識人であり、したがってこれは純粋に統計的な偏見であって、もし彼らが知識人であるか否かを一定にすれば、ユダヤ人の間に不釣り合いな反資本主義的メンタリティが現れることはなくなるだろう。ユダヤ人が知的追求の道に進むのに不釣り合いな傾向があるのは事実だ。その理由は2つある。1つは、すでに引用したように、ユダヤ人は競争が最も激しい分野に進む傾向がある。



normous emphasis on athletic activity and now to add the absolutely final Capstone to this demonstration the Jews in the diaspora were marvelous Cooks now this reversely Israel of all the characteristics of the Jews in the diaspora I think supports the view that I was ing that what you have is a reaction against the anti-semitic stereotype an attempt by the Jews subconsciously to demonstrate that they were not like the anti-semitic stud let me give you another kind of evidence 

the intern the universal Jewish encyclopedia in quoting SAR writ and I quote I mean in discussing somar the volume I talked about earlier right he accused the Jews of having created capitalism well now if I were writing that I would say he praised the Jews heed them with creating catholism why would I say he accused them only if I had this anti- capitalist mentality and only if I was trying to deny that Jews were like that stereotype which soar which which the antisemites had expressed consider how consider how differently an Adam Smith or a David Ricardo who believed in free enterprise and capitalism would have valued these traits would have considered such a statement as the Jews had a large role to play in capitalism or considered such traits as a good sense of business a willingness to trade cleverness in financial matters they would have regarded those as that would they would have regarded that as praise for the Jews not as blame not as accusation so I conclude that the chief explanation for the anti-semitic the anti- capitalist mentality of the Jews are on the one hand the special circumstances in 19th century Europe which linked promark parties with established religions and so drove Jews to the L and on the other hand the subconscious attempt by Jews to demonstrate to the world the fallacy of the anti-semitic ser now the interesting thing is that this ideology this anti capitalist ideology is strongly opposed to the self-interest of the Jews the it's it's opposition domestically is clear but let me site you one more strong and striking example let me ask you the following question what would be the state of Israel today if every country of the world were socialist where would Israel have got iial support where did Israel get some financial support throughout its life it got it from the capitalist country it got it from the United States it got it from South Africa it got it from Britain it didn't get it from the governments of Britain in the United States and South Africa it got it from the Jewish residents of Britain South Africa in the United States did Israel get any assistance from the Jews more numerous than in any of these countries of Russia were they able to send Capital to Israel to support it were they able to influence their government to send cap to Israel dis support is there any socialist country from which 

 Explanation by Milton Friedman of his paper: "Capitalism and the Jews" - YouTube


and shabbat shalom this is unusual place for H to hold it's uh Friday night program is talks my name is Daniel eer and I'm the rabbi at the H foundation for those of you who don't know me this program is unexpectedly as you know here sponsored by the p h foundation on campus where both we were both surprised and very much pleased with the announcement that was made this week that Professor freedan had bought the Nobel Prize in in economics I don't think Mr freedan needs very much of an introduction to the University of Chicago to students and people in the community he has uh taught here since uh 1946 in the economic Department that has created The Chicago School of economics and raised a generation of teachers and students he uh Mr Freedman as some of you know was born in Brooklyn and raised in I agree with that I agree with that senent raised in New Jersey and I attended rugers in University of Chicago and Columbia University before coming to to teach here at this University he has taught in in many places throughout the world in this country and elsewhere received honorary degrees throughout throughout the world he is is known as you probably all have read in the papers uh for what he has contributed to economic theory and practice and perhaps like to use a a a Jewish metaphor he has done what uh is required of uh teachers and Scholars and sages he's not only had extended branches wisdom and learning but also Roots deeds and action he's com been able to combine the life of the scholar with a light of Life of involvement in the society and politics of our country and world and he's raised as true teachers a generation of students to follow him now we all know that the discussions in the Nobel committee were heated with regarding to to uh giving Mr Freedman the prize no one of course knows what happened in those discussions because they are secret and behind closed doors however I would venture to suggest that what was the clinching factor in the awarding of the a prize to Mr freedan was the work which he had done and presented at the 1963 lka symposium hurrying to the hurrying to our archives and and retreating that paper which I have in front of me now uh in which he dealt with the mathematical form of the relation between the lka and the humas and as he mentioned in the conclusion of that paper he the result of his research was a formula which now Rivals the famous Einstein equation E mc² and I'll read you the last line of that paper the result of that research the result is L equals q h 2 over3 where the Q will I sure will I sure Hereafter be known as the freed manian context it's with great pleasure that uh we can present to continue that in that tradition on the subject capitalism and the jwm


thank you very much you embarrass me and I may say also please me I appreciate your welcome I am amazed however that a hill Association Hill function should attach such a should should attract such a crowd if the award had been made by Israel I could understand understand it but I didn't know those swets had so much influence in Chicago at any rate I appreciate it very much uh I am a I am a product of the University of Chicago which is a great institution not least for its tolerance of its members and its willingness to accept Mavericks as faculty people and as teachers and uh as and us too we have never been I am glad to say it is one of our glories an institution which has a single set of ideas or a single set of values or a single Doctrine if Chicago schools mean anything it means a recognition of variety and diversity and Independence now the views which I am going to express tonight on the subject of capitalism and will I think be in that tradition and I not sure that Hill will be entirely happy about having invited me to express but after all the Jews also have a tradition of Tolerance and diversity as you know it is an old Jewish saying that if there are two Jews in any Community there are always three synagogues my talk tonight is really is really a discussion of two propositions Each of which I shall try to suggest is validated by evidence and the two together are incompatible one with the other the first proposition is that there are few peoples if any in the world who owe so great a debt to free enterprise and competitive capitalism as the Jews the second proposition is that there are so few people if any in the world who have done so much to undermine the intellectual foundations of capitalism as a [Music] Jew and the theme of my talk will be how to reconcile these two apparently contrad proposition but let me start by first trying to document for you each of those proposition consider the first the benefits which the Jews as a people have derived from competitive capitalism the essence of competitive capitalism is that it relies on the market and the market is colorblind religion blind Grace BR when you go to the store to buy a loaf of bread you have no idea whatsoever whether the wheat from which that bread is baked was grown on a farm owned by a white man or a black man a or a Japanese a Jew or a Baptist whether born again or not so the market is colorblind Monopoly whether it be private Monopoly or governmental Monopoly is not color bline because monopolists are in a position to decide whom they sell to whom they buy from to exercise control on criteria other than market performance I was very much struck by this contrast between the competitive character of the market and the effect of Monopoly on discrimination about 5 years ago when I happened to attend in Montreal Canada an international monetary conference this is a conference which meets once a year uh organized by the International Bank uh banking Association I think it's organized by the American banking Association but it consists the people who are present as members are the two leading officials of the banks of the major banks of the world not only the United States but all through the world one banker there who happened to have the same name as mine and got hold of me to talk to me about the problems of antisemitism in B let me let and him to make a little sort of informal census of the members of that country and it turned out that of all the leading Bankers from around the world who were present there so roughly 1% were Jewish that's the effect of Monopoly in every country banking is a monopoly on the other hand the banking Association asks speakers to speak before them it had a panel of supposed experts to present papers and discussions on the various topics of interest in the biking Community now there you had competition because they were choosing what they thought to be the best asked people to present those papers and I made a little census of the people who were on the program and lo and behold 25% of them were Jewish now that contrast is very striking and it really brings out I think in a very sharp and Clear Point Way the distinction between competition in which Choice depends on performance and on products produced and Monopoly where it is possible to criteria other than performance in deciding whom to choose as you all know the Jews were for centuries in Exile the the great diaspora which lasted well over a thousand years during that diaspora the Jews were able to exist largely because of the of the small area of Market elements that persisted it's no accident that Jews during that period were able to do particularly well in the field of international trade and finance because it was in that area that it was most difficult for governments local governments despotic governments to control things in dealings among nations there must be an element of competitive markets and it was in those elements of competitive markets that the Jews were able to find little chinks here and there and perform a valuable economic and social function which enable them to survive it is no accident that in the Modern Age the two most totalitarian countries we have had experience with Nazi Germany on the one hand and Soviet Union on the other have also been the most anti-Semitic of all countries again this is a result that is to be expected from the fact that they are despotic countries that they do not have an effective free market that they have no competition of course it is not inevitable that they be anti-semitic they might be anti some other small group every totalitarian Society every dictatorial society needs a scapegoat it needs to have a small group on whom it can put the blame for its own mistakes and its own uh errors and it's not surprising that the Jews should be that scapegoat because they have been that kind of a scapegoat throughout history as a visible minority with rather special customs and attitude so I would not argue that in every despotic country it will be the Jews who will be the scapegoat I don't know who the scapegoat group in China is I guess it's the capitalist rotors rather than the Jews but I susp that only because there are no Jews there to be the scap but in Germany as I say and not Soviet Union it was a Jew look in the other direction where are the areas in which the Jews have been able to prosper relatively you will find that it is in those countries that had the greatest degree of competitive capitalism in the 16th and 17th century it was holl that was a Haven for the Jews why because Holland was at that time the leading entrepreneurial Nation the leading trading nation in the world it was engaged in trade in World Markets it had a relatively free economy in the 18 19th and early 20th century it was in Britain and the United States that the Jews were able to achieve the greatest measure of Tolerance the greatest opportunity to improve their life and to live free of persecution and the Prejudice a particularly Illuminating example in my opinion is provided by Germany in the 19th and early 20th century when Germany was essentially a free market economy the Jews were very widely accepted there was a tremendous amount of assimilation after 1934 when Germany turned into a totalitarian monopolistic Society you all know what happened to the Jews not only is it true that the Jews have flourished most in those societies which have had the greatest degree of free market activity and competitive capitalism but within individual societies the Jews have done best in the most competitive areas of those societies I suggest to you that you compare the situation in banking which I already referred to to the situ situation in in retail trade banking is a province of anti-Semitism there is you know despite the popular fiction that somehow or other the Jews control the banks and finance with General Brown a few years ago proceeded to express in his unfortunate ignorance despite that belief the plain fact is that I believe believe there is no industry in this country in which there is greater discrimination against Jews at the top levels than there is in banking why because it is a monopoly because in order to have a bank you have to have a franchise you have to get a franchise from the state your fellow Bankers will have to assure you that banking is a uh is that the bank is needed uh one of the episodes I came across at the time that Anna Schwarz and I were writing our monetary History of the United States it was the episode of the bank of the United States it was a bank which failed on December 11th 19303 1930 it was the largest bank that had ever failed up to that day its failure was a major trigger that produced The Great Depression I don't mean to say that the Great Depression might not have come along anyway but there is no doubt that as it happened the failure of the Bank of United States started a series of runs on Banks and that series of runs on banks was a factor that promoted the Great Depression why did the bank of the United States fail there is no doubt the record is perfectly clear because John Kiron Mor was anti-semitic the bank of United States happened to be one of the only two major banks in New York that was controlled by Jews it was also a bank which had as its clientele many of the small Jewish merchants and Traders in New York and many of the immigrants because they mistakenly thought that its name Bank of United States meant it was an official bank but it wasn't it was a bright Bank why was John Pier Pond Morgan antiemetics because back in 1907 or eight or nine I've forgotten what the date was he was uh he was uh uh subject to investigation by a congressional committee which interrogated him at Great length about the uh monopo supposedly monopolistic actions of various groups he was associated with and the leading figure in interrogating him was a famous Jewish law in addition to which brandise later a Supreme Court Justice had written a number of books pillar pillaring whether correctly or not I don't know I have never looked into that of it but pillaring the Morgan interest as unscrupulous monopolis how do we know how do I know all these intimate details because fortunately there was a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System who was a great gossip and he kept it dialing H Mr Hamlin who was one of the early members of the Federal Reserve System the Board of Governors he was the first chairman of the Board of Governors as a matter of fact only they called it then Governor not chairman he uh kept a diary all his life and his diary fortunately is preserved for us in the Congressional library and he records in that in 1917 or 18 at which time there was a great fight about whether to appoint a particular Jewish Banker as a member of the board there was a great fight of that supposedly on the ground that the banker was a German extraction but really on the ground that he was Jewish and and Hamlin has lunch J Pon Morgan Jr the son of Morgan senior and in the course of the lunch Morgan says to ham I'm going to get those Jews for what they did to my father so we know we have documentary evidence on this how did that fit in in 1931 well the standard the B that happen the bank of the United States was a very good bank it was a perfectly sound B it was liquidated during the worst years of the depression and paid off 92 and a half% 92 a. half cents on every dollar of liability despite being liquidated over a period from 30 to 33 but whereas the standard practice at those times was that if a bank got into difficulty as several Banks had a few weeks before the JP Pond Morgan plus the Clearing House Association of New York would get together a rescue fund to tide it over the difficulties and enable it to surmount temporary runs the Federal Reserve Bank of New York made a similar proposal for the bank of the United States it was almost a great until jpon Morgan refused to go along with it I may say it's no accident that their proposal involved merging the bank of the United States with the only other bank in New York that was controlled by Jews at any rate there is no doubt that that causes the failure I only cite this as a small example of the effects of Monopoly in bank now you contrast that with a situation in retail trade or you don't need a franchise to open up a store where you can do anything where the Jews were able to come in with packs on their back and be itinerant uh Traders and then gradually work and develop and open up stores you take the case or you take a very different case consider the contrast between movies and heavy manufacturing the heavy manufacturing iron steel automobile is another case where there are relatively few je because these are the old Industries uh controlled by the establishment not nearly as monopolistic as the banking industry but with some measure of Monopoly power on the other hand any new industry like the movies when they first developed is bound to be competitive because it's wide open you have very large number of Jews who succeeded in the movies a very small percentage in manufacturing or take a different case take the profession where have you had problems of limitation on Jews in the professions I may say I'm talking about Jews but you all realize that everything I'm saying applies to any other unpopular minority it applies just as much to the blacks as it does to the Jews my particular subject happens to be the Jews and just as the Jews have the most gain from a competitive free enterprise Society so the blacks have the most to gain from a free enterprise competitive Society any minority is in the same position well consider the profession where was there the great has there been the greatest degree of anti-Semitic discrimination in the profession there isn't any doubt in medicine why in medicine because you have an American Medical Association which has had a monopolistic power over the medical profession it's the strongest one either the strongest or one of the strongest trade unions in the United States and for many many years it was able to restrict admissions in the medical schools in order to keep down the number of positions in order to keep up the incomes of Physicians and in the process of restricting entry into medical school if you're going to restrict entry how are you going to do it if you've got 500 people who want 100 places there are only two ways you can do it you can auction off the places that's a free market method and that doesn't discriminate anybody who will pay people who will pay the most will get in or since that isn't quite a polite establishment way of doing it when you're allocating places in medical school except unless the unless the auction is underhanded and since that isn't the way to do it well you have to use some irrelevant criteria you may say you'll do it by ability but you and I know that these exams and tests that are made to testability have some validity but they are very far from being perect and they leave a good deal of leeway you can still have 500 people for 100 places each of whom will satisfy the minimum ability standards well then It's Perfectly Natural that you use whatever is your Prejudice if you're prejudiced against blacks you'll keep out the blacks if you're prejudiced against Jews you'll keep out the Jews if you're prejudiced against Seventh Day Adventist you'll keep out the Seventh Day Adventist well if you compare what happened in law for example where until recently there was much less restriction of Entry versus what happened in medicine the situation is very clear well the summary Jews have very seldom benefited from government intervention there have been a few cases if you go back into the 187 16th century there was a group of so-called Court Jews who were protected by particular Kings or princes because they served a useful function in handling their finances or in arranging for loans for them and so on there have been a few cases like that they are very exceptional in the main the Jews have never benefited from government intervention they have flourished they have had a measure of freedom and freedom from Prejudice only where there has been a large measure of free inter now I turn from the question of the uh first proposition that Jews owe an enormous debt to free enterprise and capitalism to the second proposition the Jews have been consistently opposed to capitalism and have done much on ideological level to undermine from Carl Mars to Leon tronsky to our modern version Mr Mar a very large fraction of all the anti capitalist literature has been authored by Jews it's not only anic capitalist some of it antisemitic including of course KL Marx's own writings which have a very strong strain of anti-Semitism but that's a separate issue if you go through any library of anti- capitalist literature Socialist Communist you will find that that a very large fraction of it a disproportionate fraction of it has been author authored by Jud if you look at the various studies that have been made in recent years of voting records you will find that on the whole there are few ethnic groups in the United States that so consistent LLY vote on what is regarded as the left side of the political Spectrum as a Jew if you look at the various books that have been written about communism in America on the membership of the Communist party there were two groups that were important for some reason which I don't quite understand the fins were one I guess maybe the cess of their climate made anything hot of [Music] TR but I really don't there must have been an explanation and I never have researched but they were one as it happens in the early history of the Communist Party of the United States they were a major element but the Jews were the other major element dominantly over and over again and if you look at every so-called liberal but actually non-liberal movement the so-called liberalism has simply meant liberalism with somebody else's money if you look at such movements you will find again that Jews have played a disproportionate role I don't think I need a stress that to you because I think all of you are aware that this is in fact the case and that if you examine the literature you will come to the same conclusion I want to really go on to what is a most interesting question why why this anti capitalist mentality now this I am by no means the first who have been struck by the antic capitalist mentality and there have been numerous books and studies written about this subject one of the books is by fellow by the name of lawence CES I forgot get the name of the book but it has to do fundamentally with his question of Jewish political values and his explanation is a very simple one his explanation is that the anti capitalist mentality of the Jews reflects values derived from Jewish religion and Jewish culture that the Jewish religion and culture stresses charity uh stresses selfishness and therefore the Jewish anti capitalist values have derived from it well that particular explanation of course derives from someone who himself shares the anti capist mentality and therefore is driven to look for for attractive explanations that explanation can be dismissed out of hand for a very simple reason the Jewish anti-catholic mentality is only two two centuries old it dates from the enlightenment in the 18th century but Jewish religions and religion and culture is 2,000 years old now how is it that for 18800 years that culture and values did not generate an anti- capitalist mentality in the last 200 years it did that would leave just as big a puzzle to explain as you started with moreover if you look at Jewish attitudes during those years you will find that they were pro- free enterprise and not anti free entprise 

a German writer verer sombar who in 1911 wrote a book about capitalism in the Jews and I quote from that book throughout the centuries the Jews championed the cause of individual liberty in economic action activity against the dominating views of the time now verer sart's book is in very low repute among Jewish Scholars the reason it's in low repute is because he maintains that a pro capitalist mentality is entirely consistent with the values and culture of the Jews the people who have been criticizing it are themselves people who hold this anti capitalist mentality and they are therefore very unwilling to accept this particular view he has also been criticized justly for some of his later works after World War Two World War I when he flirted and more than flirted extensively with Nazis but this particular book which is a very fascinating and interesting book shows none of those elements in 1911 and is really a rather interesting discussion of the background and the relation between the attitudes and ideas of the Jews and their religious culture so in any event it seems to me that that EXP explation will not hold order a second explanation which has often been offered is that intellectuals are anic capitalist Jews are disproportionately intellectual and therefore this is purely a statistical bi that if I hold constant whether they are intellectual or not I will eliminate this appearance of a disproportionate anti capitalist mentality among the Jews now these statements are true it is true that on the whole intellectual at least in the past Century or so have largely been anti capitalist it is true the Jews have a disproportionate tendency to go into intellectual Pursuit for the for two reasons one I've already cited Jews are driven to go into those areas where there is the greatest competition the intellectual Pursuits have had large measures of free enterprise and the way of freelance journalism writing acting and so on so that it's been attracted to them but there is a second reason dating back to Jewish history from the hundreds and thousands of years why Jews have been attracted to intellectual Pursuits and that is because if you are A persecuted minority who are subject to being forced to flee from where you are you want to accumulate your capital in forms in which you can take it with and the best way of doing it obviously is intellectual that's why today who which people are in the best position to flee Britain not those who have accumulated physical wealth because Capital controls prevent them from taking their wealth out the people who have accumulated brains the bra I can see that all of you being in the process of making that kind of capital accumulation appreciate but in any event well it is true that the Jews have disproportionately been concentrated in intellectual Pursuit and intellectuals have been disproportionately anti capitalist that is only a very partial and incomplete explanation in the first place Jewish intellectuals are more anti capitalists than intellectuals in general if you take the fraction of any capitalist literature authored by Jews it is decidedly larger than the fraction authored by non-jewish intellectuals allowing for this but in the second place non-intellectual Jews are different from non-jews in the same direction they after all if you take the kind of voting evidence I was citing before in recent times please since the New Deal the situation for reasons all come to is different before the New Deal in the United States but since the New Deal in the United States or really since the days of Al Smith in New York the ordinary Jewish population and not simply the intellectuals have been the major source of the membership in the Socialist Party the Communist Party in the leftwing elements of the democratic party and so on it is not really any surprise that the most left-wing members of both the Democratic and the Republican Party in the Congress tend to come from New York which has the largest concentration of Jewish voters of any city in the country so I do not believe that's a satisfactory explanation a third possible explanation and this one also none of these is entirely without some F I don't mean to argue that they're I'm going to be able to come up with single explanation which excludes all others I think each of these has a point but I think that they are not separately powerful enough to explain the phenomenon a third explanation is that it is natural for every group to take good things for granted and to blame the bad things on the system under a capitalist free enterprise system in the United States and Britain Jews experienced far less discrimination than they had ever experienced anywhere else before but there remain anti-Semitism there is no doubt there remained anti-semitic free Prejudice and it is understandable that there is a tendency to blame the residual anti-Semitism on the capitalist system you don't say well look at all the uh how much better off on him than I would have been under so much other system that's next you look at the uh you look at the bad Els I think there's a great deal to them but it's not a very satisfactory EXP ation because why should you blame the bad things on the aspect of the system which is epitomized by capitalism and competitive catholism why not blame the bad residual elements on the church for example or on the attitudes of the aristocracy or on the bureaucrats why pick on the market system as the focus of your attack I think that there are two other explanations that I personally find much more persuasive and much more significant than any of these that I've so far CED one of them is an explanation that was offered in a doctrinal dissertation written by I don't believe it's ever been published but it's a doctoral dissertation written I believe it's the either at NYU or the new school in New York by a man by the name of Berard C and his explanation in is that beginning with the French Revolution in the 18th century the European political movement consisted of a rightwing which was closely connected with the church and with religious movements the Christian Movement the left movement on the other hand the Socialist Party the Communist Party were anti claric as opposed to now very few Jews could find any home in the right the only place for any Jew in any political movement was in the left he was unacceptable to the right they might have been Market oriented but they were also oriented toward particular religion they had the prejudices of that religion and he could hardly be at home there on the other hand the left was explicitly antic clerical and it offered the only place where a Jew could engage in political activity and a political movement without being uh out of plan now the great some I cite one example which may seem to be an exception but I think really illustrates the point I've made and that point is Israeli the English politician conservative politician of the 19th century he was Jewish not in religion however in origin either his I think his father already or certainly he had converted to Ang anglicanism he was himself a devout Anglican had no Jewish upbringing and he didn't conceal his jewishness on the contrary he used it as an effective way to make himself an attractive and mysterious and sort of esoteric figure as you know delli was a great novelist he was a great eccentric and he appealed to the British people as an eccentric uh and the jewishness added to his appeal but it wasn't a jewishness which was in any way inconsistent with his identifying himself with the Anglican church and being as high church as anybody you could find in Britain so I think that's a a very interesting Cas because it is an exception I think that proves the rule now the same principle now I think that con's explanation is extremely important for Europe and goes a long way to explain why in the European context the Jews almost always ended up in the left I should add in a fuller Exposition and discussion uh of the kind that you find for example in some of Han ER books you will find that there was also a socialist anti-Semitism that the anti-Semitism was by no means confined to the r there was a very strong element of it left but on the whole at the intellectual level the left being anyti clerical had home a home not for religious Jews never but for agnostic Jews for Jews who were not willing to accept another religion not to become Anglican like Israel but we're willing to become sort of enlightened uh citizens however that doctrine that explanation is very hard to apply in the United States that situation was not true here it was not true in the United States that anything you would call a party of the right was religious and a party of the leftand and it's very interesting to note that in the United States until the 1920s the Jews were not associated with the Le the great hero of the American Jews in the first several Cent Decades of this century was Theodore Rosevelt a republic and he was a great hero because he made public and open protest against the pums in Russia in the early 20th century he was very influential in keeping the doors open for Jewish immigration from Russia and Eastern Europe to the United States and the Jews who came over regarded Teddy Roosevelt as their great protector and so in fact until Al Smith Rose in New York the study suggest that the Jewish votee was Prim arily Republican so this explanation will not do for the United States it has an impact on the United States because after all the in the The intellectuals Who migrated to the United States carried with them their European ideas they were formed in Europe and they brought them over so the enlightenment effect carried over to the United States but I think for the United States that can provide at most a very partial explanation I think there's a second explanation and here I I this is my own I I can't attribute it to anybody else neither the credit nor the blame my own explanation is that anti-Semitism was based on or produced a stereotype of Jew it was based on the notion the Jews were money grubbing grasping selfish people now there's nothing wrong with paying money grabbing and stuff but popular opinion nobody it's very hard for anybody to immunize himself from the intellectual cultural valal in which he lived and the Jews accepted the values of the society in which they live and those values denigrated those characteristics and the Jews said to themselves if we were were like that the NS smites would be would be right and therefore we're going to demonstrate we're not like that we're going to demonstrate that we're not money grubbing that we're not selfish but on the contrary we were altruistic that we believe in in doing good through government and we believe in a very different philosophy I was first led to this hypothesis the first time I spent some time in Israel and I was enormously impressed by an observation I formed that and has been reinforced in subsequent trips to Israel and that observation was if you wanted to know what was true in Israel you asked yourself what was true of the Jews and the diaspora and reverses this applies over and over again in the diaspora the Jews were predominantly Urban in fact in most countries they were not permitted to own lands they could not be agricultural they were Urban Petty merchants or bouris or Petty manufacturers in Israel the greatest Kudos goes to the agriculturalist it's the kabut with the agricultural activity which is the preferred form of activity in the diaspora the Jews were non-m militaristic a very large fraction of Jews who came to this country from Russia came to avoid the draft to avoid getting into the army so in the D diaspora they were the military were formed from other classes in Israel there is enormous emphasis on the military it's a great and indeed the ablest people in the society go into the military now you can explain those two phenomena not by my interpretation but by saying that after all for a new nation to exist and to be able to develop it was necessary to develop agriculture threatened on all sides by enemies it was necessary to develop military that's true but so let me go on to some other characteristics the language of the Jews and the diaspora was yish the language of the Jews adopted in Israel explicitly rejected Y and accepted Hebrews going back 2,000 years developing and making into a language what had become essentially a dead language adopting Hebrew as the language of the people at the time we were first in in Israel Not only was Hebrew the main language but yish was looked down upon as a language it was sort of not der rigored to speak yish now as a result of a very popular uh politician Lev Esco who used many unish phrases the popularity of ysh apparently revised but even today it's sort of not a real language it's Hebrew that is a dominant language a rejection of the language of the diaspora the Jews in the diaspora were never very athletic if you think there's an overemphasis On Athletics in this country you should go to Israel there's an enormous emphasis on athletic activity and now to add the absolutely final Capstone to this demonstration the Jews in the diaspora were marvelous Cooks now this reversely Israel of all the characteristics of the Jews in the diaspora I think supports the view that I was ing that what you have is a reaction against the anti-semitic stereotype an attempt by the Jews subconsciously to demonstrate that they were not like the anti-semitic stud let me give you another kind of evidence 

the intern the universal Jewish encyclopedia in quoting SAR writ and I quote I mean in discussing somar the volume I talked about earlier right he accused the Jews of having created capitalism well now if I were writing that I would say he praised the Jews heed them with creating catholism why would I say he accused them only if I had this anti- capitalist mentality and only if I was trying to deny that Jews were like that stereotype which soar which which the antisemites had expressed consider how consider how differently an Adam Smith or a David Ricardo who believed in free enterprise and capitalism would have valued these traits would have considered such a statement as the Jews had a large role to play in capitalism or considered such traits as a good sense of business a willingness to trade cleverness in financial matters they would have regarded those as that would they would have regarded that as praise for the Jews not as blame not as accusation so I conclude that the chief explanation for the anti-semitic the anti- capitalist mentality of the Jews are on the one hand the special circumstances in 19th century Europe which linked promark parties with established religions and so drove Jews to the L and on the other hand the subconscious attempt by Jews to demonstrate to the world the fallacy of the anti-semitic ser now the interesting thing is that this ideology this anti capitalist ideology is strongly opposed to the self-interest of the Jews the it's it's opposition domestically is clear but let me site you one more strong and striking example let me ask you the following question what would be the state of Israel today if every country of the world were socialist where would Israel have got iial support where did Israel get some financial support throughout its life it got it from the capitalist country it got it from the United States it got it from South Africa it got it from Britain it didn't get it from the governments of Britain in the United States and South Africa it got it from the Jewish residents of Britain South Africa in the United States did Israel get any assistance from the Jews more numerous than in any of these countries of Russia were they able to send Capital to Israel to support it were they able to influence their government to send cap to Israel dis support is there any socialist country from which Israel has receive support not at all had every country in the world conformed to the dominant theme of Jewish intellectual ideology Israel would never have been able to exist not the slightest Chanel you now I may say let me go back to Israel because I think it's a fascinating case after the first visit I made to Israel I came away from Israel saying that Israel was a society in which there were two Traditions fighting with one another there was 150 year old tradition of democratic socialism soal which called for government planning in central control there was a 2,000 year old tradition of how you get around government regulations and I said fortunately for Israel the second tradition was much stronger than the first so even internally in isra it was a remnant of the pro capitalist mentality and traditions that have enabled Israel to survive economically internally it is the existence of capitalist countries outside the world that has enabled Israel to survive as a result of external support well now when there is such a strong now of course in the United States the contrast between the ideology and the self has been less blatant and indeed in some respects there has been a coincidence who are the people if you look at it the other way who benefit most from an extension of government interven of government control well you ought to know from the building we're in it's the lawyer it's the social worker it's the economist economists have a schizophrenic position from this point of view their intellectual discipline leads them to be in favor of the market because they understand the workings of the market they recognize its virtue their private self-interest leads them to be in favor of government intervention there's nothing that creates jobs fre Economist more readily and more rapidly than an extension of government intervention economists reconcile this schizophrenia in very many cases by being in favor of the market in general and opposed to it in [Music] particular they are very clever at dreaming up all sorts of external effects and distortions and vages of the market to operate which justify special interventions that will create jobs for us the only people who are better at that are the lawyers now it does so happen that these are activities in which Jews have have played a considerable role a large fraction of Jews are employed in these areas and in this respect they're self-interested to some extent coincides with the expansion of the government SP but on this broader level I think it is is worth emphasizing I think it is clear that the self interest of the Jewish community at large is opposed to government intervention but in the main up to now in the United States internally that had not been too serious a matter because most government intervention was in areas where Jews didn't play a large role it was possible for a long time for Jews to have their cake needed too they could be in favor of moving towards socialism in the field of the public utilities and the Telegraph and the railroads and the banks where they don't play a role well at the same time they could prosper in the competitive market of retail trade of the movies of the amusement industry of various aspects of education and the life but increasingly as Government expands its cope that's becoming more and more difficult and the conflict between the self-interest of the Jews in the market and their the effect of government expansion is becoming clearer whether that conflict will in the course of time cause a change in these attitudes I do not know but I think it is helping and will help to undermine those activities in any event I think it would be highly desirable for the Jewish intellectuals to become far more self-conscious and far more critical of these attitudes who say have developed and to understand to a fuller extent the way in which the market is a system and the only system which will permit diverse groups to cooperate with one another which will permit each person to go his own way while every other person also goes his own way thank you accordance with Jewish tradition we should have some questions he didn't say anything about an and I will be glad to entertain any questions who would like to raise a question yes back here yes that the world be improved not there's a world you die you improve the world you can improve but that Messianic is consistent with BL and capitalism in the free market is the most effective way to improve it you let me take you on this issue let me go back for you on this issue because I think yeah go ahead what you go back you said say the world evil andal but why does capitalism epitomize the world why doesn't the government intervention epitomize the world you're begging the question by say you say look at the Messianic tradition because there is certainly a Messianic tradition and now look at at for a moment not at the in but at the charitable activities of the Jews they have been carried on through free enterprise they've been strictly voluntary there are few groups in the world that have done as effective a job in charitable activities and providing institutions of all kinds for going back in the United States to the great inflow flux of refugees or immigrants from Europe in the end of the 19th century there was an establishment on voluntary Arrangements of of of associations to Aid the immigrants you have had the voluntary Jewish hospitals the voluntary Jewish schools and Charities you know the fact is that the free market is a far better and more effective way to do good than government control I give you not only the Jews in this respect but I give you the whole history of the United States what is the period during which you have had the greatest explosion of elimary charitable activities in both the United States and the United Kingdom Britain it's the 19th century when you had the closest approach to free ENC that was a period which saw the development and the expansion of elimary of the nonprofit hospital it saw the University of Chicago was founded in 1890 how by private activity not by governmental activity the middle west and the whole country are peppered with schools and colleges that were founded in the same way the association for the prevention of cruelity to animals the Red Cross the foreign Mission all take back to the 19th century one striking statistic which I has impressed me is that under British socialized medicine 2third of the beds in hospitals are in hospitals that were built before 1900 by the charitable activity of the 19th century so that after all the Messianic tradition is perfectly compatible with the belief in voluntary activity you must interpret the market broadly the market means voluntary cooperation it means voluntary cooperation in economic activities but it also means voluntary cooperation and non-economic activi and the market is a far more effective way to get people to cooperate for for charitable activities and is governmental Arrangement this period of the 19th century when Grace not charitable organization started but weren they started in essence to cope with whether not whether right or wrong with perceptions of the the evil of capitalism no they were because they were established to cope with evils but not evils of tling of course but poverty my God are you going to tell me that poverty has some kind of close relationship to [Music] capitalism where do you have the greatest poverty in the least capitalist Nation the only countries in the world that have come close to eliminating what most people around the world would regard as poverty is the United are the capitalist countries like the United States Sweden Western Europe the the level of income that in the United States the level of income that in the United States by official standard is called the poverty level is high is higher than the average income of all the people in the Soviet Union you must for you know your percent there is no there's been no machine ever developed for eliminating poverty has effective as capitalism look you and I are evidence of this many of the people in this room like myself have parents or grandparents who came to this country in the 19th century with empty hands we are able to have a relatively affluent life because the free enterprise system of the United States in the 19th century provided them with an opportunity of making a new life in this country which was far ior to the one from which they came you know people vote with their feet in a very much more impressive manner than they vote at The Ballot Box and the millions and millions of people who scamed to the shores of this country weren't screaming to become poor who would like to alleviate economic problems like a doctor goes to cure disease which is your excuse for advising the [Music] children better talk better talk we believe in free speech well I wasn't around at that time and I didn't move to strengthen the Y in Chile in the first place I have not advised the Y in Chile I have advise the people of Chile I was in Chile for six days a year and a half ago you know as I say over and over again I don't know whether to be more amused or more flattered by the influence which I am attributed over Chile I was in Chile for six days a year and a half ago I had not never been in Chile before I have not been in Chile S I had not talked before that to any Chilean government official I have had no conversation with any Chile and government official F but I'm running chill but in any event I went to Chile under private offices I gave lectures in Chile in which I the public lectures in which I stated what I believe I went there to advise the people of Chile and also the Government of Chile if they wanted to listen to me I'm as I told this lady before but of course her memory is short as I told her before I have also gone to Yugoslavia and given speeches in Yugoslavia does that mean I'm running the communist state of Yugoslavia or that I'm a communist I have also been in the Soviet Union I'm not a communist either I've been an Indian I assure you I'm not responsible for ende G destruction of fom in India so in any event I think enough said about Chile let that cool down terrible that's right sure I think Sweden is an interesting case the really interesting case is the comparison between Sweden and Great Britain now I should say in the first place that I do not know a great deal about Sweden I I I think I'm going to have an expense pay trip there in s and I will try to extend it for a couple of days precisely to see if I can get some more information to answer your question more fully I think your question is a very real here we have in which government spending at all levels has reached 60% of the national income here we have swed in which government spending at all levels has reached roughly the same proportion Britain is in a state of imminent collapse it has experienced very rapid inflation its standard of living has been going down you have the incredible phenomenon that whereas before World War II the standard of life of the average resident of Great Britain was twice the standard of life of the average German or Frenchman after today it's precisely the other way around the average standard of life of the German or the Frenchman is twice that of the English so you obviously have a tremendous failure in the economic area in addition to which I think Britain is in a very delicate state with respect to the maintenance of his political Liberty I think it will be a miracle if a really truly free Democratic Britain survives the next five years on the other hand in Sweden where supposedly the percentage of government income is the same you do not seem to have those phenomena at all Sweden has had a very high standard of life it's production has been going up until very recent years and uh there does not seem to be any major threat to the political system in swed and the question is what now there are as I say I'm not entirely confident in my answer and what I'm going to give you are my tenative explanations in the first place I believe that the swedes have confined their governmental activities to redistributive measures to a far greater extent than have the British that the British have gone much farther in the direction of nationalization of Enterprises of interfering in the control of the industrial system and this has part ly reflected the fact that the British have much greater barriers to Imports in subsidies to exports than have the swedes the swedes have maintained an essentially free trade society and free trade international free trade is an enormously effective way of introducing competition within a country I often ask people in the United States they I have a kind of a game in which I say people tell me the one law that you pass if you could pass that law and your only objective were to promote competition now most people will talk about strengthening the anti trust law or something like that but the right answer without question is to eliminate tariffs and have free trade that would do more to promote competition in this country than anything else well in Sweden you have had in the second place equally important I think it's a social F I think the extent to which you can carry government control and government intervention depends very critically on the homogeneity of the population the essence of a market system is that it is consistent with diversity it permits people who differ in many dimensions to cooperate with one another on the particular economic Dimension you don't have to agree with the fell you're buying and selling something from all you have to do is to have it mutually attractive for you to buy and sell on the other hand political Arrangements tend to promote home tend to prevent divers they tend to move toward uniformity you have to have bureaucratic rules and bureaucratic arrangements to to treat people on an administrative basis well now the Swedish it's an interesting thing the problems of Britain were very much less before World War II than they have become since World War II and I think a major reason for that change in Brit and this is I'm now analyzing it I'm not saying whether this was good or bad but the major reason for that change is that the British had a very large immigration from the Commonwealth after the war and they are now a much more heterogeneous people than they were before whereas the swedes are an extremely homogeneous people now there may be still other explanations and it may be that the Swedish situation is temporary the fact that the public at large has voted out the social democratic government and put in a coalition of other Pary suggests that it isn't the paradise that we have been led to believe with respect to personal freedom the experiences of bgment and of other people suggest the same but nonetheless so far as I can go I would say those are the reasons now let me emphasize we're not talking about pure cases there is no purely capitalist free market system in the world Hong Kong comes pretty close but it isn't really all the way the United States the 19th century came very close but it wasn't all the way there is no purely collectivist system private Enterprise and the free market are a major factor in Soviet Union the 3% of the land area that is permitted to be used as private plants produces 33% of the food of the Soviet Union you have a recent book which I recommend to all of you by HCK Smith on the Russian which is a fascinating book is sp of stories about the gray Market which exists in Russia if you want if you have trouble with your electric appliances you don't call the state firm you'll be six months before they get there you have somebody on the private come in at night and repair it for you you pay and so there is a very extensive and flourishing free market in the Soviet Union so you don't have cases that are extreme po cases and remains true that in swed it is predominantly Capital so far as the organization of production is concerned not so far as the distribution of income ised merchs inket of D EXP you think the public is generally aware that the Nobel prizes are tical Awards well I am not going to defend the Nobel Prize I'm perfectly willing to accept him but not to defend yes who want to raise a different yeah yeah you back that's right the first grow was a no not you I was he's fashional I don't understand that fashional you know in a free market you take your opportunities as they come well I do not believe that you can distinguish the Quest for economic freedom from the Quest for political freedom in fact it's not entirely clear to me how I make that distinction at all let me ask you a question how many how many professors of medicine at major medical schools in the United States would stand up and talk against socialized medicine at the drop of a hat when most of their research is being financed by the National Institute of Health is that a violation of their political Freedom or their economic freedom how much criticism of governmental activities do you hear from the big businessmen very little big businessmen are very reluctant to speak freely because they are a little worried that if they do the internal revenue will be down examining their books the next day and the antitrust division the day after that how many students St thinking of their future careers as governmental civil servants and bureaucrats even students who are the most independent of all really feel completely free to express themselves politically in every single way is it in in in in countries which have had for example exchange control when Great Britain had exchange control and it's now reimposing it and other countries have Israel has had to change control if you want to buy books that are published abroad you have to get the permission of a governmental office is that a restriction on economic freedom or a restriction on political Freedom now I think the the fact is that it's extremely difficult to make that distinction what you have in mind are the maintenance of the political institutions of the bot now the fact is is that no country of the world has been able to maintain even those institutions those political institutions unless they have had a predominantly free economy I do not know any exception to that rule and I wonder whether you can tell me any and consequently I think that there is not it is not right to distinguish between the search for economic freedom and the search for political freedom I think they are part and partial of the same thing you want is no no come back a lot of people well let me uh let me see if we can examine that in the first place I I deny I think the proposition is almost the rers of capitalism promotes internationalism not National free market capitalism is a system of free trade free international trade the 19th century period of capitalism of the high TI of capitalism saw the greatest extent of internationalism and lack of you know before World War I you didn't need to carry a passport to travel anywhere throughout the European the Western World the United States Britain Europe before 1914 people could come to the United States without having a passport without having to have a Visa without having to be approved by immigration Authority anything like that they just came it was free movement and the same thing was true throughout the continent of Europe free trade there is nothing that is so effective in resolving the barriers of nationalism as free trade and and it's really precisely the opposite nationalism was on the decline during the high tide of capitalism when did nationalism reemerge when the state started to occupy to take it larger allerg Ro what's the point of being nationalistic if you don't have a government that can do something there's no point of being strongly St let's go out of the ordinary ones look at what's happening in Britain as you become more and more socialist you have the development of the Scots and the wealth why because now there are goodies to be divided on and you better get in control of those goodies take a simple example here is the North Sea oil in the capitalist world the government wouldn't be having anything to do with it that would be a private Enterprise activity it might be individual Scotchman who would only the ow it might be Englishman it might be Frenchman it might be Germans it might be us but today everybody knows that that North Sea o is going to be controlled by a governmental and if you're a Scotsman you can therefore see that there is great benefit in having a separate Scotch government which can control that nor in the same way in the Arab countries as long as it's individuals are tra which is the essence of the C Society you don't have any development you don't have any opportunity to exercise nationalism the time you're describing why do you have nationalism in those countries because in every one of them you have it controlled by an oligarchy which has the control over the society you take the case of German and a in the first place the depression of which Germany there's no doubt that the depression in Germany stimulated him but that Depression was a result of a failure of government not capitalist system it was the United States Federal Reserve System that produced that depression which spread to Germany it wasn't any failure of the business enterprise system I know I can't persuade you of that right now but I will recommend to you a very good book so I think if you really look at the evue you will find that it really runs in the opposite direction that the whole thrust of free market capitalism and Enterprise is to emphasize the individual now don't misunderstand me when I say the individual I don't mean the isolated naked individual separate from all this stuff it emphasizes voluntary associations of individual those voluntary associ may be churches there may be charitable groups to get on hpit but the one thing it doesn't impr are fix permanent boundaries corresponding to nation states and the rise of the great nation states the rise of Nationals has been a phenomenon of a growth of government bureaucracy and control and not the opposite I think we have time for one more question and I will itad anybody back there who was go ahead my finger is not very directive I mean the young lady who is no it isn't there is no doubt that every that you always have Tendencies toward everybody will attempt to form a man of course we all want to improve our lot and we'll all try to form them man now the question you're raising is the question is whether there is something inherent in C so that it tends to promote the growth of monopo that's an arguable position in the sense that it could be some but it's also a position which has been extensively investigated and stud and the answer is that unless you get the government in on the side the Monopoly and the Monopoly will try to get the government in don't misunderstand me I'm not saying that the Monopoly will not try to do so unless you get the government in the monopolies will not be promoted but on the contrary will break down almost without exception International cartels to take a particular case which have not been able to get the government on their side have broken down because of competition from outside the only exception of any importance I know of is the De Beers diamond within the United States there have been a number of studies most of them done at this University by George Stigler by Warren Nutters and others which have shown that if you exclude the government dominated Industries or the industries where the government more or less monopolizes the industry there has been no secular tendency for monopolies to increase in importance what happened is that as the economy has gotten larger the firms have gotten larger but that doesn't mean you've had more Monopoly because in a bigger economy a bigger firm you can have more firms of a large size and in a smaller economy you can to have small firms the developments in communication and transportation which capitalism itself has sprad widens the area of the market in a 19th century Society with difficult transportation and communication you could have a great deal of local minority that largely disappears when you widen the market if you could eliminate where and when you can eliminate tariffs and have foreign trade you have the world as competition so I do not believe there is any inhering tendency in a capitalist assern to move toward monop you certainly have people trying to achieve it but you know the bigger they are the harder they fall and when you get a monopoly that tentatively a success that opens an opportunity for other people to undermine of an and there is a tendon there is a force in the other direction you see there are two forces at work one the coalescing force and one the disperson and there is no evidence whatsoever in the to the best of my knowledge empirically in the United States or in other countries that the coalescent force has some kind of innate power provided and that's an important provisor you can keep the government out if you get the government in there's no doubt if you ask where do you have Monopoly in the United States you have it only where you have the government stepping in why is the AMA monopol because you have the government license sh of medicine the uh why are the uh Banks monopolised because you need a government franchise to operate a bank and you're subject to government control how can the uh construction trade unions maintain their Monopoly power because of Davis bake and Walsh healing and so on Down the Line almost everywhere you find a monopolis to government you find government assistance now so your argument you have to make your argument if you will a little bit more sophisticated and there it's a much more difficult argument to handle the argument that you can make is that firms and seeking to become a Noni will seek to expand the role of government by getting political power to come in on their side and therefore via that movement you get into to a problem of government control I have often said that the two greatest enemies of free enterprise are on the one hand the businessmen and on the other hand the intellectuals for opposite reasons every intellectual is in favor of freedom for himself he wants free speech he wants freedom to choose his own research topics if I say to him are you silly felon look at all that waste and research you got 10 people studying the relation between money and income ought we to have a single planning board that will allocate research topics to people to make sure you don't have wasteful duplication and competitive uh way oh no that would be terrible you have to have freedom but when it comes to the businessman the intellectual doesn't want any freedom for him he wants him to be subject to a planning board so you'll have the intellectual wants freedom for himself but for nobody else now the businessman is very different he's all in favor of freedom for everybody else but when it comes to himself H that's a different thing he wants a tariff he wants government to keep out his competitors he wants government to provide him with a guaranteed market and he's a good promoter of expansions of government so that along those lines I really believe there is a very serious problem of maintaining a free society and that one of the forces working to expand government are the pressure from private business in but there's no you if you can keep the government out there is know in here in Tennessee along your line I'm afraid we've overstated our time I appreciate your attention thank you this audio file is a production of the University of Chicago Law School visit us on the web at www. law. chicago.edu [Music]

 ミルトン・フリードマンによる論文「資本主義とユダヤ人」の解説 - YouTube


安息日、シャバット・シャローム。ここはHが講演を行うには珍しい場所です。金曜日の夜のプログラムは講演です。私の名前はダニエル・イーアで、H財団のラビです。私のことを知らない方のために説明しますと、このプログラムは意外にもキャンパス内のPH財団が後援しています。今週、フリーダン教授がノーベル経済学賞を受賞したという発表があり、私たちは驚き、とても喜んでいます。フリーダン氏はシカゴ大学の学生や地域の人々にあまり紹介する必要はないと思います。彼は1946年から経済学部でここで教鞭を執り、シカゴ学派を創設し、教師や学生の世代を育ててきました。フリードマン氏は、皆さんもご存知のとおりブルックリンで生まれ、ニュージャージーで育ちました。私もその通りだと思います。私はニュージャージーで育ち、シカゴ大学とコロンビア大学のルーガースに通った後、この大学で教え始めました。彼はこの国で世界中の多くの場所で教鞭を執ってきました。世界中で名誉学位を授与された彼は、経済理論と実践への貢献で、おそらく新聞で読んだことがあると思いますが、ユダヤ人の比喩を使うのが好きなのかもしれません。彼は教師や学者、賢者に求められることを成し遂げました。知恵と学問の分野を広げただけでなく、行動のルーツも持っていました。学者としての生活と、我が国と世界の社会と政治に関与するという人生の光を組み合わせることができ、真の教師として、後を継ぐ一世代の学生を育てました。ノーベル委員会での議論がフリードマン氏に賞を与えるかどうかで白熱したことは誰もが知っています。もちろん、議論は秘密で密室で行われたため、何が起こったのかは誰も知りません。しかし、フリードマン氏に賞が授与される決定的な要因となったのは、彼が1963年のLKAシンポジウムで発表した研究だったと私はあえて言いたいです。急いでアーカイブに行き、急いで今、私の目の前にある論文を撤回します。彼は、LKAとHUMAの関係を数学的に表現しました。その論文の結論で述べたように、彼の研究の結果は、今では有名なアインシュタインの方程式E mc²に匹敵する式でした。その論文の最後の行を読み上げます。その研究の結果は、L = qh 2 over3です。ここで、Qは、今後はフリードマニアンコンテキストとして知られるようになります。資本主義とJWMというテーマで、その伝統を継続できることを大変嬉しく思います。[拍手]

ありがとうございます。恥ずかしい思いをさせてしまいましたが、歓迎していただきありがとうございます。ヒル協会のヒル関数が、このようなものを添付し、このようなものを引き付けるとは驚きです。群衆、もしこの賞がイスラエルから授与されたのなら、理解できたでしょうが、あのスウィーツがシカゴでこれほど影響力があるとは知りませんでした。とにかく、とても感謝しています。私はシカゴ大学の出身です。シカゴ大学は素晴らしい機関です。特に、そのメンバーに対する寛容さ、異端者を教員や教師として受け入れる姿勢、そして私たちもそうでした。シカゴ大学は私たちの栄光の 1 つだと言えることを嬉しく思います。シカゴ大学は、単一の考え方、単一の価値観、単一の教義を持つ機関です。シカゴの学校が意味するものは、多様性と独立性を認めることです。さて、私が今夜資本主義について述べる意見は、その伝統に沿ったものになると思います。ヒルが私に発言を依頼したことに完全に満足するかどうかはわかりませんが、結局のところ、ユダヤ人にも寛容と多様性の伝統があります。ご存知のように、ユダヤ人の古い格言に「どのコミュニティにもユダヤ人が 2 人いれば、必ずシナゴーグが 3 つある」というものがあります。今夜の私の講演は、2 つのことについての議論です。私が提案しようとしている命題はそれぞれ証拠によって裏付けられており、2つを合わせると互いに矛盾します。最初の命題は、ユダヤ人ほど自由企業と競争的資本主義に多大な恩恵を受けている民族は世界にほとんどいないということです。2番目の命題は、ユダヤ人として資本主義の知的基盤をこれほどまでに弱体化させてきた人々は世界にほとんどいないということです。私の講演のテーマは、この一見矛盾する命題をどう調和させるかということですが、まずはそれぞれの命題を文書化することから始めましょう。最初の命題を考えてみましょう。ユダヤ人が競争的資本主義から得てきた利益。競争的資本主義の本質は、市場に依存していることであり、市場は色盲、宗教盲です。グレースBRパンを買いに店に行くとき、そのパンを焼く小麦が白人の農場で栽培されたのか、黒人の農場で栽培されたのか、日本人なのか、ユダヤ人なのかバプテストなのか、生まれ変わったかどうかはわかりません。市場は色盲の独占です。民間の独占であれ、政府の独占であれ、独占は色盲ではありません。独占者は誰に売るか、誰から買うかを決める立場にあり、市場のパフォーマンス以外の基準でコントロールを行使できるためです。市場の競争的な性格と独占の差別への影響のこの対比に私は非常に感銘を受けました。約5年前、カナダのモントリオールで国際通貨会議に出席したのですが、これは年に1回開催される会議で、国際銀行協会が主催しています。アメリカ銀行協会が主催していると思いますが、メンバーとして出席しているのは、世界の主要銀行の2人の最高責任者です。アメリカだけでなく世界中に、私と同じ名前の銀行家がいて、B の反ユダヤ主義の問題について話をするために私に連絡してきました。その銀行家に、その国の会員の非公式な国勢調査をしてもらいました。すると、出席していた世界中の主要な銀行家のうち、約 1% がユダヤ人であることがわかりました。これは、どの国でも独占の影響です。銀行業は独占です。一方で、銀行協会は講演者に講演を依頼し、専門家のパネルに、自転車コミュニティで関心のあるさまざまなトピックに関する論文やディスカッションを発表してもらいます。そこでは、彼らが最も優れていると考えるものを選んでいたので、競争がありました。その論文を発表するよう人々に依頼しました。プログラムに参加していた人々の国勢調査をしたところ、なんと 25% がユダヤ人でした。この対比は非常に印象的で、パフォーマンスや生産された製品によって選択が左右される競争と、基準を設定できる独占との違いを非常に鮮明かつ明確に示していると思います。誰を選ぶかを決めるというパフォーマンス以外に、皆さんもご存知のとおり、ユダヤ人は数世紀にわたって亡命生活を送っていました。1000年以上続いた大離散の時代、ユダヤ人が生き延びることができたのは、主に、存続していた市場要素の小さな領域のおかげでした。その期間、ユダヤ人が国際貿易と金融の分野で特に成功できたのは偶然ではありません。なぜなら、その領域では、政府、地方政府、専制政府が国家間の取引を管理するのが最も困難だったからです。競争市場の要素がなければなりません。そして、競争市場の要素の中で、ユダヤ人はあちこちで小さな隙間を見つけ、生き延びることを可能にする貴重な経済的、社会的機能を果たすことができました。近代において、ナチスドイツとソ連という、私たちが経験した最も全体主義的な2つの国が、すべての国の中で最も反ユダヤ主義的であったのも偶然ではありません。これは、彼らが専制国家であり、効果的な自由市場がなく、競争がないという事実から予想される結果です。もちろん、彼らがそうであるのは必然ではありません。反ユダヤ主義者は他の小さなグループに反対しているかもしれない。全体主義社会では独裁社会にはスケープゴートが必要だ。自分たちの間違いや過ちの責任を負わせられる小さなグループが必要だ。ユダヤ人がそのスケープゴートになるのは驚くことではない。なぜなら彼らは歴史を通じて、特別な習慣や態度を持つ目に見える少数派として、そういうスケープゴートにされてきたからだ。だから私はすべての独裁国家でユダヤ人がスケープゴートになると主張するつもりはない。中国のスケープゴートグループが誰なのかはわからない。おそらくそれは資本主義の回転子、ユダヤ人ではなく、ユダヤ人がいたからだと思いますが、それはユダヤ人がそこにいないからだと思います。しかし、私が言うように、ソ連ではなくドイツでは、ユダヤ人がいました。反対に、ユダヤ人が比較的繁栄できた地域はどこでしょうか。16世紀と17世紀に最も競争力のある資本主義を持っていた国々です。ユダヤ人の避難所だったのはオランダでした。なぜなら、当時オランダは世界有数の起業家国家であり、世界有数の貿易国だったからです。オランダは世界市場で貿易を行っていました。18世紀、19世紀、20世紀初頭には比較的自由な経済がありました。ユダヤ人が最大限の寛容さ、生活を向上させる最大の機会、迫害や偏見のない生活を実現できたのはイギリスとアメリカでした。私の意見では、特に啓発的な例は、19世紀と20世紀初頭のドイツです。ドイツは基本的に自由市場経済であり、ユダヤ人はそこで非常に広く受け入れられていました。 1934年以降、ドイツは全体主義的独占社会に変貌し、多大な同化が行われました。ユダヤ人に何が起こったかは皆さんご存じでしょう。ユダヤ人が最も繁栄したのは、自由市場活動と競争的資本主義が最も進んだ社会であるだけでなく、個々の社会の中でも、ユダヤ人はそれらの社会の最も競争の激しい分野で最も成功してきました。私がすでに言及した銀行業界の状況を、小売業の現状と比較することをお勧めします。銀行業界は反ユダヤ主義の領域です。ご存知のように、ユダヤ人が何らかの形で銀行と金融を支配しているという一般的な作り話にもかかわらず、ブラウン将軍は数年前、不幸な無知を表明し続けました。その信念にもかかわらず、明白な事実は、銀行業界ほどトップレベルでユダヤ人に対する差別がある業界は、この国にはないということです。なぜなら、銀行業界は独占だからです。銀行を持つためには、フランチャイズを持たなければなりません。仲間の銀行家があなたに保証しなければなりません。銀行業は、銀行が必要だということです。アンナ・シュワルツと私がアメリカの通貨史を執筆していたときに出会ったエピソードの1つは、アメリカ合衆国銀行のエピソードでした。1930年12月11日に破綻した銀行で、その日までに破綻した銀行の中では最大のものでした。その破綻が世界恐慌を引き起こす大きな引き金となりました。世界恐慌がいずれにせよ起こらなかったかもしれないと言っているわけではありませんが、アメリカ銀行の破綻が一連の銀行取り付け騒ぎを引き起こし、その一連の銀行取り付け騒ぎが世界恐慌を促進する要因となったことは間違いありません。なぜアメリカ合衆国銀行が破綻したのか、記録は完全に明らかです。ジョン・キロン・モルは反ユダヤ主義者だったため、合衆国銀行はたまたまユダヤ人が支配するニューヨークの2大銀行のうちの1つだった。また、ニューヨークの多くのユダヤ人の小規模商人や貿易業者、そして多くの移民を顧客に持つ銀行でもあった。合衆国銀行という名前が正式な銀行を意味すると誤解していたためだが、そうではなく、それは裕福な銀行だった。なぜジョン・ピア・ポンド・モルガンが制吐剤だったのかというと、1907年か8年か9年か、何年だったか忘れたが、彼は議会の委員会による調査の対象となり、彼が関わっていたさまざまなグループの独占行為について長時間尋問された。彼を尋問した主導者は有名なユダヤ人の法律家だった。さらに、後に最高裁判事が数冊の本を書いた。正しいかどうかはわからないが、モルガンの利益を柱に据えることは悪徳な独占、どうして私たちが知っているのか、どうして私がこれらすべての詳細を知っているのか、というのは、幸運にも連邦準備制度理事会のメンバーで、とても噂好きで、H に電話をしていたからです。連邦準備制度理事会の初期のメンバーの 1 人であるハムリン氏は、理事会の初代議長でした。実際のところ、当時は議長ではなく総裁と呼ばれていました。彼は生涯日記をつけており、幸いなことにその日記は議会図書館に保存されています。そこには、1917 年か 18 年に、あるユダヤ人銀行家を理事会のメンバーに任命するかどうかで大きな争いがあったことが記録されています。その大きな争いは、その銀行家がドイツ系であるという理由で起こったとされていますが、実際には彼がユダヤ人であるという理由で起こったのです。ハムリンは、モーガン シニアの息子である J ポン モーガン ジュニアと昼食をとりました。昼食の最中に、モーガンはハムに、ユダヤ人を彼らの行いの責任を問うつもりだと言いました。父に、私たちはこれに関する文書証拠を持っていることを知っています。1931 年にそれがどのように当てはまったか、標準的な B が起こったのは、米国の銀行が非常に良い銀行であり、完全に健全な B であり、恐慌の最悪の時期に清算され、92.5% の 92 パーセントを返済したためです。30年から33年にかけて清算されたにもかかわらず、負債1ドルにつき0.5セントしか支払われなかったが、当時の標準的な慣行では、数週間前にいくつかの銀行が経験したように、銀行が困難に陥った場合、JPポンドモルガンとニューヨーク手形交換所協会が救済基金を結成し、困難を乗り切り、一時的な取り付け騒ぎを乗り切ることになっていたが、ニューヨーク連邦準備銀行は米国銀行に対して同様の提案を行った。JPポンドモルガンがそれに応じなかったまでは、それはほぼ素晴らしいことだった。彼らの提案が、米国銀行を、ニューヨークでユダヤ人が支配する唯一の他の銀行と合併することを含んでいたことは偶然ではないと言える。いずれにせよ、それが破綻の原因であることは間違いない。私はこれを、銀行における独占の影響の小さな例として挙げているだけだ。これを小売業の状況と比較すると、フランチャイズは必要なく、ユダヤ人が背中に荷物を背負ってやって来て、あちこちを歩き回ることができた店で何でもできる。徐々に働き、発展し、店舗を開設する、というケース、あるいは非常に異なるケースを取り上げます。映画と重工業の対比を考えてみましょう。重工業の鉄鋼自動車は、比較的少数のユダヤ人がいる別のケースです。なぜなら、これらは体制によって管理されている古い産業だからです。銀行業界ほど独占的ではありませんが、ある程度の独占力があります。一方、映画が最初に開発されたときのような新しい産業は、広く開かれているため、競争が激しくなります。映画で成功したユダヤ人は非常に多く、製造業で成功したユダヤ人の割合は非常に少ないです。別のケースとして、職業を考えてみましょう。職業におけるユダヤ人の制限の問題がありましたか。私はユダヤ人について話していますが、私が言っていることはすべて、他の人気のない少数派にも当てはまることを皆さんはご存知でしょう。それはユダヤ人だけでなく、黒人にも当てはまります。私の特定の主題はたまたまユダヤ人であり、ユダヤ人が競争的な自由企業社会から最も利益を得るのと同じように、黒人は競争的な自由企業社会から最も利益を得ます。どの少数派も同じ立場にあります。では、職業を考えてみましょう。最も大きなユダヤ人がいた場所はどこですか。医療界における反ユダヤ的差別は疑いようがありません。なぜなら、医療界にはアメリカ医師会があり、医療界に対して独占的な権力を握っているからです。アメリカ医師会は、アメリカで最も強い労働組合の1つであり、長年にわたり、医師の収入を維持するために医学部の入学者数を制限することができました。医学部への入学を制限する場合、入学を制限するとしたら、どのように行うのでしょうか。100 の枠を欲しがる人が 500 人いるとしたら、方法は 2 つしかありません。1 つは、枠を競売にかけることです。これは自由市場の方法であり、差別しません。お金を払う人は誰でも入れます。最も多く払う人が入れます。または、医学部の枠を割り当てるときに、オークションが不正でない限り、あまり礼儀正しい体制のやり方ではないので、オークションが不正でない限り、適切なやり方ではないので、無関係な基準を使用する必要があります。能力で決めると言うかもしれませんが、テストできるように作られたこれらの試験やテストにはある程度の妥当性がありますが、完璧からは程遠く、かなりの余地があることはあなたも私も知っています。それでも、100 の枠に 500 人の人がいて、それぞれが最低限の能力基準を満たしている可能性があります。それなら、偏見は何でも使うのがごく自然なことです。黒人に対して偏見があれば、黒人を締め出すでしょう。ユダヤ人に対して偏見があれば、ユダヤ人を締め出すでしょう。セブンスデー・アドベンチストに対して偏見を持っているなら、セブンスデー・アドベンチストを排除するでしょう。例えば、最近まで入国制限がずっと少なかった法律の世界で何が起こったかと、医療の世界で何が起こったかを比較すると、状況は非常に明確です。要約すると、ユダヤ人が政府の介入から利益を得ることはめったにありません。187年から16世紀まで遡ると、いわゆる宮廷ユダヤ人のグループがいて、特定の王や王子によって保護されていました。彼らは財政管理や融資の手配などで役立つ役割を果たしたからです。そのようなケースがいくつかありましたが、非常に例外的です。ユダヤ人は基本的に政府の介入から利益を得たことはありません。彼らは繁栄しました。彼らはある程度の自由と偏見からの自由を持っていました。ただし、自由貿易と資本主義に多大な負債を負っているという最初の命題から、2番目の命題に移ります。ユダヤ人は一貫して資本主義に反対しており、カール・マーズからローマのユダヤ人へのイデオロギー的影響を弱めるために多くのことをしてきました。レオン・トロンスキー氏から現代版のマル氏へ、反資本主義文学の大部分はユダヤ人によって執筆されています。それは資本主義的であるだけでなく、反ユダヤ主義的なものもあり、もちろんKLマルクス自身の著作も含まれており、反ユダヤ主義の傾向が非常に強いのですが、それは別の問題です。反資本主義文学の社会主義共産主義の図書館を調べれば、その非常に大きな部分、不釣り合いなほど多くの部分がユダヤ人によって執筆されていることがわかります。近年行われた投票記録のさまざまな研究を見ると、全体として米国には、一貫して政治的スペクトルの左側と見なされるものに投票する民族グループはほとんどないことがわかります。ユダヤ人として、アメリカの共産主義について書かれた様々な本、共産党員について書かれた本には、なぜか重要なグループが2つありましたが、その理由はよくわかりません。1つはヒレです。おそらく、彼らの気候のせいで、何でもホットにできたのでしょう。[音楽] TR でも、本当にわかりません。説明があったに違いありません。私は調べたことはありませんが、1つでした。アメリカ共産党の初期の歴史では、ユダヤ人が主要な要素でしたが、ユダヤ人はもう1つの主要な要素でした。そして、いわゆるリベラルだが実際には非リベラルな運動を見れば、いわゆるリベラリズムは単に他人のお金を使ったリベラリズムを意味していました。そのような運動を見れば、ユダヤ人が不釣り合いな役割を果たしてきたことが再びわかります。これを強調する必要はないと思います。なぜなら、皆さんはこれが事実であることを知っていると思いますし、文献を調べれば同じ結論に達すると思います。私は本当に最も興味深い質問に進みたいと思います。なぜ今、この反資本主義的な考え方が生まれたのかこのおかしな資本主義的メンタリティに衝撃を受けたのは私が初めてではありません。この主題については数多くの本や研究が書かれています。その中の 1 冊は、ローエンス CES という人物によるものです。本のタイトルは忘れてしまいましたが、根本的にはユダヤ人の政治的価値観に関する彼の疑問に関係しており、彼の説明は非常に単純です。ユダヤ人の反資本主義的メンタリティは、ユダヤ教とユダヤ文化に由来する価値観を反映しているというものです。ユダヤ教とユダヤ文化は慈善、つまり利己主義を強調しており、したがってユダヤ人の反資本主義的価値観はそこから派生しています。もちろん、この特定の説明は、反資本主義的メンタリティを共有し、魅力的な説明を探すように駆り立てられている人物から来ています。この説明は非常に単純な理由ですぐに却下できます。ユダヤ人の反カトリック的メンタリティは、18 世紀の啓蒙主義にまで遡る、わずか 2 世紀の歴史しかありません。しかし、ユダヤ教と宗教と文化は 2,1000年も前の話なのに、なぜ18800年もの間、その文化と価値観が反資本主義的精神を生み出さなかったのでしょうか。過去200年間は反資本主義的精神を生み出しました。それは、あなたが最初に考えたのと同じくらい大きな謎を残すでしょう。さらに、当時のユダヤ人の態度を見れば、彼らは自由企業を支持し、反自由企業ではなかったことがわかります。1911年にドイツの作家ヴェレル・ソンバールはユダヤ人の資本主義についての本を書きました。その本から引用します。何世紀にもわたり、ユダヤ人は当時の支配的な見解に反して、経済活動における個人の自由を擁護してきました。現在、ヴェレル・サルトの本はユダヤ人学者の間で非常に評判が悪いです。評判が悪い理由は、彼が資本主義支持的精神はユダヤ人の価値観や文化と完全に一致していると主張しているからです。それを批判してきた人々自身もこの反資本主義的精神を持つ人々であり、したがってこの特定の見解を受け入れることを非常に嫌がっています。彼はまた、後年のいくつかの作品で正当な批判を受けています。第二次世界大戦後の作品、第一次世界大戦の作品、ナチスと広範囲に渡り合った作品などですが、この非常に魅力的で興味深い本には、1911年のそれらの要素は一切示されておらず、ユダヤ人の態度や考えと彼らの宗教文化の背景と関係についての非常に興味深い議論となっています。いずれにせよ、EXPの説明は妥当ではないように私には思われます。よく提示される2番目の説明は、知識人は資本主義的であるというものです。ユダヤ人は不釣り合いに知識人が多いため、これは純粋に統計的なものです。彼らが知識人であるかどうかに関係なく、ユダヤ人の間に不釣り合いに反資本主義的な考え方があるというこの外観は排除されます。これらの記述は真実です。全体として、少なくとも過去1世紀ほどは知識人は主に反資本主義的であったことは事実です。ユダヤ人は不釣り合いに知的追求に向かう傾向がありますが、その理由は2つあります。1つは私がすでに挙げた理由です。ユダヤ人は競争が最も激しい分野に進もうとします。知的追求には大きな自由企業があり、フリーランスのジャーナリズム、執筆、演技など、そういった方法が彼らには魅力的に映ったが、ユダヤ人が知的な追求に惹かれてきた何百年、何千年にも及ぶユダヤの歴史に遡る第二の理由がある。それは、迫害され、今いる場所から逃げざるを得ない少数派であれば、持ち出せる形で資本を蓄えたいと思うからであり、それをする最良の方法は明らかに知的なものである。だからこそ、今日、イギリスから逃げるのに最も適した立場にあるのは、物質的な富を蓄えた人々ではなく、頭脳を蓄えた人々である。なぜなら、資本統制によって、彼らは富を持ち出すことができないからだ。皆さんは、そのような資本蓄積の過程にあることがおわかりでしょうが、いずれにせよ、ユダヤ人が不釣り合いに知的追求に集中し、知識人が不釣り合いに反資本主義的であったことは事実です。これは非常に部分的で不完全な説明にすぎません。第一に、ユダヤ人の知識人は、一般的な知識人よりも反資本主義的です。資本主義の文献のうちユダヤ人が著した部分を見ると、これは非ユダヤ人の知識人が著した部分よりも明らかに大きいですが、第二に、非知識人のユダヤ人は、同じ方向で非ユダヤ人とは異なります。結局のところ、私が最近引用した投票の証拠をとれば、ニューディール以来、状況は、すべての理由から、米国のニューディール以前とは異なりますが、米国のニューディール以降、または実際にはニューヨークのアル・スミスの時代以降、知識人だけでなく一般のユダヤ人人口が、社会党、共産党、民主党の左派分子などの党員の主な供給源となっています。民主党と共和党の両方で議会で最も左派の議員が、国内のどの都市よりもユダヤ人有権者が集中しているニューヨーク出身である傾向があることは、まったく驚くべきことではありません。ですから、私はそれが納得のいく説明だとは思いません。3番目の可能な説明、これもまた、これらのどれも完全にFIがないわけではありません。それらが他のすべてを排除する単一の説明を思いつくことができると主張するつもりはありません。これらのそれぞれに一理あると思いますが、それぞれが個別にこの現象を説明するのに十分な力を持っていないと思います。3番目の説明は、すべてのグループが良いことを当然のこととして、悪いことをシステムのせいにするのは自然なことだということです。米国と英国の資本主義の自由企業システムの下では、ユダヤ人は他のどの国よりも差別をはるかに少なく経験しましたが、反ユダヤ主義は残っています。反ユダヤ主義の自由な偏見が残っていることは間違いありません。残っている反ユダヤ主義を資本主義システムのせいにする傾向があるのは理解できます。まあ、ええと、資本主義システムのほうがどれだけ優れているか見てください、とは言いません。彼なら、他のシステムよりもずっと良い結果を出すことができる。次に悪い点を見てみよう。悪い点には多くのものがあると思うが、それはあまり満足のいく説明ではない。資本主義や競争的なカトリックに象徴されるシステムの側面の悪さを責めるべきではないだろうか。教会や貴族階級や官僚の態度の悪さを責めるべきではないだろうか。なぜ市場システムを攻撃の焦点に据えるのだろうか。個人的には、もっと納得できる説明が2つあると思う。説得力があり、私がこれまでにCEDしたどのものよりもずっと重要な説明があります。その1つは、教義論文で提示された説明です。私は出版されたことはないと思いますが、ニューヨーク大学かニューヨークのニュースクールでベラール・Cという人物が書いた博士論文だと思います。彼の説明によると、18世紀のフランス革命に始まり、ヨーロッパの政治運動は教会や宗教運動と密接に関係した右翼で構成されていました。キリスト教運動と左翼運動です。一方、社会党と共産党は現在とは対照的に反クラリックでした。右翼に居場所を見つけるユダヤ人はほとんどいませんでした。あらゆる政治運動においてユダヤ人が居場所を見つける唯一の場所は左翼でした。右翼には受け入れられませんでした。彼らは市場志向だったかもしれませんが、特定の宗教にも向いていました。彼らはその宗教の偏見を持っており、ユダヤ人が居場所を見つけることはほとんどできませんでした。一方、左翼は明らかに反逆的な聖職者であり、ユダヤ人が居場所を見つける唯一の場所を提供しました。ユダヤ人は計画から外れることなく政治活動や政治運動に参加できました。例外のように見えるかもしれませんが、私が述べた点を本当によく表していると思う例を 1 つ挙げます。その点とは、19 世紀のイギリスの政治家で保守派の政治家であるイスラエル人です。彼は宗教上ユダヤ人ではありませんでしたが、生まれつきは父親がすでにそうだったか、あるいは彼がアングリカンに改宗していたかのどちらかでした。彼自身は敬虔なアングリカンで、ユダヤ教の教育を受けたことはありませんでしたが、ユダヤ人であることを隠さず、逆にそれを魅力的で神秘的で難解な人物に見せる効果的な方法として利用しました。ご存知のように、デリーは偉大な小説家であり、非常に風変わりな人物で、風変わりな人物としてイギリスの人々にアピールしました。そして、ユダヤ人であることが彼の魅力を高めましたが、それは彼がアングリカン教会に属し、イギリスで最も高潔な教会員であることと矛盾するユダヤ人ではありませんでした。これは非常に興味深いことです。例外はルールを証明していると思います。同じ原則です。コンの説明はヨーロッパにとって非常に重要で、ヨーロッパの文脈でユダヤ人がほとんど常に左翼になった理由を大いに説明していると思います。より完全な説明と議論を追加する必要があります。たとえば、ハン・ERの本のいくつかに見られるような種類の説明と議論を追加すると、社会主義的な反ユダヤ主義もあったことがわかります。反ユダヤ主義は決して右翼に限定されず、左翼にも非常に強い要素がありましたが、全体として知的レベルでは、左翼は聖職者であり、宗教的なユダヤ人ではなく、不可知論者のユダヤ人の家を持っていました。別の宗教を受け入れたくないユダヤ人、イスラエルのように英国国教会になるつもりはありませんが、私たちはある種の啓蒙者になることを望んでいます。市民ですが、その教義、その説明は米国では非常に当てはまりません。米国では、右派政党と呼ばれるものは宗教的であり、左派政党であるということは当てはまりませんでした。また、米国では 1920 年代までユダヤ人はルーズベルトと関係がなかったことは非常に興味深いことです。今世紀の最初の数十年間の米国ユダヤ人の偉大な英雄はセオドア・ローズベルトでした。彼は偉大な英雄でした。なぜなら、20 世紀初頭にロシアのユダヤ人迫害に対して公然と抗議したからです。彼は、ロシアや東ヨーロッパから米国へのユダヤ人移民の扉を開いたままにすることに非常に影響力があり、渡ってきたユダヤ人はテディ・ルーズベルトを偉大な保護者とみなしていました。実際、ニューヨークのアル・スミス・ローズまで、ユダヤ人の有権者は主に共和党員だったことが研究で示唆されています。したがって、この説明は米国には当てはまりません。米国に影響を与えます。結局のところ、米国に移住した知識人は彼らはヨーロッパの思想を持ち込みました。ヨーロッパで形成された思想を彼らが持ち込んだので、啓蒙主義の影響が米国に持ち込まれましたが、米国にとってはせいぜい部分的な説明しかできないと思います。2つ目の説明があると思います。これは私自身の説明で、他の誰にも帰することはできません。私の説明では、反ユダヤ主義はユダヤ人のステレオタイプに基づいているか、または生み出したものです。それは、ユダヤ人は金に貪欲で利己的な人々であるという概念に基づいています。今では、金をむさぼったり、金をむさぼったりすることは何も悪いことではありませんが、世論は誰も、自分が住んでいた知的文化的価値観から自分自身を免れることは非常に困難です。ユダヤ人は彼らが住んでいる社会の価値観を受け入れ、その価値観はそれらの特徴を軽蔑し、ユダヤ人は自分たちがそうであればNSスマイトが正しいだろうと自分たちに言い聞かせました。したがって、私たちはそうではないことを証明します。私たちは金に貪欲ではなく、利己的ではなく、その逆であることを証明します。私たちは利他主義で、政府を通じて善行をすることを信じており、非常に異なる哲学を信じています。私がこの仮説に至ったのは、初めてイスラエルに滞在した時でした。そして、その後のイスラエルへの旅行で強化された観察に非常に感銘を受けました。その観察とは、イスラエルで何が真実であるかを知りたい場合は、ユダヤ人とディアスポラについて何が真実であるかを自問することです。そして、ディアスポラでは逆にこれが何度も当てはまります。ユダヤ人は主に都市部に住んでいました。実際、ほとんどの国では、彼らは土地を所有することは許されず、農業を行うこともできませんでした。彼らは都市部の小商人、ブーリス、またはイスラエルの小製造業者でした。最大の称賛は、農耕主義者は、ディアスポラで好まれる活動形態である農業活動を伴うカブトです。ユダヤ人は非軍国主義的でした。ロシアからこの国に来たユダヤ人の非常に大きな割合は、軍隊に入るのを避けるために徴兵を避けるために来ました。そのため、Dディアスポラでは、彼らは軍隊でした。イスラエルの他の階級から編成されました。軍隊は非常に重視されています。それは素晴らしいことです。実際、社会で最も有能な人々が軍隊に入ります。これら2つの現象は、私の解釈ではなく、結局のところ、新しい国家が存在し、発展するためには、農業を発展させる必要があったと言うことで説明できます。敵に四方八方から脅かされていたため、軍隊を発展させる必要があったのです。それは本当ですが、他の特徴に移りましょう。ユダヤ人とディアスポラの言語はイッシュでした。イスラエルで採用されたユダヤ人の言語は、2世紀にさかのぼって明確にイを拒否し、ヘブライ語を受け入れました。000年かけて言語を開発し、本質的に死語となっていたものを言語として作り上げ、イスラエルに最初に到着した当時、ヘブライ語を人々の言語として採用しました。ヘブライ語が主要言語であっただけでなく、言語として軽視されていました。今では、ヘブライ語を話すことは厳格ではありませんでした。非常に人気のある政治家レブ・エスコが多くのユニッシュ語のフレーズを使用した結果、ヘブライ語の人気は明らかに修正されましたが、今日でもそれは本当の言語ではなく、支配的な言語であるのはヘブライ語です。ディアスポラの言語の拒絶です。ディアスポラのユダヤ人は決してあまり運動能力が高くありませんでした。この国で運動能力が過度に重視されていると思うなら、イスラエルに行くべきです。運動能力が非常に重視されています。そして、このデモンストレーションに絶対に最後のキャップストーンを追加すると、ディアスポラのユダヤ人は素晴らしい料理人でした。これは逆に、ディアスポラのユダヤ人のすべての特徴のイスラエルです。私が言っていたのは、あなたが持っているのはイスラエルに対する反発であるという見解を支持すると思います。反ユダヤ的ステレオタイプ、ユダヤ人が無意識に自分たちは反ユダヤ的スタッドとは違うと示そうとした試み。もう一つの証拠を挙げましょう。インターン、ユニバーサル・ユダヤ人百科事典はSAR令状を引用し、先ほどお話ししたソマールについて議論しています。彼はユダヤ人が資本主義を作ったと非難しました。さて、私がそう書いていたら、彼はユダヤ人を称賛し、カトリック教を作ったユダヤ人に耳を傾けたと言うでしょう。なぜ私が彼を非難したと言うのでしょうか。それは、私が反資本主義の精神を持っていて、ユダヤ人が反ユダヤ主義者が表明したステレオタイプのような存在であることを否定しようとしていた場合だけです。自由企業と資本主義を信じていたアダム・スミスやデイヴィッド・リカードがこれらの特性をどのように評価したか、どのように異なっていたかを考えてみてください。ユダヤ人は資本主義で大きな役割を果たした、または商売のセンス、取引の意欲、金融問題での巧妙さなどの特性を考慮したでしょう。彼らはそれをユダヤ人への賞賛と見なしたでしょう。非難ではなく。告発ですから、ユダヤ人の反ユダヤ主義、反資本主義の精神の主な説明は、一方では19世紀ヨーロッパの特殊な状況で、プロマルク政党が既存の宗教と結びつき、ユダヤ人を左派に追いやったこと、他方ではユダヤ人が反ユダヤ主義の誤りを世界に示すという無意識の試みであると私は結論づけます。興味深いのは、このイデオロギー、この反資本主義のイデオロギーはユダヤ人の利己心に強く反するということです。国内での反対は明らかですが、もう1つ強力で印象的な例を挙げましょう。次の質問をしましょう。今日のイスラエルの状態はどうなるでしょうか。世界のすべての国が社会主義だったら、イスラエルはどこから最初の支援を得たでしょうか。イスラエルはどこから資金を得たでしょうか。イスラエルは、その生涯を通じて、資本主義国から支援を受けた。米国から支援を受けた。南アフリカから支援を受けた。英国から支援を受けた。米国と南アフリカの英国政府からは支援を受けなかった。米国では、英国と南アフリカのユダヤ人居住者から支援を受けた。イスラエルは、ロシアのこれらの国のいずれよりも多くのユダヤ人から支援を受けたか。彼らはイスラエルを支援するために資本をイスラエルに送ることができたか。彼らは政府に影響を与えて、イスラエルに資本を送ることができたか。イスラエルが支援を受けている社会主義国はどこかにあるか。全くない。世界中のすべての国がユダヤ人の知的イデオロギーの支配的なテーマに従っていたら、イスラエルは決して存在できなかっただろう。チャネル、さて、イスラエルの話に戻ろう。イスラエルは興味深いケースだと思うからだ。私が初めてイスラエルを訪れた後、イスラエルは2つの伝統が互いに争う社会であり、中央管理による政府の計画を求める150年にわたる民主社会主義の伝統があり、2つの伝統があったと言ってイスラエルを離れた。政府の規制を回避するという 1000 年の歴史を持つ伝統です。イスラエルにとって幸いなことに、2 番目の伝統は最初の伝統よりもはるかに強力でした。そのため、イスラエル国内でも、親資本主義の精神と伝統が残っており、イスラエルは経済的に生き残ることができました。国内では、外部からの支援の結果として、イスラエルが生き残ることができたのは、世界の外にある資本主義国の存在です。現在、米国では、イデオロギーと自己の対比はそれほど露骨ではなく、確かにいくつかの点で偶然がありました。逆に言えば、政府の介入、政府の管理の拡大から最も利益を得るのは誰でしょうか。私たちがいる建物からわかるはずです。弁護士、ソーシャルワーカー、経済学者です。この観点から、経済学者は統合失調症の立場にあります。彼らの知的規律は、市場の仕組みを理解しているため、市場を支持するように導きます。彼らは市場の美徳を認識しています。彼らの私利私欲は、彼らを市場から遠ざけます。政府の介入を支持する 政府の介入の拡大ほど容易に、そして迅速に雇用を創出するものはない 経済学者は、市場全般に賛成し、特に市場に反対することで、この統合失調症を非常に多くの場合に調整している 彼らは、市場のあらゆる種類の外部効果、歪み、および変動を夢想するのが非常に巧妙であり、それが私たちのために雇用を創出する特別な介入を正当化する それをうまくできるのは弁護士だけ ユダヤ人がかなりの役割を果たしてきた活動がたまたまこれらの分野で雇用されている ユダヤ人の大部分がこれらの分野で雇用されており、この点で彼らは利己的である ある程度は政府の SP の拡大と一致しているが、このより広いレベルでは、強調する価値があると思う ユダヤ人コミュニティ全体の利己心が政府の介入に反対していることは明らかだが、主に米国ではこれまで国内ではそれほど深刻な問題ではなかった 政府の介入のほとんどはユダヤ人が大きな役割を果たしていない分野で行われていたため、ユダヤ人が大きな役割を果たしていない分野では、ユダヤ人が政府の介入を正当化することが可能だったユダヤ人がケーキを必要とするのに長い時間がかかるため、公共事業、電信、鉄道、銀行などの分野で社会主義に向かうことに賛成するかもしれないが、彼らはこれらの分野で十分な役割を果たしていない。同時​​に、映画の小売業、娯楽産業、教育や生活のさまざまな側面の競争市場で繁栄することもできるだろう。しかし、政府が拡大するにつれて、その対応はますます困難になり、市場におけるユダヤ人の利己心と彼らの政府拡大の影響との間の対立はますます明確になり、その対立が時間の経過とともに解消されるかどうかは不明である。これらの態度に変化をもたらすかどうかはわかりませんが、それが役立ち、これらの活動を弱体化させるのに役立つと思います。いずれにせよ、ユダヤ人の知識人が、これらの態度に対してはるかに自覚的になり、はるかに批判的になることが非常に望ましいと思います。市場がシステムであり、さまざまなグループが互いに協力し、各人が自分の道を進む一方で、他のすべての人も自分の道を進むことを可能にする唯一のシステムであることをより完全に理解する必要があります。ありがとうございます。ユダヤの伝統に従って、いくつか質問する必要があります。彼は何も言いませんでした。質問したい人はどんな質問でも喜んでお受けします。はい、ここに戻ります。はい、世界が改善されるということです。あなたが死ぬ世界ではなく、あなたが改善できる世界があります。しかし、メシアニックはBLと一致しており、自由市場における資本主義は、それを改善する最も効果的な方法です。この問題についてお話ししましょう。この問題についてお話ししましょう。なぜなら、はい、あなたが言ったことを戻ってください。あなたは世界は邪悪だと言いましたが、なぜ資本主義は世界を象徴するのか、なぜ政府はそうしないのか介入は世界の縮図です。あなたは、メシアニックな伝統を見てくださいと言うことで論点先取をしています。なぜなら、メシアニックな伝統は確かにあるからです。では、ちょっと、ユダヤ人の慈善活動を見てください。彼らは自由企業を通じて行われてきました。彼らは完全に自発的なものでした。慈善活動でこれほど効果的な仕事をし、あらゆる種類の機関を提供してきたグループは世界にほとんどありません。米国では、19世紀末にヨーロッパからの難民や移民が大量に流入したため、移民を支援するための自発的な団体が設立されました。自発的なユダヤ人病院、自発的なユダヤ人学校、慈善団体がありました。ご存知のとおり、自由市場は政府の管理よりもはるかに優れた効果的な善行方法です。この点では、ユダヤ人だけでなく、米国の歴史全体を挙げます。米国と英国の両方で、自発的な慈善活動が最も爆発的に増加した時期はいつですか。英国19世紀は、ENCの自由化に最も近づいた時代でした。非営利病院の発展と拡大が見られた時代でした。シカゴ大学は1890年に設立されました。政府ではなく民間の活動によって、中西部や国中に学校や大学が点在しています。動物虐待防止協会、赤十字、外国宣教団など、すべて19世紀に遡ります。私が印象に残った印象的な統計の1つは、英国の社会主義医療の下で、病院のベッドの3分の2が1900 年以前に 19 世紀の慈善活動によって建設された病院は、結局のところ、メシアニックの伝統は自発的な活動の信念と完全に両立します。市場を広く解釈する必要があります。市場とは自発的な協力を意味します。経済活動における自発的な協力を意味しますが、自発的な協力と非経済活動も意味します。市場は、人々に慈善活動に協力してもらうためのはるかに効果的な方法であり、政府の取り決めです。19 世紀のこの時期にグレースが設立されたとき、慈善団体ではありませんでしたが、本質的には資本主義の悪に対する認識に対処するために設立されました。正しいか間違っているかは関係ありません。いいえ、資本主義の悪に対処するために設立されたため、そうでした。もちろん、貧困は資本主義と何らかの密接な関係があると言うつもりですか。最も資本主義的でない国で、最も貧困が多い国はどこですか。世界中のほとんどの人が貧困と見なすものをなくすことに近づいている世界で唯一の国は、資本主義国である米国です。アメリカやスウェーデン、西ヨーロッパのように、アメリカで公式基準で貧困レベルと呼ばれる所得水準は、ソ連の全国民の平均所得よりも高いのです。ご存知のとおり、貧困をなくすための機械はこれまで開発されておらず、資本主義ほど効果的ではありません。この部屋にいる私のような多くの人々は、両親や祖父母が19世紀にこの国に手ぶらでやってきました。私たちは比較的豊かな生活を送ることができています。19世紀のアメリカの自由企業制度が、彼らが出身国とはまったく異なるこの国で新しい生活を始める機会を与えてくれたからです。人々は投票箱で投票するよりも、はるかに印象的な方法で足で投票します。この国に詐欺的にやって来た何百万もの人々は、貧しくなりたいと叫んでいたわけではありません。医者が病気を治しに行くように経済問題を軽減したいのです。それが、あなたが貧困を訴える口実です。 [音楽] 子供はもっとよく話したほうがいい 私たちは言論の自由を信じています 当時私はそこにいませんでしたし、そもそもチリのYを強化するために動いたこともありませんでした 私はチリのYに助言していません 私はチリの人々に助言しています 1年半前に6日間チリにいました 何度も言いますが、私がチリに与えている影響について、面白いと思うべきか、うれしく思うべきかわかりません 1年半前に6日間チリにいました これまでチリに行ったことはありません チリに行ったことはありません それまでチリ政府関係者と話したこともありません 会話をしたことはありませんチリや政府の役人 F は誰もいませんが、私は落ち着いています。いずれにせよ、私は民間事務所でチリに行き、チリで講演を行い、公開講演で自分の信じていることを述べました。チリの人々やチリ政府に助言するために行ったのです。もし彼らが私の話を聞きたければ、私はこの女性に以前も言いましたが、もちろん彼女の記憶は短いです。私はユーゴスラビアにも行き、ユーゴスラビアで演説もしました。それは私がユーゴスラビアの共産主義国家を運営している、または共産主義者であるという意味ですか。私はソ連にもいましたが、共産主義者でもありません。インド人でした。インドでの FOM の破壊に責任はないと断言します。いずれにせよ、チリについてはもう十分だと思います。落ち着かせてください。ひどいですね。その通りです。スウェーデンは興味深いケースだと思います。本当に興味深いケースは、スウェーデンとイギリスの比較です。まず第一に、私はスウェーデンについてあまり知らないということを言っておかなければなりません。III 2015年に経費精算旅行をするつもりですが、あなたの質問にもっと詳しく答えるために、もう少し情報が得られるか確認するために、2、3日延長しようと思います。あなたの質問は非常に現実的だと思います。ここでは、すべてのレベルでの政府支出が国民所得の60%に達しています。スウェーデンでも、すべてのレベルでの政府支出がほぼ同じ割合に達しています。英国は差し迫った崩壊状態にあり、非常に急速なインフレを経験し、生活水準は低下しています。第二次世界大戦前は、英国の平均的な住民の生活水準は平均的なドイツ人やフランス人の生活水準の2倍でしたが、今日ではその逆で、ドイツ人やフランス人の平均生活水準はイギリス人の2倍です。つまり、経済面で大きな失敗があることは明らかです。さらに、英国は政治的自由の維持に関して非常に微妙な状態にあると思います。本当に自由で民主的な英国が今後5年間存続するのは奇跡だと思います。一方、スウェーデンでは、政府収入の60%が政府支出に占める割合は、2015年までに10%に達すると予想されています。同じです。そういった現象は全く見られません。スウェーデンは生活水準が非常に高く、生産はごく最近まで上昇しており、スウェーデンの政治体制に大きな脅威はないようです。問題は、今何が起きているのかということです。先ほども言いましたが、私は自分の答えに完全に自信があるわけではありません。これから述べるのは暫定的な説明です。まず、スウェーデンは政府活動をイギリスよりもはるかに再分配策に限定しており、イギリスは企業の国有化や産業システムの管理への介入の方向に進んでいると私は信じています。これは、英国がスウェーデンよりも輸入に対する補助金の障壁がはるかに大きいという事実を部分的に反映しています。スウェーデンは基本的に自由貿易社会を維持しており、国際的な自由貿易は、国内に競争を導入する非常に効果的な方法です。私はよくアメリカの人々に、ある種のゲームをしています。それは、もしその法律を可決することができ、その唯一の目的が競争を促進することだったとしたら、人々にその法律を1つだけ通すように言うことです。今ではほとんどの人が反トラスト法の強化などについて話しますが、間違いなく正しい答えは関税を撤廃し、自由貿易を実現することです。それがこの国で競争を促進するために他の何よりも効果的です。スウェーデンでは、2番目に同様に重要な社会的なFIがあります。政府の管理と介入をどの程度行うことができるかは、人口の同質性に非常に大きく依存すると思います。市場システムの本質は、多様性と一致することです。多くの側面で異なる人々が特定の経済側面で互いに協力できるようにします。何かを売買するときには、お互いに魅力的に売買できればよいのですが、一方で政治的取り決めは、多様性を促進したり、多様性を防いだり、統一性に向かう傾向があります。行政的に人々を取り扱うためには、官僚的な規則や取り決めが必要です。さて、スウェーデンですが、興味深いことに、第二次世界大戦前のイギリスの問題は、第二次世界大戦後に比べてはるかに少なかったのです。イギリスの変化の大きな理由は、今分析中ですが、これが良かったのか悪かったのかは言いませんが、イギリスは戦後、英連邦から非常に多くの移民を受け入れ、以前よりもずっと多様な人々になったことです。一方、スウェーデン人は非常に均質な人々です。他にも説明があるかもしれません。スウェーデンの状況は一時的なものかもしれません。国民全体が社会民主党政府を退陣させ、他の政党の連立政権を樹立したという事実は、スウェーデンが社会民主党政権を樹立したことを示唆しています。個人の自由に関して、私たちが信じさせられてきた楽園ではないということ。ベンガル人や他の人々の経験も同じことを示唆しているが、それでも私が言える限りでは、それが理由だと言える。ここで強調しておきたいのは、純粋な事例について話しているわけではないということ。世界には純粋な資本主義の自由市場システムはない。香港はかなり近いが、米国ほどではない。19世紀はアメリカに非常に近いが、完全にはそうではない。純粋な集団主義システムはない。民間企業と自由市場はソ連の主要な要因である。ソ連の国土の3%は、民間の工場としての使用が許可されています。ソ連の食糧の 33% を生産しています。皆さんにお勧めしたい、HCK スミスのロシアに関する最近の本があります。これはロシアに存在するグレーマーケットに関する興味深い本です。電気製品に問題がある場合、国営企業に電話する必要はありません。到着するまでに 6 か月かかります。夜間に民間の誰かが来て修理してくれます。料金を支払います。したがって、ソ連には非常に広範で繁栄した自由市場があるため、極端なケースはありません。スウェーデンでは、生産の組織化に関する限り、主に資本主義であり、所得の分配に関してはそうではありません。D EXP のインク。ノーベル賞は賞品であることを一般に認識していると思いますか。ノーベル賞を擁護するつもりはありません。彼を受け入れることには問題ありませんが、擁護するつもりはありません。別のものを育てたい人はいますか。そうです、最初の栽培はノーでした。あなたではありません。彼はファッショナルです。ファッショナルのことが理解できません。ご存知のとおり、自由市場ではチャンスが来たらそれをつかむことになります。経済的自由の追求と政治的自由の追求を区別できるとは思いません。実際、その区別の仕方が私にはまったくわかりません。質問させてください。米国の主要医学部の医学教授のうち、研究のほとんどが国立衛生研究所によって資金提供されているのに、社会主義医療に反対する発言をすぐにする人は何人いますか。これは彼らの政治的自由または経済的自由の侵害ですか。大企業から政府の活動に対する批判はどれくらい聞こえますか。大企業はほとんど自由に話すことをためらいます。なぜなら、そうすると翌日には内国歳入が減り、その翌日には反トラスト局が帳簿を調べて、さらにその翌日には反トラスト局が調べるのではないかと少し心配しているからです。政府の公務員や官僚としての将来のキャリアを考えている学生のうち、最も自立した学生でさえ、あらゆる方法で政治的に自分自身を表現することが完全に自由であると感じている学生が何人いますか。たとえば、イギリスが為替管理をしていた時代、イギリスは為替管理を再開し、他の国々も為替管理を変更しなければなりませんでした。外国で出版された本を購入するには、政府機関の許可を得なければなりません。これは経済的自由の制限ですか、それとも政治的自由の制限ですか。今、私が思うに、その区別をするのは非常に難しいと思います。あなたが念頭に置いているのは、ボットの政治制度の維持です。事実、世界のどの国も、そのような制度さえ維持できていません。主に自由経済です。そのルールに例外はないと思います。何か教えていただけませんか。したがって、経済的自由の追求と政治的自由の追求を区別するのは正しくないと思います。それらは同じものの一部であり部分的だと思います。あなたが望んでいるのは、いいえ、いいえ、戻ってきてください。多くの人々は、ええと、まずそれを検証できるかどうか見てみましょう。私は否定します。この提案は、資本主義の原則が国際主義を促進するものであり、国家自由市場資本主義ではないと思います。資本主義は自由貿易のシステムです。自由な国際貿易。資本主義の最盛期の19世紀の資本主義の時代は、国際主義と国際性の欠如が最も顕著でした。ご存知のように、第一次世界大戦前は、ヨーロッパ、西洋世界、米国、英国、ヨーロッパのどこへでも旅行するのにパスポートを携帯する必要はありませんでした。1914年以前は、パスポートやビザ、移民局の承認などなしで米国に来ることができました。彼らはただ来ただけで、自由な移動でした。同じことがヨーロッパ大陸全体で当てはまりました。自由貿易自由貿易ほどナショナリズムの障壁を解決するのに効果的なものはありません。そして、それはまさにその逆です。資本主義の絶頂期にナショナリズムは衰退していました。国家が占領し、それをさらに拡大し始めたとき、ナショナリズムはいつ再浮上したのでしょうか。何かができる政府がなければ、強くナショナリストになる意味はありません。普通のことではない例を見てみましょう。イギリスで何が起きているか見てみましょう。ますます社会主義的になるにつれて、スコットランド人の発展と富があります。なぜかというと、今や分け合うべき良いものがあり、それらの良いものをコントロールしたほうがよいからです。簡単な例を挙げましょう。北海の石油です。資本主義の世界では、政府は何も関与しません。それは民間企業の活動です。それはスコットランド人の個人かもしれません。それはイギリス人かもしれません。フランス人かもしれません。ドイツ人かもしれません。私たちかもしれません。しかし、今日では、北海の石油が政府によってコントロールされることは誰もが知っています。そして、もしあなたはスコットランド人ですから、スコットランドの政府を別に持つことで大きな利益が得られることがおわかりでしょう。アラブ諸国でも同じように、国民がトランスジェンダーである限り、それがC社会の本質です。発展はなく、ナショナリズムを発揮する機会もありません。あなたが説明しているように、なぜそれらの国でナショナリズムがあるのか​​、それはどの国でも社会を支配する寡頭政治によってナショナリズムがコントロールされているからです。ドイツの例を挙げると、まず第一にドイツの不況が彼を刺激したことは間違いありませんが、不況は政府の失敗の結果であり、資本主義システムの結果ではありません。不況を引き起こしたのは米国連邦準備制度であり、ドイツに広がったのです。企業システムの失敗ではありませんでした。今、あなたを説得することはできないと思いますが、非常に良い本をお勧めしましょう。レビューをよく読んでいただければ、自由市場資本主義と企業の全体的な推進力は個人を強調することであるとは正反対の方向に進んでいることがわかると思います。個人と言うとき、私はこれらすべてのものから切り離された孤立した裸の個人を意味しているのではなく、個人の自発的な集まりを強調しています。これらの自発的な集まりは教会かもしれませんし、慈善団体かもしれません。しかし、それが強調していない唯一のことは、国民国家に対応する恒久的な境界を固定することです。偉大な国民国家の台頭、国民の台頭は、政府の官僚主義と管理の拡大の現象であり、その逆ではありません。もう1つ質問する時間があると思います。前にいた人は先に進んでください。私の指はそれほど長くありません。指令とは、そうではない若い女性のことです。誰もが常に男性を形成しようとする傾向があることは間違いありません。もちろん、私たちは皆、自分の運命を改善したいと思っており、私たちは皆、男性を形成しようとします。今、あなたが提起している質問は、Cに固有の何かがあり、それが独占の成長を促進する傾向があるかどうかという質問です。それは議論の余地のある立場であり、ある程度はそうかもしれませんが、それはまた、広範囲に調査され、スタッドされた立場であり、答えは、政府が独占を味方につけない限り、独占と独占は政府を味方につけようとするということです。誤解しないでください。独占がそうしようとしないと言っているのではありません。政府が関与しない限り、独占は促進されず、逆にほぼ例外なく崩壊します。特定のケースをとれば、政府を味方につけることができなかった国際カルテルは、外部からの競争のために崩壊しました。私が知っている重要な唯一の例外は、米国内のデビアスのダイヤモンドです。ジョージ・スティグラーやウォーレン・ナッターズらが本学で行った研究の多くは、政府が支配する産業や政府が多かれ少なかれ独占している産業を除けば、独占の重要性が増すという世俗的な傾向は見られなかったことを示しています。何が起こったかというと、経済が大きくなるにつれて企業も大きくなりましたが、それは独占が増えたということではありません。なぜなら、経済が大きければ大きいほど、より大きな規模の企業を持つことができ、経済が小さければ小さいほど、小さな企業を持つことができるからです。通信や輸送の発展は資本主義そのものの発展です。19 世紀の交通や通信が困難な社会では、市場の範囲が広がり、多くの地元の少数派が存在する可能性がありますが、市場が広がると、その大部分は消滅します。関税を撤廃し、外国貿易が可能になれば、世界が競争相手になります。したがって、資本主義の主張には、独占に向かう固有の傾向があるとは思いません。独占を達成しようとする人は確かにいますが、規模が大きければ大きいほど、落ち込みが激しくなります。独占を得ると、暫定的に成功したとしても、他の人がそれを弱体化させる機会が生まれます。そして、反対方向に力があります。2 つの力が働いています。1 つは統合力、もう 1 つは分離力です。米国やその他の国での経験的調査で、統合力に何らかの固有の力があるという証拠はまったくありません。これは重要な条件です。政府を介入させれば、政府を排除できます。どこに権力があるかと問われれば、疑いの余地はありません。米国における独占は、政府が介入する場合にだけ存在します。AMA が独占しているのは、医薬品の政府ライセンスを持っているからです。銀行が独占されているのは、銀行を運営するには政府のフランチャイズが必要であり、政府の管理下にあるからです。建設労働組合が独占力を維持できるのは、デイビス・ベイクやウォルシュ・ヒーリングなどのおかげです。現在、政府に対する独占が見つかるほぼすべての場所で、政府の支援が見られるようになりました。したがって、議論をもう少し洗練させる必要があります。扱うのがはるかに難しい議論です。ノニになろうとしている企業は、政治権力を味方につけることで政府の役割を拡大しようとするため、その動きを通じて政府による管理の問題に陥ります。私はよく、自由企業の最大の敵は 2 人いると述べてきました。一方はビジネスマン、もう一方は知識人です。理由は正反対です。知識人は皆、自分の自由を支持しています。言論の自由を求め、自分の研究を選択する自由を求めています。トピックス 彼に「あなたは愚かな犯罪者ですか。その無駄と研究を見てください。お金と収入の関係を研究している10人の人々がいます。無駄な重複や競争がないように、人々に研究トピックを割り当てる単一の計画委員会を持つべきですか?」と言ったら、資本主義の主張には、独占に向かう固有の傾向があると思います。独占を達成しようとする人は確かにいますが、規模が大きいほど、落ち込みが激しくなります。独占を得ると、暫定的に成功し、他の人がその独占を弱体化させる機会が生まれます。そして、反対方向には、2つの力が働いています。1つは統合力、もう1つは分離力です。私の知る限り、米国または他の国での経験的調査では、統合力が何らかの固有の力を持っているという証拠はまったくありません。これは重要な条件です。政府が介入すれば、政府を排除できます。米国で独占があるのはどこかと聞かれれば、政府が介入しているところだけです。なぜAMAが独占なのか、それは政府の医薬品ライセンスを持っているからです。なぜ銀行が独占されているのか、それは銀行を運営するには政府のフランチャイズが必要であり、政府の管理下にあるからです。建設業界の労働組合は、デイビス・ベイクやウォルシュ・ヒーリングなどのおかげで独占力を維持しています。現在、独占企業を見つけると、ほとんどどこでも政府の援助が見つかります。そのため、議論をもう少し洗練させる必要があります。そこでは、扱うのがはるかに難しい議論になります。企業がノニになろうとすると、政治権力を味方につけることで政府の役割を拡大しようとするという議論です。したがって、その動きを通じて、政府の統制の問題に陥ります。私はよく、自由企業の最大の敵は、一方ではビジネスマン、他方では知識人であると述べてきました。反対の理由で、知識人は皆、自分の自由を支持しています。言論の自由を望み、自分の研究テーマを選ぶ自由を望んでいます。私が彼に「あなたは愚かな犯罪者ですか。その無駄と研究を見てください。お金と収入の関係を研究している10人の人々がいます。無駄な重複や競争が起こらないように、研究テーマを人々に割り当てる単一の計画委員会を持つべきでしょうか。ああ、資本主義の主張には、独占に向かう固有の傾向があると思います。独占を達成しようとする人は確かにいますが、規模が大きいほど、落ち込みが激しくなります。独占を得ると、暫定的に成功し、他の人がその独占を弱体化させる機会が生まれます。そして、反対方向には、2つの力が働いています。1つは統合力、もう1つは分離力です。私の知る限り、米国または他の国での経験的調査では、統合力が何らかの固有の力を持っているという証拠はまったくありません。これは重要な条件です。政府が介入すれば、政府を排除できます。米国で独占があるのはどこかと聞かれれば、政府が介入しているところだけです。なぜAMAが独占なのか、それは政府の医薬品ライセンスを持っているからです。なぜ銀行が独占されているのか、それは銀行を運営するには政府のフランチャイズが必要であり、政府の管理下にあるからです。建設業界の労働組合は、デイビス・ベイクやウォルシュ・ヒーリングなどのおかげで独占力を維持しています。現在、独占企業を見つけると、ほとんどどこでも政府の援助が見つかります。そのため、議論をもう少し洗練させる必要があります。そこでは、扱うのがはるかに難しい議論になります。企業がノニになろうとすると、政治権力を味方につけることで政府の役割を拡大しようとするという議論です。したがって、その動きを通じて、政府の統制の問題に陥ります。私はよく、自由企業の最大の敵は、一方ではビジネスマン、他方では知識人であると述べてきました。反対の理由で、知識人は皆、自分の自由を支持しています。言論の自由を望み、自分の研究テーマを選ぶ自由を望んでいます。私が彼に「あなたは愚かな犯罪者ですか。その無駄と研究を見てください。お金と収入の関係を研究している10人の人々がいます。無駄な重複や競争が起こらないように、研究テーマを人々に割り当てる単一の計画委員会を持つべきでしょうか。ああ、政府が介入すれば、米国で独占はどこにあるのかと問われれば、政府が介入しているところだけであることに疑いの余地はありません。AMA が独占しているのは、政府の医薬品免許を持っているからです。銀行が独占されているのは、銀行を運営するには政府のフランチャイズが必要で、政府の管理下にあるからです。建設労働組合が独占力を維持できるのは、デイビス・ベイクやウォルシュ・ヒーリングなどのおかげです。現在、政府に対する独占が見つかるほとんどすべての場所で、政府の支援が見られます。したがって、議論をもう少し洗練させる必要があり、扱うのがはるかに難しい議論になります。企業がノニになろうとすると、政治権力を味方につけることで政府の役割を拡大しようとするため、その動きを通じて政府管理の問題に直面することになります。私はよく、自由企業の最大の敵は、一方ではビジネスマン、他方では知識人であると言っています。反対の理由で、すべての知識人は自分自身の自由を支持し、言論の自由を望み、自分の研究テーマを選択する自由を望んでいます。もし私が彼に「あなたは愚かな犯罪者ですか。その無駄と研究を見てください。お金と収入の関係を研究している10人の人々がいます。無駄な重複や競争がないように、人々に研究テーマを割り当てる単一の計画委員会を持つべきですか?」と言ったら、政府が介入すれば、米国で独占はどこにあるのかと問われれば、政府が介入しているところだけであることに疑いの余地はありません。AMA が独占しているのは、政府の医薬品免許を持っているからです。銀行が独占されているのは、銀行を運営するには政府のフランチャイズが必要で、政府の管理下にあるからです。建設労働組合が独占力を維持できるのは、デイビス・ベイクやウォルシュ・ヒーリングなどのおかげです。現在、政府に対する独占が見つかるほとんどすべての場所で、政府の支援が見られます。したがって、議論をもう少し洗練させる必要があり、扱うのがはるかに難しい議論になります。企業がノニになろうとすると、政治権力を味方につけることで政府の役割を拡大しようとするため、その動きを通じて政府管理の問題に直面することになります。私はよく、自由企業の最大の敵は、一方ではビジネスマン、他方では知識人であると言っています。反対の理由で、すべての知識人は自分自身の自由を支持し、言論の自由を望み、自分の研究テーマを選択する自由を望んでいます。もし私が彼に「あなたは愚かな犯罪者ですか。その無駄と研究を見てください。お金と収入の関係を研究している10人の人々がいます。無駄な重複や競争がないように、人々に研究テーマを割り当てる単一の計画委員会を持つべきですか?」と言ったら、無駄と研究お金と収入の関係を研究している10人の人がいますが、無駄な重複や競争が起こらないように研究テーマを人々に割り当てる単一の計画委員会を持つべきでしょうか?無駄と研究お金と収入の関係を研究している人が10人いるのに、無駄な重複や競争が起こらないように研究テーマを人に割り当てる単一の計画委員会を持つべきでしょうか?それはひどいことです。自由は必要ですが、ビジネスマンとなると、知識人は自由を欲しがりません。彼は計画委員会の支配下に置かれることを望んでいます。ですから、知識人は自分自身の自由を欲しがりますが、他の人の自由は欲しがりません。ビジネスマンは全く違います。彼は他の人の自由を全面的に支持しますが、自分自身のことになると、それは違います。彼は関税を欲しがり、政府に競争相手を締め出してほしいと思っています。政府が保証された市場を提供してほしいと思っています。そして、彼は政府の拡大をうまく推進しています。その点では、私は本当に、自由な社会を維持するという非常に深刻な問題があると信じています。そして、政府を拡大しようとしている力の一つは、民間企業からの圧力です。しかし、政府を締め出せるなら、テネシー州ではあなた方はいません。残念ながら、私たちは時間を長引かせてしまいました。ご清聴ありがとうございました。このオーディオファイルは、シカゴ大学ロースクールの制作です。www. law. chicago.edu をご覧ください。[音楽]

0:01and shabbat shalom this is unusual place for H to hold it's uh Friday
0:07night program is talks my name is Daniel eer and I'm the rabbi at the H
0:12foundation for those of you who don't know me this program is unexpectedly as
0:19you know here sponsored by the p h foundation on
0:24campus where both we were both surprised and
0:30very much pleased with the announcement that was made this week that Professor freedan
0:37had bought the Nobel Prize in in economics I don't think Mr freedan needs
0:43very much of an introduction to the University of Chicago to students and people in the
0:49community he has uh taught here since uh
0:571946 in the economic Department that has created The Chicago School of economics
1:04and raised a generation of teachers and students he uh Mr Freedman as some of
1:12you know was born in Brooklyn and raised
1:18in I agree with that I agree with that senent raised in New Jersey and
1:31I attended rugers in University of Chicago and Columbia University before
1:36coming to to teach here at this University he has taught in in many places throughout the world in this
1:43country and elsewhere received honorary degrees throughout throughout the
1:50world he is is known as you probably all have
1:55read in the papers uh for what he has contributed to economic theory and practice and perhaps
2:03like to use a a a Jewish metaphor he has
2:08done what uh is required of uh teachers and Scholars and sages he's not only
2:17had extended branches wisdom and learning but also
2:24Roots deeds and action he's com been able to combine the life of the scholar with a
2:30light of Life of involvement in the society and politics of our country and
2:35world and he's raised as true teachers a generation of
2:42students to follow him now we all know that the discussions
2:48in the Nobel committee were heated with regarding to to uh giving Mr
2:57Freedman the prize no one of course knows what happened in
3:03those discussions because they are secret and behind closed doors however I would venture to suggest that what was
3:10the clinching factor in the awarding of the a prize to Mr
3:15freedan was the work which he had done and presented at the 1963 lka symposium
3:31hurrying to the hurrying to our archives and and retreating that paper
3:38which I have in front of me now uh in which he dealt with the mathematical form of the relation
3:43between the lka and the
3:51humas and as he mentioned in the conclusion of that paper he the result
3:56of his research was a formula which now Rivals the famous Einstein
4:03equation E mc² and I'll read you the last line of that paper the result of that research the
4:12result is L equals q h 2 over3 where the
4:18Q will I sure will I sure Hereafter be known as the freed manian
4:25context it's with great pleasure that uh we can present to continue
4:31that in that tradition on the subject capitalism and the jwm
5:08thank you very much you embarrass me and I may say also please me I appreciate
5:15your welcome I am amazed however that a hill
5:21Association Hill function should attach such a should should attract such a crowd if the award had been made by
5:28Israel I could understand understand it but I didn't know those swets had so much influence in
5:36Chicago at any rate I appreciate it very much uh I am a I am a product of the
5:44University of Chicago which is a great institution not least for its tolerance
5:50of its members and its willingness to accept Mavericks as faculty people and
5:56as teachers and uh as and us
6:04too we have never been I am glad to say it is one of our glories an institution
6:11which has a single set of ideas or a single set of values or a single Doctrine if Chicago schools mean
6:19anything it means a recognition of variety and diversity and
6:24Independence now the views which I am going to express tonight on the subject of capitalism and
6:30will I think be in that tradition and I not sure that
6:38Hill will be entirely happy about having invited me to
6:45express but after all the Jews also have a tradition of Tolerance and
6:51diversity as you know it is an old Jewish saying that if there are two Jews
6:56in any Community there are always three synagogues
7:03my talk tonight is really is really a discussion of two
7:10propositions Each of which I shall try to suggest is validated by evidence and
7:17the two together are incompatible one with the other the first
7:25proposition is that there are few peoples if any in the world who owe so
7:30great a debt to free enterprise and competitive capitalism as the
7:36Jews the second proposition is that there are so few people if any in the world who have done
7:44so much to undermine the intellectual foundations of capitalism as a
7:50[Music] Jew and the theme of my talk will be how
7:56to reconcile these two apparently contrad proposition but let me start by first
8:04trying to document for you each of those proposition consider the
8:10first the benefits which the Jews as a people have
8:16derived from competitive capitalism the essence of competitive
8:22capitalism is that it relies on the market and the market is colorblind religion blind Grace BR when
8:31you go to the store to buy a loaf of bread you have no idea whatsoever
8:36whether the wheat from which that bread is baked was grown on a farm owned by a
8:43white man or a black man a or a Japanese a Jew or a
8:49Baptist whether born again or not
9:01so the market is colorblind Monopoly whether it be private Monopoly
9:08or governmental Monopoly is not color bline because monopolists are in a
9:14position to decide whom they sell to whom they buy from to exercise control
9:20on criteria other than market performance I was very much struck by
9:26this contrast between the competitive character of the market and
9:31the effect of Monopoly on discrimination about 5 years ago when I happened to
9:38attend in Montreal Canada an international monetary conference this is a conference which
9:44meets once a year uh organized by the International Bank uh banking
9:50Association I think it's organized by the American banking Association but it consists the people who are present as
9:57members are the two leading officials of the banks of the major
10:02banks of the world not only the United States but all through the world one banker there who happened to
10:10have the same name as mine and got hold of me to talk to me about the problems of antisemitism in B let me let and him
10:19to make a little sort of informal census of the members of that country and it turned out that of all
10:25the leading Bankers from around the world who were present there so roughly 1% were
10:32Jewish that's the effect of Monopoly in every country banking is a monopoly on the other
10:39hand the banking Association asks speakers to speak before them it had a
10:45panel of supposed experts to present papers and discussions on the various topics of interest in the biking
10:52Community now there you had competition because they were choosing what they thought to be the
10:59best asked people to present those papers and I made a little census of the people who were on the program and lo
11:05and behold 25% of them were Jewish now that contrast is very
11:11striking and it really brings out I think in a very sharp and Clear Point Way the distinction between
11:19competition in which Choice depends on performance and on products produced and
11:27Monopoly where it is possible to criteria other than performance in deciding whom to
11:34choose as you all know the Jews were for
11:40centuries in Exile the the great diaspora which lasted well over a
11:46thousand years during that diaspora the Jews were able to
11:52exist largely because of the of the
11:58small area of Market elements that persisted it's no accident that Jews
12:05during that period were able to do particularly well in the field of international trade and finance because
12:11it was in that area that it was most difficult for governments local
12:16governments despotic governments to control things in dealings among nations there must be an element of competitive
12:23markets and it was in those elements of competitive markets that the Jews were able to find
12:29little chinks here and there and perform a valuable economic and social function
12:35which enable them to survive it is no accident that in the Modern Age the two
12:42most totalitarian countries we have had experience with Nazi Germany on the one
12:48hand and Soviet Union on the other have also been the most anti-Semitic of all
12:54countries again this is a result that is
12:59to be expected from the fact that they are despotic countries that they do not have an effective free market that they
13:06have no competition of course it is not inevitable that they be anti-semitic
13:12they might be anti some other small group every totalitarian Society every dictatorial society needs a scapegoat it
13:19needs to have a small group on whom it can put the blame for its own mistakes and its own uh
13:27errors and it's not surprising that the Jews should be that scapegoat because they have been that kind of a scapegoat
13:34throughout history as a visible minority with rather special customs and
13:40attitude so I would not argue that in every despotic country it will be the Jews who will be the scapegoat I don't
13:46know who the scapegoat group in China is I guess it's the capitalist rotors
13:52rather than the Jews but I susp that only because there are no Jews there to be the scap
13:59but in Germany as I say and not Soviet Union it was a Jew look in the other
14:07direction where are the areas in which the Jews have been able to prosper relatively you will find that it is in
14:14those countries that had the greatest degree of competitive capitalism in the
14:2016th and 17th century it was holl that was a Haven for the Jews why
14:27because Holland was at that time the leading entrepreneurial Nation the leading trading nation in the world it
14:34was engaged in trade in World Markets it had a relatively free economy in the 18 19th and early 20th
14:43century it was in Britain and the United States that the Jews were able to
14:49achieve the greatest measure of Tolerance the greatest opportunity to improve their life and to live
14:57free of persecution and the Prejudice a particularly Illuminating
15:04example in my opinion is provided by Germany in the 19th and early 20th
15:09century when Germany was essentially a free market
15:15economy the Jews were very widely accepted there was a tremendous amount of
15:20assimilation after 1934 when Germany turned into a totalitarian monopolistic Society you
15:28all know what happened to the Jews not only is it true that the Jews
15:34have flourished most in those societies which have had the greatest degree of free market activity and competitive
15:42capitalism but within individual societies the Jews have done best in the
15:48most competitive areas of those societies I suggest to you that you
15:53compare the situation in banking which I already referred to to the situ
15:59situation in in retail trade banking is a province of
16:06anti-Semitism there is you know despite the popular fiction that somehow or
16:12other the Jews control the banks and finance with General Brown a few years
16:17ago proceeded to express in his unfortunate
16:24ignorance despite that belief the plain fact is that I believe believe there is
16:29no industry in this country in which there is greater discrimination against Jews at the top levels than there is in
16:35banking why because it is a monopoly because in order to have a bank you have to have a franchise you have to get a
16:42franchise from the state your fellow Bankers will have to assure you that
16:47banking is a uh is that the bank is needed uh one of the episodes I came
16:55across at the time that Anna Schwarz and I were writing our monetary History of the United States it was the episode of
17:02the bank of the United States it was a bank which failed on December 11th
17:0919303 1930 it was the largest bank that had ever failed up to that day its failure
17:17was a major trigger that produced The Great Depression I don't mean to say that the
17:23Great Depression might not have come along anyway but there is no doubt that as it happened the failure of the Bank
17:29of United States started a series of runs on Banks and that series of runs on
17:34banks was a factor that promoted the Great Depression why did the bank of the United States fail there is no doubt the
17:41record is perfectly clear because John Kiron Mor was
17:50anti-semitic the bank of United States happened to be one of the only two major banks in New York that was controlled by
17:57Jews it was also a bank which had as its clientele many of the small Jewish
18:02merchants and Traders in New York and many of the immigrants because they mistakenly thought that its name Bank of
18:09United States meant it was an official bank but it wasn't it was a bright Bank why was John Pier Pond Morgan
18:16antiemetics because back in 1907 or eight or nine I've forgotten what the date
18:22was he was uh he was uh uh subject to
18:27investigation by a congressional committee which
18:33interrogated him at Great length about the uh monopo supposedly monopolistic
18:40actions of various groups he was associated with and the leading figure in interrogating him was a famous Jewish
18:47law in addition to which brandise later a Supreme Court Justice had written a
18:53number of books pillar pillaring whether correctly or not I don't know I have never looked into that of it but
18:59pillaring the Morgan interest as unscrupulous monopolis how do we know how do I know
19:06all these intimate details because fortunately there was a member of the Federal Reserve Board of
19:12Governors of the Federal Reserve System who was a great gossip and he kept it dialing H Mr
19:19Hamlin who was one of the early members of the Federal Reserve System the Board of Governors he was the first chairman
19:24of the Board of Governors as a matter of fact only they called it then Governor not chairman he uh kept a diary all his
19:31life and his diary fortunately is preserved for us in the Congressional library and he records in that in 1917
19:39or 18 at which time there was a great fight about whether to appoint a
19:46particular Jewish Banker as a member of the board there was a great fight of that supposedly on the ground that the
19:53banker was a German extraction but really on the ground that he was Jewish and and Hamlin has lunch J Pon Morgan Jr
20:02the son of Morgan senior and in the course of the lunch Morgan says to ham
20:09I'm going to get those Jews for what they did to my father so we know we have documentary evidence on this how did
20:16that fit in in 1931 well the standard the B that happen the bank of the United States was a very
20:21good bank it was a perfectly sound B it was liquidated during the worst years of the depression and paid off 92 and a
20:28half% 92 a. half cents on every dollar of liability despite being liquidated over a period from 30 to
20:3533 but whereas the standard practice at those times was that if a bank got into
20:41difficulty as several Banks had a few weeks before the JP Pond Morgan plus the
20:46Clearing House Association of New York would get together a rescue fund to tide it over the difficulties and enable it
20:53to surmount temporary runs the Federal Reserve Bank of New York made a similar proposal for the bank of the United
20:59States it was almost a great until jpon Morgan refused to go along with it I may
21:06say it's no accident that their proposal involved merging the bank of the United States with the only other bank in New
21:12York that was controlled by Jews at any rate there is no doubt that
21:17that causes the failure I only cite this as a small example of the effects of Monopoly in bank now you contrast that
21:25with a situation in retail trade or you don't need a franchise to open up a store where you can do anything where
21:32the Jews were able to come in with packs on their back and be itinerant uh Traders and then gradually work and
21:38develop and open up stores you take the case or you take a very different case
21:44consider the contrast between movies and heavy manufacturing the heavy manufacturing
21:50iron steel automobile is another case where there are relatively few je because these are the old
21:56Industries uh controlled by the establishment not nearly as monopolistic
22:01as the banking industry but with some measure of Monopoly power on the other
22:06hand any new industry like the movies when they first developed is bound to be competitive because it's wide open you
22:14have very large number of Jews who succeeded in the movies a very small
22:19percentage in manufacturing or take a different case take the
22:25profession where have you had problems of limitation on Jews in the professions I may say I'm
22:31talking about Jews but you all realize that everything I'm saying applies to any other unpopular minority it applies
22:37just as much to the blacks as it does to the Jews my particular subject happens to be the Jews and just as the Jews have
22:43the most gain from a competitive free enterprise Society so the blacks have the most to gain from a free enterprise
22:50competitive Society any minority is in the same position well consider the profession
22:59where was there the great has there been the greatest degree of anti-Semitic discrimination in the profession there isn't any doubt in medicine why in
23:06medicine because you have an American Medical Association which has had a monopolistic power over the medical
23:12profession it's the strongest one either the strongest or one of the strongest trade unions in the United States and
23:20for many many years it was able to restrict admissions in the medical schools in order to keep down the number
23:26of positions in order to keep up the incomes of Physicians and in the process of restricting entry into medical school
23:33if you're going to restrict entry how are you going to do it if you've got 500 people who want 100 places there are
23:40only two ways you can do it you can auction off the places that's a free market method and that doesn't discriminate anybody who will pay people
23:47who will pay the most will get in or since that isn't quite a polite establishment way of doing it when
23:54you're allocating places in medical school except unless the unless the auction is
24:00underhanded and since that isn't the way to do it well you have to use some irrelevant
24:10criteria you may say you'll do it by ability but you and I know that these
24:16exams and tests that are made to testability have some validity but they are very far from being perect and they
24:23leave a good deal of leeway you can still have 500 people for 100 places each of whom will satisfy the minimum
24:29ability standards well then It's Perfectly Natural that you use whatever is your Prejudice if you're prejudiced
24:34against blacks you'll keep out the blacks if you're prejudiced against Jews you'll keep out the Jews if you're prejudiced against Seventh Day Adventist
24:41you'll keep out the Seventh Day Adventist well if you compare what happened in law for example where until
24:49recently there was much less restriction of Entry versus what happened in medicine the situation is very clear
24:57well the summary Jews have very seldom benefited from government
25:03intervention there have been a few cases if you go back into the 187 16th century
25:09there was a group of so-called Court Jews who were protected by particular
25:16Kings or princes because they served a useful function in handling their finances or in arranging for loans for
25:23them and so on there have been a few cases like that they are very exceptional in the main the Jews have
25:28never benefited from government intervention they have flourished they have had a measure of freedom and
25:34freedom from Prejudice only where there has been a large measure of free inter now I turn from the
25:42question of the uh first proposition that Jews owe an enormous debt to free
25:49enterprise and capitalism to the second proposition the Jews have been
25:54consistently opposed to capitalism and have done much on ideological level to
26:01undermine from Carl Mars to Leon tronsky to our modern version Mr
26:09Mar a very large fraction of all the anti capitalist literature has been
26:15authored by Jews it's not only anic capitalist some of it antisemitic including of course KL Marx's own
26:21writings which have a very strong strain of anti-Semitism but that's a separate
26:27issue if you go through any library of
26:32anti- capitalist literature Socialist Communist you will find that that a very
26:40large fraction of it a disproportionate fraction of it has been author authored by Jud if you look at the various
26:47studies that have been made in recent years of voting records you will find that on the whole
26:54there are few ethnic groups in the United States that so consistent LLY vote on what is regarded as the left
27:01side of the political Spectrum as a Jew if you look at the various books that have been written about communism
27:07in America on the membership of the Communist party there were two groups that were important for some reason
27:14which I don't quite understand the fins were
27:20one I guess maybe the cess of their climate made anything hot of [Music]
27:26TR but I really don't there must have been an explanation and I never have researched but they were one as it
27:32happens in the early history of the Communist Party of the United States they were a major element but the Jews were the other major element dominantly
27:40over and over again and if you look at every so-called liberal but actually
27:45non-liberal movement the so-called liberalism has simply meant liberalism with somebody
27:50else's money if you look at such movements you will find again that Jews have played a disproportionate role I
27:57don't think I need a stress that to you because I think all of you are aware that this is in fact the case and that
28:03if you examine the literature you will come to the same conclusion I want to
28:08really go on to what is a most interesting question why why this anti capitalist
28:13mentality now this I am by no means the first who have been struck by
28:20the antic capitalist mentality and there have been numerous books and studies written about this subject one of the
28:26books is by fellow by the name of lawence CES I
28:31forgot get the name of the book but it has to do fundamentally with his question of Jewish political values and
28:39his explanation is a very simple one his explanation is that the anti capitalist
28:45mentality of the Jews reflects values derived from Jewish religion and Jewish
28:52culture that the Jewish religion and culture stresses charity uh stresses
28:58selfishness and therefore the Jewish anti capitalist
29:05values have derived from it well that particular explanation of course derives
29:10from someone who himself shares the anti capist mentality and therefore is driven
29:16to look for for attractive
29:22explanations that explanation can be dismissed out of hand for a very simple
29:27reason the Jewish anti-catholic mentality is only two two centuries old
29:33it dates from the enlightenment in the 18th century but Jewish religions and
29:38religion and culture is 2,000 years old now how is it that for 18800 years
29:46that culture and values did not generate an anti- capitalist mentality in the last 200 years it did that would leave
29:52just as big a puzzle to explain as you started with moreover
29:58if you look at Jewish attitudes during those years you will find that they were

30:04pro- free enterprise and not anti free entprise a German writer verer sombar
30:09who in 1911 wrote a book about capitalism in the Jews and I quote from
30:14that book throughout the centuries the Jews championed the cause of individual
30:21liberty in economic action activity against the dominating views of the time
30:30now verer sart's book is in very low repute among Jewish Scholars the reason
30:36it's in low repute is because he maintains that a pro capitalist
30:41mentality is entirely consistent with the values and culture of the Jews the
30:46people who have been criticizing it are themselves people who hold this anti capitalist mentality and they are
30:53therefore very unwilling to accept this particular view he has also been criticized justly for some of his later
31:00works after World War Two World War I when he flirted and more than flirted
31:07extensively with Nazis but this particular book which is a very fascinating and interesting book shows
31:13none of those elements in 1911 and is really a rather interesting discussion of the background and the relation
31:20between the attitudes and ideas of the Jews and their religious culture so in
31:25any event it seems to me that that EXP explation will not hold order a second
31:32explanation which has often been offered is that intellectuals are anic
31:37capitalist Jews are disproportionately intellectual and
31:45therefore this is purely a statistical bi that if I hold constant whether they
31:53are intellectual or not I will eliminate this appearance of a disproportionate anti capitalist
32:01mentality among the Jews now these statements are true it is true that on the whole intellectual at least in the
32:08past Century or so have largely been anti capitalist it is true the Jews have
32:13a disproportionate tendency to go into intellectual Pursuit for the for two
32:20reasons one I've already cited Jews are driven to go into those areas where there is the greatest competition the
32:27intellectual Pursuits have had large measures of free enterprise and the way
32:32of freelance journalism writing acting and so on so that it's been attracted to them but there is a second reason dating
32:39back to Jewish history from the hundreds and thousands of years why Jews have been attracted to intellectual Pursuits
32:46and that is because if you are A persecuted minority who are subject to being forced
32:52to flee from where you are you want to accumulate your capital in forms in which you can take it with
33:02and the best way of doing it obviously is intellectual that's why
33:09today who which people are in the best position to flee
33:15Britain not those who have accumulated physical wealth because Capital controls
33:21prevent them from taking their wealth out the people who have accumulated brains
33:28the bra I can see that all of you being in
33:34the process of making that kind of capital accumulation
33:41appreciate but in any event well it is true that the Jews have
33:46disproportionately been concentrated in intellectual Pursuit and intellectuals
33:51have been disproportionately anti capitalist that is only a very partial and incomplete explanation
33:58in the first place Jewish intellectuals are more anti capitalists than intellectuals in
34:04general if you take the fraction of any capitalist literature authored by Jews
34:10it is decidedly larger than the fraction authored by non-jewish intellectuals allowing for this but in the second
34:17place non-intellectual Jews are different from non-jews in the same
34:22direction they after all if you take the kind of voting evidence I was citing before in recent times please since the
34:29New Deal the situation for reasons all come to is different before the New Deal in the United States but since the New
34:36Deal in the United States or really since the days of Al Smith in New York the ordinary Jewish population and not
34:43simply the intellectuals have been the major source of the membership in the Socialist Party the Communist Party in
34:50the leftwing elements of the democratic party and so on it is not really any
34:56surprise that the most left-wing members of both the Democratic and the Republican Party in the Congress tend to
35:03come from New York which has the largest concentration of Jewish voters of any city in the
35:10country so I do not believe that's a satisfactory explanation a third possible
35:18explanation and this one also none of these is entirely without some F I don't
35:23mean to argue that they're I'm going to be able to come up with single explanation which excludes all others I
35:30think each of these has a point but I think that they are not separately powerful enough to explain the
35:36phenomenon a third explanation is that it is natural for every group to take
35:41good things for granted and to blame the bad things on the system under a capitalist free
35:48enterprise system in the United States and Britain Jews experienced far less discrimination than they had ever
35:54experienced anywhere else before but there remain anti-Semitism there is no doubt there remained anti-semitic free
36:01Prejudice and it is understandable that there is a tendency to blame the residual
36:07anti-Semitism on the capitalist system you don't say well look at all the uh
36:14how much better off on him than I would have been under so much other system that's next you look at the uh you look
36:21at the bad Els I think there's a great deal to them but it's not a very
36:26satisfactory EXP ation because why should you blame the bad things on the
36:32aspect of the system which is epitomized by capitalism and competitive catholism why not blame the bad residual elements
36:40on the church for example or on the attitudes of the aristocracy or on the
36:45bureaucrats why pick on the market system as the focus of your attack
36:58I think that there are two other explanations that I personally find much
37:03more persuasive and much more significant than any of these that I've so far CED
37:09one of them is an explanation that was offered in a doctrinal dissertation written by I don't believe it's ever
37:15been published but it's a doctoral dissertation written I believe it's the either at NYU or the new school in New
37:21York by a man by the name of Berard C and his explanation in is that
37:27beginning with the French Revolution in the 18th century the European political movement
37:35consisted of a rightwing which was closely connected with the church and with religious
37:41movements the Christian Movement the left movement on the other
37:48hand the Socialist Party the Communist Party were anti claric as opposed to now very few Jews
37:58could find any home in the right the only place for any Jew in any political
38:04movement was in the left he was unacceptable to the right they might
38:09have been Market oriented but they were also oriented toward particular religion
38:14they had the prejudices of that religion and he could hardly be at home there on
38:20the other hand the left was explicitly antic clerical and it offered the only
38:26place where a Jew could engage in political activity and a political movement without being uh out of
38:35plan now the great some I cite one
38:40example which may seem to be an exception but I think really illustrates
38:46the point I've made and that point is Israeli the English politician
38:52conservative politician of the 19th century he was Jewish not in religion
38:58however in origin either his I think his father already or certainly he had
39:03converted to Ang anglicanism he was himself a devout
39:09Anglican had no Jewish upbringing and he didn't conceal his
39:14jewishness on the contrary he used it as an effective way to make himself an attractive and mysterious and sort of
39:22esoteric figure as you know delli was a great novelist he was a great eccentric
39:28and he appealed to the British people as an eccentric uh and the jewishness added
39:35to his appeal but it wasn't a jewishness which was in any way inconsistent with his
39:41identifying himself with the Anglican church and being as high church as
39:47anybody you could find in Britain so I think that's a a very interesting Cas
39:52because it is an exception I think that proves the rule now the same principle now I think
39:59that con's explanation is extremely important for Europe and goes a long way
40:05to explain why in the European context the Jews almost always ended up in the left I should add in a fuller Exposition
40:12and discussion uh of the kind that you find for example in some of Han ER books
40:18you will find that there was also a socialist anti-Semitism that the anti-Semitism was by no means confined to the r there was
40:25a very strong element of it left but on the whole at the intellectual level the left being anyti clerical had home a
40:33home not for religious Jews never but for agnostic Jews for Jews who were not
40:40willing to accept another religion not to become Anglican like Israel but we're willing to become sort of enlightened uh
40:50citizens however that doctrine that explanation is very hard to apply in the United
40:56States that situation was not true here it was not true in the United States
41:01that anything you would call a party of the right was religious and a party of the
41:06leftand and it's very interesting to note that in the United States until the
41:131920s the Jews were not associated with the Le the great hero of the American
41:19Jews in the first several Cent Decades of this century was Theodore Rosevelt a
41:24republic and he was a great hero because he made public and open protest against
41:30the pums in Russia in the early 20th century he was very influential in
41:38keeping the doors open for Jewish immigration from Russia and Eastern Europe to the United States and the Jews
41:44who came over regarded Teddy Roosevelt as their great protector and so in fact
41:49until Al Smith Rose in New York the study suggest that the Jewish
41:56votee was Prim arily Republican so this explanation will not do for the United States it has an
42:03impact on the United States because after all the in the The intellectuals Who migrated to the United States
42:10carried with them their European ideas they were formed in Europe and they brought them over so the enlightenment
42:16effect carried over to the United States but I think for the United States that can provide at most a very partial
42:23explanation I think there's a second explanation and here I I this is my own
42:28I I can't attribute it to anybody else neither the credit nor the blame my own
42:35explanation is that anti-Semitism was based on or produced a
42:41stereotype of Jew it was based on the notion the Jews were money grubbing
42:48grasping selfish people now there's nothing wrong with
42:53paying money grabbing and stuff
43:02but popular opinion nobody it's very hard for anybody to immunize himself
43:08from the intellectual cultural valal in which he lived and the Jews accepted the
43:15values of the society in which they live and those values denigrated those
43:22characteristics and the Jews said to themselves if we were were like that the
43:28NS smites would be would be right and therefore we're going to demonstrate we're not like that we're going to
43:35demonstrate that we're not money grubbing that we're not selfish but on the contrary we were altruistic that we
43:40believe in in doing good through government and we believe in a very different philosophy I was first led to
43:48this hypothesis the first time I spent some time in Israel and I was enormously impressed by
43:56an observation I formed that and has been reinforced in
44:02subsequent trips to Israel and that observation was if you wanted to know
44:08what was true in Israel you asked yourself what was true of the Jews and the diaspora and
44:16reverses this applies over and over again in the diaspora the Jews were
44:22predominantly Urban in fact in most countries they were not permitted to own lands
44:27they could not be agricultural they were Urban Petty merchants or bouris or Petty
44:34manufacturers in Israel the greatest Kudos goes to the
44:40agriculturalist it's the kabut with the agricultural activity which is the
44:46preferred form of activity in the diaspora the Jews were
44:53non-m militaristic a very large fraction of Jews who came to this country from
44:58Russia came to avoid the draft to avoid getting into the army so in the D diaspora they were the
45:07military were formed from other classes in Israel there is enormous emphasis on
45:13the military it's a great and indeed the ablest people in the society go into the
45:19military now you can explain those two phenomena not by my interpretation but
45:24by saying that after all for a new nation to exist and to be able to develop it was necessary to develop
45:30agriculture threatened on all sides by enemies it was necessary to develop military that's true but so let me go on
45:38to some other characteristics the language of the Jews and the diaspora was
45:45yish the language of the Jews adopted in Israel explicitly rejected Y and accepted
45:53Hebrews going back 2,000 years developing and making into a language
45:59what had become essentially a dead language adopting Hebrew as the language of the
46:05people at the time we were first in in Israel Not only was Hebrew the main
46:11language but yish was looked down upon as a language it was sort of not der
46:17rigored to speak yish now as a result of a very popular uh politician Lev Esco
46:24who used many unish phrases the popularity of ysh apparently revised but even today it's sort of not a real
46:33language it's Hebrew that is a dominant language a rejection of the language of the diaspora the Jews in the diaspora were
46:40never very athletic if you think there's an overemphasis On Athletics in this country you should go to Israel there's
46:48an enormous emphasis on athletic activity and now to add the absolutely
46:54final Capstone to this demonstration the Jews in the diaspora were marvelous
47:15Cooks now this reversely Israel of all the characteristics of the
47:22Jews in the diaspora I think supports the view that I was ing that what you have is a
47:28reaction against the anti-semitic stereotype an attempt by the Jews
47:33subconsciously to demonstrate that they were not like the anti-semitic stud let

47:40me give you another kind of evidence the intern the universal Jewish encyclopedia
47:45in quoting SAR writ and I quote I mean
47:51in discussing somar the volume I talked about earlier right he accused the Jews
47:57of having created capitalism well now if I were writing
48:04that I would say he praised the Jews heed them with creating catholism why
48:09would I say he accused them only if I had this anti- capitalist mentality and
48:14only if I was trying to deny that Jews were like that stereotype which soar which which the
48:22antisemites had expressed consider how consider how differently an Adam Smith or a David
48:30Ricardo who believed in free enterprise and capitalism would have valued these traits would have considered such a
48:37statement as the Jews had a large role to play in capitalism or considered such
48:42traits as a good sense of business a willingness to trade cleverness in
48:47financial matters they would have regarded those as that would they would have regarded that as praise for the
48:53Jews not as blame not as accusation so I conclude that the chief explanation for
49:01the anti-semitic the anti- capitalist mentality of the Jews are on the one
49:07hand the special circumstances in 19th century Europe which linked promark
49:12parties with established religions and so drove Jews to the L and
49:18on the other hand the subconscious attempt by Jews to demonstrate to the world the fallacy of the anti-semitic
49:25ser now the interesting thing is that this
49:33ideology this anti capitalist ideology is strongly opposed to the self-interest of the
49:39Jews the it's it's opposition domestically is clear but let me site
49:44you one more strong and striking example let me ask you the following question
49:50what would be the state of Israel today if every country of the world were socialist where would Israel have got
49:56iial support where did Israel get some financial support throughout its life it
50:02got it from the capitalist country it got it from the United States it got it
50:07from South Africa it got it from Britain it didn't get it from the governments of
50:12Britain in the United States and South Africa it got it from the Jewish residents of Britain South Africa in the
50:21United States did Israel get any assistance from the Jews more numerous
50:26than in any of these countries of Russia were they able to send Capital to Israel to support it were they able to
50:34influence their government to send cap to Israel dis support is there any socialist country
50:40from which Israel has receive support not at all had every country in the
50:46world conformed to the dominant theme of Jewish intellectual ideology Israel
50:54would never have been able to exist not the slightest Chanel you now I may say let me go back
51:01to Israel because I think it's a fascinating case after the first visit I made to Israel I came away from
51:07Israel saying that Israel was a society in which there were two Traditions fighting with one
51:13another there was 150 year old tradition of democratic socialism soal which
51:18called for government planning in central control there was a 2,000 year old tradition of how you get around
51:24government regulations and I said fortunately for
51:32Israel the second tradition was much stronger than the first so even internally in
51:39isra it was a remnant of the pro capitalist mentality and traditions that
51:44have enabled Israel to survive economically internally it is the existence of
51:50capitalist countries outside the world that has enabled Israel to survive as a result of external
51:57support well now when there is such a strong now of course in the United
52:02States the contrast between the ideology and the self has been less blatant and
52:09indeed in some respects there has been a coincidence who are the people if you
52:16look at it the other way who benefit most from an extension of government interven of government
52:23control well you ought to know from the building we're in it's the
52:29lawyer it's the social worker it's the
52:36economist economists have a schizophrenic position from this point of view their intellectual discipline
52:43leads them to be in favor of the market because they understand the workings of the market they recognize its virtue
52:49their private self-interest leads them to be in favor of government intervention there's nothing that
52:55creates jobs fre Economist more readily and more rapidly than an extension of government
53:02intervention economists reconcile this schizophrenia in very many cases by
53:08being in favor of the market in general and opposed to it in [Music]
53:19particular they are very clever at dreaming up all sorts of external effects and
53:25distortions and vages of the market to operate which justify special interventions that will create jobs for
53:31us the only people who are better at that are the lawyers now it does so happen that these
53:39are activities in which Jews have have played a considerable role a large
53:44fraction of Jews are employed in these areas and in this respect they're self-interested to some extent coincides
53:51with the expansion of the government SP but on this broader level I think it is
53:56is worth emphasizing I think it is clear that the self interest of the Jewish community at
54:02large is opposed to government intervention but in the main up to now
54:07in the United States internally that had not been too serious a matter because
54:13most government intervention was in areas where Jews didn't play a large role it was possible for a long time for
54:19Jews to have their cake needed too they could be in favor of moving
54:24towards socialism in the field of the public utilities and the Telegraph and the railroads and the banks where they
54:30don't play a role well at the same time they could prosper in the competitive market of retail trade of the movies of
54:37the amusement industry of various aspects of education and the life but
54:44increasingly as Government expands its cope that's becoming more and more difficult and the conflict between the
54:50self-interest of the Jews in the market and their the effect of
54:56government expansion is becoming clearer whether that conflict will in the course of time cause a
55:03change in these attitudes I do not know but I think it is helping and will help
55:09to undermine those activities in any event I think it would be highly
55:14desirable for the Jewish intellectuals to become far more self-conscious and far more critical of these attitudes who
55:22say have developed and to understand to a fuller extent the way in which the
55:27market is a system and the only system which will permit diverse groups to
55:33cooperate with one another which will permit each person to go his own way
55:38while every other person also goes his own way thank you
56:04accordance with Jewish tradition we should have some questions he didn't say anything about
56:11an and I will be glad to entertain any questions who would like to raise a question yes back here yes
56:35that the world be improved not there's a world you die you improve the world you
56:41can improve but that
56:48Messianic is consistent with BL and capitalism in the free market is the most effective way to improve it
56:56you let me take you on this issue let me go back for you on this issue because I think
57:02yeah go
57:11ahead what you go back you said say the world evil
57:19andal but why does capitalism epitomize the world why doesn't the government intervention epitomize the world you're
57:25begging the question by say you say look at the Messianic tradition because there is certainly a Messianic tradition and
57:31now look at at for a moment not at the in but at the charitable activities of
57:37the Jews they have been carried on through free enterprise they've been strictly voluntary there are few groups
57:44in the world that have done as effective a job in charitable activities and
57:50providing institutions of all kinds for going back in the United States to the great inflow flux of refugees or
57:58immigrants from Europe in the end of the 19th century there was an establishment on voluntary Arrangements of of of
58:07associations to Aid the immigrants you have had the voluntary Jewish hospitals the voluntary Jewish schools and
58:14Charities you know the fact is that the free market is a far better and more
58:21effective way to do good than government control I give you
58:26not only the Jews in this respect but I give you the whole history of the United States what is the period during which
58:33you have had the greatest explosion of elimary charitable activities in both the United States and the United Kingdom
58:39Britain it's the 19th century when you had the closest approach to free ENC
58:44that was a period which saw the development and the expansion of elimary of the nonprofit hospital it saw the
58:53University of Chicago was founded in 1890 how by private activity not by governmental activity the middle west
59:00and the whole country are peppered with schools and colleges that were founded in the same way the association for the
59:07prevention of cruelity to animals the Red Cross the foreign
59:13Mission all take back to the 19th century one striking statistic which I
59:18has impressed me is that under British socialized medicine 2third of the beds
59:24in hospitals are in hospitals that were built before 1900 by the charitable activity of the
59:3219th century so that after all the Messianic tradition is perfectly
59:38compatible with the belief in voluntary activity you must interpret the market broadly the market means voluntary
59:45cooperation it means voluntary cooperation in economic activities but it also means voluntary cooperation and
59:51non-economic activi and the market is a far more effective way to get people to cooperate for for charitable activities
59:58and is governmental Arrangement this period of the 19th
1:00:05century when Grace not charitable organization started but weren they started in essence to cope with whether
1:00:11not whether right or wrong with perceptions of the the evil of
1:00:17capitalism no they were because they were established to cope with evils but not evils of
1:00:24tling of course but poverty my God are you going to tell me that poverty has
1:00:30some kind of close relationship to [Music]
1:00:38capitalism where do you have the greatest poverty in the least capitalist Nation the only countries in the world
1:00:45that have come close to eliminating what most people around the world would regard as poverty is the United are the
1:00:52capitalist countries like the United States Sweden Western Europe the the level of income that in the United
1:00:58States the level of income that in the United States by official standard is called the poverty level is high is
1:01:06higher than the average income of all the people in the Soviet
1:01:11Union you must for you know your
1:01:17percent there is no there's been no machine ever
1:01:24developed for eliminating poverty has effective as capitalism look you and I are evidence of
1:01:31this many of the people in this room like myself have parents or grandparents
1:01:36who came to this country in the 19th century with empty
1:01:42hands we are able to have a relatively affluent life because the free
1:01:48enterprise system of the United States in the 19th century provided them with an opportunity of making a new life in
1:01:54this country which was far ior to the one from which they came you know people vote with their feet in a very much more
1:02:01impressive manner than they vote at The Ballot Box and the millions and millions of people who scamed to the shores of
1:02:07this country weren't screaming to become
1:02:22poor who would like
1:02:34to alleviate economic problems like a doctor goes to cure disease which is
1:02:39your excuse for advising the [Music]
1:02:45children better talk better talk we believe in free
1:02:52speech well I wasn't around at that time and I didn't move to strengthen the Y in
1:02:59Chile in the first place I have not advised the Y in Chile I have advise the
1:03:04people of Chile I was in Chile for six days a year and a half ago you know as I say over
1:03:11and over again I don't know whether to be more amused or more flattered by the influence which I am attributed over
1:03:18Chile I was in Chile for six days a year and a half ago I had not never been in
1:03:23Chile before I have not been in Chile S I had not talked before that to any
1:03:29Chilean government official I have had no conversation with any Chile and government official F but I'm running
1:03:42chill but in any event I went to Chile under private offices I gave lectures in Chile in
1:03:49which I the public lectures in which I stated what I believe I went there to
1:03:54advise the people of Chile and also the Government of Chile if they wanted to listen to me I'm as I told this lady
1:04:00before but of course her memory is short as I told her before I have also gone to
1:04:05Yugoslavia and given speeches in Yugoslavia does that mean I'm running the communist state of Yugoslavia or
1:04:10that I'm a communist I have also been in the Soviet Union I'm not a communist either I've been an Indian I assure you
1:04:17I'm not responsible for ende G destruction of fom in India so in any
1:04:23event I think enough said about Chile let that cool
1:04:46terrible that's right sure I think Sweden is an interesting case the really interesting
1:04:52case is the comparison between Sweden and Great Britain now I should say in the first place that
1:04:59I do not know a great deal about Sweden I I I think I'm going to have an expense pay trip there in
1:05:13s and I will try to extend it for a couple of days precisely to see if I can get some more information to answer your
1:05:20question more fully I think your question is a very real here we have
1:05:27in which government spending at all levels has reached 60% of the national income here we have swed in which
1:05:34government spending at all levels has reached roughly the same proportion Britain is in a state of
1:05:40imminent collapse it has experienced very rapid inflation its standard of living has
1:05:47been going down you have the incredible phenomenon that whereas before World War
1:05:52II the standard of life of the average resident of Great Britain was twice the
1:05:59standard of life of the average German or Frenchman after today it's precisely
1:06:05the other way around the average standard of life of the German or the Frenchman is twice that of the English
1:06:11so you obviously have a tremendous failure in the economic area in addition
1:06:17to which I think Britain is in a very delicate state with respect to the maintenance of his political Liberty I
1:06:23think it will be a miracle if a really truly free Democratic Britain survives
1:06:29the next five years on the other hand in Sweden where supposedly the percentage
1:06:34of government income is the same you do not seem to have those phenomena at all Sweden has had a very high standard of
1:06:41life it's production has been going up until very recent years and uh there
1:06:46does not seem to be any major threat to the political system in swed and the question is what now there are as I say
1:06:55I'm not entirely confident in my answer and what I'm going to give you are my tenative explanations in the first place
1:07:03I believe that the swedes have confined their governmental activities to redistributive measures to
1:07:12a far greater extent than have the British that the British have gone much farther in the direction of
1:07:18nationalization of Enterprises of interfering in the control of the industrial system and this has part ly
1:07:26reflected the fact that the British have much greater barriers to Imports in
1:07:34subsidies to exports than have the swedes the swedes have maintained an essentially free trade society and free
1:07:40trade international free trade is an enormously effective way of introducing competition within a country I often ask
1:07:48people in the United States they I have a kind of a game in which I say people tell me the one law that you
1:07:55pass if you could pass that law and your only objective were to promote
1:08:01competition now most people will talk about strengthening the anti trust law or something like that but the right
1:08:07answer without question is to eliminate tariffs and have free trade that would do more to promote competition in this
1:08:13country than anything else well in Sweden you have had in the second place equally important I think it's a social
1:08:20F I think the extent to which you can carry government control and government
1:08:26intervention depends very critically on the homogeneity of the population the essence of a market
1:08:34system is that it is consistent with diversity it permits people who differ
1:08:41in many dimensions to cooperate with one another on the particular economic Dimension you don't have to agree with
1:08:46the fell you're buying and selling something from all you have to do is to have it mutually attractive for you to
1:08:52buy and sell on the other hand political Arrangements tend to promote home tend to prevent
1:08:58divers they tend to move toward uniformity you have to have bureaucratic rules and bureaucratic arrangements to
1:09:05to treat people on an administrative basis well now the Swedish it's an interesting thing the problems of
1:09:12Britain were very much less before World War II than they have become since World War II and I think a major reason for
1:09:18that change in Brit and this is I'm now analyzing it I'm not saying whether this was good or
1:09:24bad but the major reason for that change is that the British had a very large immigration from the Commonwealth after
1:09:30the war and they are now a much more heterogeneous people than they were
1:09:36before whereas the swedes are an extremely homogeneous people now there
1:09:41may be still other explanations and it may be that the Swedish situation is temporary the fact that the public at
1:09:48large has voted out the social democratic government and put in a coalition of other Pary suggests that it
1:09:54isn't the paradise that we have been led to believe with respect to personal freedom the experiences of bgment and of
1:10:02other people suggest the same but nonetheless so far as I can go I would say those are the reasons now let me
1:10:10emphasize we're not talking about pure cases there is no purely capitalist free
1:10:17market system in the world Hong Kong comes pretty close but it isn't really all the way the United States the 19th
1:10:24century came very close but it wasn't all the way there is no purely
1:10:29collectivist system private Enterprise and the free
1:10:35market are a major factor in Soviet Union the 3% of the land area that is
1:10:43permitted to be used as private plants produces 33% of the food of the Soviet
1:10:50Union you have a recent book which I recommend to all of you by HCK Smith on the Russian which is a fascinating book
1:10:57is sp of stories about the gray Market which exists in Russia if you want if
1:11:05you have trouble with your electric appliances you don't call the state firm
1:11:11you'll be six months before they get there you have somebody on the private come in at night and repair it for you
1:11:17you pay and so there is a very extensive and flourishing free market in the Soviet Union so you don't have cases
1:11:25that are extreme po cases and remains true that in swed it is predominantly
1:11:31Capital so far as the organization of production is concerned not so far as
1:11:37the distribution of income
1:11:48ised merchs inket of D
1:11:54EXP you think the public is generally aware that the Nobel prizes are tical
1:12:00Awards well I am not going to defend the Nobel Prize I'm perfectly willing to accept
1:12:07him but not to
1:12:16defend yes who want to raise a
1:12:23different yeah yeah you back that's right the first grow was
1:12:29a no not you I was he's fashional I don't understand
1:12:35that fashional you know in a free market you take your opportunities as they
1:12:53come well I do not believe that you can distinguish the Quest for economic freedom from the Quest for political
1:12:58freedom in fact it's not entirely clear to me how I make that distinction at all let me ask you a
1:13:07question how many how many professors of medicine at major medical schools in the
1:13:13United States would stand up and talk against socialized medicine at the drop of a hat
1:13:20when most of their research is being financed by the National Institute of Health
1:13:26is that a violation of their political Freedom or their economic freedom how much criticism of
1:13:33governmental activities do you hear from the big
1:13:38businessmen very little big businessmen are very reluctant to speak freely
1:13:44because they are a little worried that if they do the internal revenue will be down examining their books the next day
1:13:50and the antitrust division the day after that how many students
1:13:57St thinking of their future careers as governmental civil servants and
1:14:04bureaucrats even students who are the most independent of all really feel completely free to express themselves
1:14:12politically in every single way is it in in in in countries which
1:14:18have had for example exchange control when Great Britain had exchange control
1:14:23and it's now reimposing it and other countries have Israel has had
1:14:29to change control if you want to buy books that are published abroad you have to get the permission of a governmental
1:14:35office is that a restriction on economic freedom or a restriction on political
1:14:40Freedom now I think the the fact is that it's extremely difficult to make that
1:14:47distinction what you have in mind are the maintenance of the political institutions of the
1:14:53bot now the fact is is that no country of the world has been
1:14:58able to maintain even those institutions those political institutions unless they have had a predominantly free economy I
1:15:06do not know any exception to that rule and I wonder whether you can tell me any and consequently I think that there
1:15:13is not it is not right to distinguish between the search for economic freedom and the search for political freedom I
1:15:19think they are part and partial of the same thing you want
1:15:55no no come back
1:16:25a lot of
1:16:50people well let me uh let me see if we can examine that in the first place I I
1:16:55deny I think the proposition is almost the rers of capitalism promotes
1:17:01internationalism not National free market capitalism is a system of free
1:17:06trade free international trade the 19th century period of
1:17:13capitalism of the high TI of capitalism saw the greatest extent of internationalism and lack of you know
1:17:20before World War I you didn't need to carry a passport to travel anywhere throughout the European the Western
1:17:27World the United States Britain Europe before 1914 people could
1:17:34come to the United States without having a passport without having to have a Visa without having to be approved by
1:17:40immigration Authority anything like that they just came it was free movement and the same thing was true throughout the
1:17:45continent of Europe free trade there is nothing that is so effective in
1:17:51resolving the barriers of nationalism as free trade and and it's really precisely the opposite nationalism was on the
1:17:59decline during the high tide of capitalism when did nationalism
1:18:04reemerge when the state started to occupy to take it larger allerg Ro
1:18:10what's the point of being nationalistic if you don't have a government that can do something there's no point of being
1:18:17strongly St let's go out of the ordinary ones look at what's happening in Britain as you become more and more socialist
1:18:22you have the development of the Scots and the wealth why because now there are
1:18:27goodies to be divided on and you better get in control of those goodies take a simple example here
1:18:34is the North Sea oil in the capitalist world the government wouldn't be having anything to do with it that would be a
1:18:40private Enterprise activity it might be individual Scotchman who would only the ow it might be Englishman it might be
1:18:46Frenchman it might be Germans it might be us but today everybody knows that
1:18:51that North Sea o is going to be controlled by a governmental and if you're a Scotsman you can
1:18:57therefore see that there is great benefit in having a separate Scotch government which can control that nor in
1:19:04the same way in the Arab countries as long as it's individuals are tra which is the essence of the C Society you
1:19:12don't have any development you don't have any opportunity to exercise nationalism the time you're describing
1:19:17why do you have nationalism in those countries because in every one of them you have it controlled by an oligarchy
1:19:23which has the control over the society you take the case of German and a in the
1:19:29first place the depression of which Germany there's no doubt that the depression in Germany stimulated him but
1:19:37that Depression was a result of a failure of government not capitalist system it was the United States Federal
1:19:43Reserve System that produced that depression which spread to Germany it wasn't any failure of the business
1:19:48enterprise system I know I can't persuade you of that right now but I will recommend to you a very good book
1:19:57so I think if you really look at the evue you will find that it really runs
1:20:03in the opposite direction that the whole thrust of free market capitalism and Enterprise is to emphasize the
1:20:11individual now don't misunderstand me when I say the individual I don't mean the isolated naked individual separate
1:20:18from all this stuff it emphasizes voluntary associations of individual
1:20:23those voluntary associ may be churches there may be charitable groups to get on
1:20:28hpit but the one thing it doesn't impr are fix permanent boundaries
1:20:34corresponding to nation states and the rise of the great nation states the rise
1:20:39of Nationals has been a phenomenon of a growth of government bureaucracy and control and not the opposite I think we
1:20:46have time for one more question and I will
1:20:52itad anybody back there who was go
1:20:58ahead my finger is not very directive I mean the young lady who
1:21:15is no it isn't there is no doubt that every that
1:21:21you always have Tendencies toward everybody will attempt to form a man of course we all want to improve our lot
1:21:28and we'll all try to form them man now the question you're raising is the question is whether there is something
1:21:34inherent in C so that it tends to promote the growth of monopo that's an
1:21:40arguable position in the sense that it could be some but it's also a position
1:21:45which has been extensively investigated and stud and the answer is that unless you get the government in
1:21:54on the side the Monopoly and the Monopoly will try to get the government in don't misunderstand me I'm not saying
1:21:59that the Monopoly will not try to do so unless you get the government in the monopolies will not be promoted but on
1:22:05the contrary will break down almost without exception International cartels to take
1:22:12a particular case which have not been able to get the government on their side have broken down because of competition
1:22:19from outside the only exception of any importance I know of is the De Beers diamond
1:22:26within the United States there have been a number of studies most of them done at this
1:22:32University by George Stigler by Warren Nutters and others which have shown that
1:22:37if you exclude the government dominated Industries or the industries where the government more or less monopolizes the
1:22:46industry there has been no secular tendency for monopolies to increase in
1:22:52importance what happened is that as the economy has gotten larger the firms have gotten larger but that
1:22:59doesn't mean you've had more Monopoly because in a bigger economy a bigger firm you can have more firms of a large
1:23:07size and in a smaller economy you can to have small firms the developments in communication and transportation which
1:23:13capitalism itself has sprad widens the area of the market in a 19th century Society with
1:23:21difficult transportation and communication you could have a great deal of local minority that largely disappears when you widen
1:23:27the market if you could eliminate where and when you can eliminate tariffs and have foreign trade you have the world as
1:23:34competition so I do not believe there is any inhering tendency in a capitalist
1:23:40assern to move toward monop you certainly have people trying to achieve it but you know the bigger they are the
1:23:46harder they fall and when you get a monopoly that tentatively a success that
1:23:52opens an opportunity for other people to undermine of an and there is a tendon there is a force in the other direction
1:23:58you see there are two forces at work one the coalescing force and one the disperson and there is no evidence
1:24:05whatsoever in the to the best of my knowledge empirically in the United States or in other countries that the coalescent force has some kind of innate
1:24:13power provided and that's an important provisor you can keep the government out
1:24:19if you get the government in there's no doubt if you ask where do you have Monopoly in the United States you have
1:24:25it only where you have the government stepping in why is the AMA monopol because you have the government license
1:24:31sh of medicine the uh why are the uh Banks
1:24:36monopolised because you need a government franchise to operate a bank and you're subject to government control
1:24:42how can the uh construction trade unions maintain their Monopoly power because of
1:24:47Davis bake and Walsh healing and so on Down the Line almost everywhere you find a monopolis to government you find
1:24:54government assistance now so your argument you have to make your argument if you will a
1:24:59little bit more sophisticated and there it's a much more difficult argument to handle the
1:25:05argument that you can make is that firms and seeking to become a Noni will seek to expand the role of
1:25:15government by getting political power to come in on their side and therefore via
1:25:21that movement you get into to a problem of government control I have often said
1:25:29that the two greatest enemies of free enterprise are on the one hand the businessmen and on the other hand the
1:25:35intellectuals for opposite reasons every intellectual is in favor of freedom for
1:25:41himself he wants free speech he wants freedom to choose his own research topics if I say to him are you silly
1:25:47felon look at all that waste and research you got 10 people studying the relation between money and income ought
1:25:53we to have a single planning board that will allocate research topics to people to make sure you don't have wasteful
1:25:59duplication and competitive uh way oh no that would be terrible you have to have
1:26:05freedom but when it comes to the businessman the intellectual doesn't want any freedom for him he wants him to
1:26:11be subject to a planning board so you'll have the intellectual wants freedom for himself but for nobody else now the
1:26:17businessman is very different he's all in favor of freedom for everybody else but when it comes to himself H that's a
1:26:25different thing he wants a tariff he wants government to keep out his competitors he wants government to
1:26:31provide him with a guaranteed market and he's a good promoter of expansions of
1:26:37government so that along those lines I really believe there is a very serious problem of maintaining a free society
1:26:44and that one of the forces working to expand government are the pressure from private business in but there's no you
1:26:52if you can keep the government out there is know in here in Tennessee along your line I'm afraid we've overstated our time I appreciate your attention thank
1:27:18you this audio file is a production of the University of Chicago Law School visit us on the web at
1:27:25www. law. chicago.edu [Music]


4:03方程式 E mc² です。その論文の最後の行を読み上げます。その研究の結果、
4:12結果は L は qh 2 ÷ 3 です。4 
:18Q は、今後はフリード・マニアンとして知られるようになるでしょう。4 :25文脈上、資本主義と JWM というテーマで、その伝統

4:42 [拍手] 5:08ありがとうございます。恥ずかしいですが、どういたしまして。感謝します。5 :15どういたしまして。しかし、ヒル協会の機能がこのようなものになるとは驚きです。5 :21ヒル協会の機能がこのようなものになるとは。5 :28イスラエルが受賞したのであれば、5:28理解できますが、スウィーツがシカゴでこれほど影響力があるとは知りませんでした。とにかく、とても感謝しています。私はシカゴ大学の出身です。シカゴ大学は、寛容さ、異端者を教員や教師として受け入れる姿勢など、素晴らしい教育機関です。シカゴ大学は、シカゴの教育機関として、そして私たちも、これまで一度も経験したことのない、素晴らしい教育機関です。シカゴの教育機関は、単一の考え方、単一の価値観、単一の教義を持っています。シカゴの教育機関が何を意味するかはともかく、多様性と独立性を認めることを意味します。今夜、私が資本主義について述べる意見は、その伝統に沿ったものになると思います。ヒル氏が私を招待して喜んでくださるかどうかはわかりませんが、結局のところ、ユダヤ人にも寛容と多様性の伝統があります。ご存知のように、ユダヤ人の古い格言に、どのコミュニティにもユダヤ人が 2 人いれば、いつも3つのシナゴーグがあります。 7:03今夜の私の講演は、2つの命題についての議論です。7:10それぞれの命題は証拠によって裏付けられており、7:17この2つは互いに矛盾しています。 最初の命題は、ユダヤ人ほど自由企業と競争的資本主義に多大な恩恵を受けている民族は世界にほとんどいないということです。 2番目の命題は、ユダヤ人として資本主義の知的基盤をこれほどまでに弱体化させてきた人々は世界にほとんどいないということです。 7:50[音楽] 私の講演のテーマは、この2つの一見矛盾する命題をどう調和させるかということですが、まず、これらの命題を文書化して、 8:10まず、ユダヤ人が競争的資本主義から得た利益、競争的資本主義の本質について考えてみましょう。

基準で支配権を行使するために、誰に売るか、誰から買うかを決める立場にあるからだ。9 :205年ほど前、私は、カナダのモントリオールで国際通貨基金の年次総会に出席した際、市場の競争的な性格と、独占が差別に与える影響とのこの対比
に非常に衝撃を受けた。これは国際銀行協会が年に1回開催する会議です。アメリカ銀行協会が主催していると思いますが、メンバーとして出席しているのは、アメリカだけでなく世界中の主要銀行の2人の最高責任者です。そこにいたある銀行家はたまたま私と同じ名前で、Bの反ユダヤ主義の問題について私に話してくれました。その銀行家と、その国の会員の非公式な国勢調査をしてもらいました。すると、出席していた世界中のすべての主要銀行家のうち、約1%がユダヤ人であることがわかりました。これは、どの国でも独占の影響です。銀行は他の国では独占です。銀行協会は、彼らの前で話すようにスピーカーに依頼します。 10:45 専門家のパネルが、自転車コミュニティのさまざまなトピックについて論文を発表し、議論しました。 10:52 競争がありました。なぜなら、彼らは最も優れていると思うものを選んでいたからです。10:59 論文を発表するよう人々に依頼しました。 プログラムに参加した人々の人口調査をしたところ、なんと11:05 25% がユダヤ人でした。 この対比は非常に印象的で、選択がパフォーマンスと生産された製品に依存する競争と、パフォーマンス以外の基準で誰を選ぶかを決めることができる独占の違いを非常に鮮明に明らかにしています。 11:34 皆さんもご存知のように、ユダヤ人は何世紀にもわたって亡命生活を送っていました。 11:40 1000 年以上続いた大ディアスポラです。

のおかげでした。その期間、ユダヤ人が国際貿易と金融の分野で特に成功できたのは偶然ではありません。なぜなら、その領域では、地方政府や独裁政権が国家間の取引を管理するのが最も困難だったからです。競争的な市場の要素がなければなりません。そして、競争的な市場の要素の中で、ユダヤ人はあちこちで小さな隙間を見つけ、生き延びることを可能にする貴重な経済的、社会的機能を果たすことができました。近代において、ナチスドイツとソ連という、私たちが経験した最も全体主義的な2つの国が、最も反ユダヤ的であったのも偶然ではありません。12:54 国はまた、独裁国家であり、有効な自由市場がなく、競争がないという事実から予想される結果です。もちろん、彼らが反ユダヤ主義的であることは必然ではありません。彼らは他の小さなグループに反対しているかもしれません。すべての全体主義社会、すべての独裁社会にはスケープゴートが必要です。自分たちの間違いや誤りの責任を負わせることができる小さなグループが必要です。ユダヤ人がそのスケープゴートになるのは驚くことではありません。なぜなら、彼らは歴史を通じて、特別な習慣と態度を持つ目に見える少数派として、そのようなスケープゴートになってきたからです。したがって、すべての独裁国家でユダヤ人がスケープゴートになると主張するつもりはありません。中国のスケープゴートグループが誰であるかはわかりません。 13:52それはユダヤ人ではなく資本主義のローターですが、それはユダヤ人がそこにいないからだと思います。13 :59しかし、私が言うようにドイツでは、ソ連ではなくユダヤ人でした。反対の方向に目を向けると、ユダヤ人が比較的繁栄できた地域はどこでしょうか。14 :1414世紀と17世紀に最も競争力のある資本主義を持っていた国々です。14:2016世紀と17世紀に、ユダヤ人にとっての避難所となったのはオランダでした。14 :27なぜなら、当時オランダは世界有数の起業家国家であり、世界有数の貿易国だったからです。14 :34世界市場で貿易を行っていました。18世紀、19世紀、20世紀初頭には比較的自由な経済がありました。14 :43ユダヤ人が繁栄できたのはイギリスとアメリカでした。

得る 私の意見では、特に啓発的な例は、19世紀から20世紀初頭のドイツです
で最も成功しました。銀行業については、すでに触れたように、小売業の銀行業は反ユダヤ主義の領域です。ユダヤ人が銀行や金融をコントロールしているという一般的な作り話にもかかわらず、数年前にブラウン将軍が不幸な無知を表明しましたが、その考えにもかかわらず、明白な事実は、銀行業ほどユダヤ人に対する差別がトップレベルで行われている業界は、この国にはないということです。それは独占だからです。銀行を持つには、フランチャイズが必要であり、国からフランチャイズを取得する必要があります。銀行家仲間は、銀行業は銀行が必要であることを保証する必要があります。アンナ・シュワルツと私が当時遭遇したエピソードの1つは、アメリカの通貨の歴史を記すと、 17 02アメリカ合衆国銀行のエピソードが浮かび上がります。 1930年12月11日に破綻した銀行で、その日まで破綻した銀行の中では最大のものでした。その破綻が大恐慌を引き起こす大きな引き金となりました。大恐慌がいずれにせよ起こらなかったかもしれないと言っているわけではありませんが、アメリカ合衆国銀行の破綻が一連の銀行取り付け騒ぎを引き起こし、その一連の銀行取り付け騒ぎが大恐慌を促進する要因となったことは間違いありません。アメリカ合衆国銀行がなぜ破綻したのか、記録は完全に明らかです。ジョン・キロン・モアは反ユダヤ主義者だったからです。アメリカ合衆国銀行は、ニューヨークで唯一、ユダヤ人の支配下にあった2つの大銀行のうちの1つでした。

忘れましたが、彼は議会の委員会による調査の対象となり、彼が関わっていたさまざまなグループの独占的行為について長時間尋問されました。彼を尋問した主導者は、有名なユダヤ人の法律家でした。それに加えて、後に最高裁判所判事が数冊の本を執筆しました。柱の建設が正しいかどうかは分かりません。私はそのことについて調べたことはありませんが、モルガンの利益を悪徳な独占企業として柱に据えるということは、どうすればわかるのでしょうか。幸運なことに、連邦準備制度理事会の理事で、素晴らしいゴシップ好きのハムリン氏がいて、彼はそれをずっと電話で伝えていました。ハムリン氏は連邦準備制度理事会の初期のメンバーの一人で、理事会の初代議長でした。実際、当時は議長ではなく総裁と呼ばれていました。彼は生涯日記をつけており、その日記は幸いにも議会図書館に保存されており、1917年か18年に、あるユダヤ人を任命するかどうかで大きな争いがあったことを記録しています。銀行家が取締役会のメンバーだったことについては、銀行家がドイツ系であるという理由で激しい争いがありましたが、実際には彼がユダヤ人であるという理由で争いました。ハムリンは、モーガン・シニアの息子である J・ポン・モーガン・ジュニアと昼食をとりました。昼食の最中に、モーガンはハムに「父にしたことについてユダヤ人を捕まえるつもりだ」と言いました。このことに関する証拠書類があることはわかっていますが、1931 年にそれがどのように当てはまったかはわかりません。標準的な B 銀行は、米国銀行であり、非常に優れた銀行でした。完全に健全な B 銀行でした。不況の最悪の時期に清算され、92 年と 92 年の半分の利率で返済されました。 30から20:3533の期間にわたって清算されたにもかかわらず、負債の1ドルごとに0.5セントが支払われたが、当時の標準的な慣行では、JPポンドモルガンの数週間前にいくつかの銀行が経験したように、銀行が20:41困難に陥った場合、

21:38 店舗を開発して開くというケース、あるいはまったく別のケースを考えてみましょう
。 21:44 映画と重工業の対比を考えてみましょう。重工業
。アメリカ医師会は米国で最も強力な労働組合の 1 つであり、

23 40 
...完璧からは程遠く、彼らは24:23 かなりの余裕を残しています。100 の枠に 500 人の人材を配置し、それぞれが最低限の能力基準を満たすことができます。では、偏見を何でも使うのはごく自然なことです。黒人に対して偏見を持っているなら、黒人を締め出すでしょう。ユダヤ人に対して偏見を持っているなら、ユダヤ人を締め出すでしょう。セブンスデー アドベンチストに対して偏見を持っているなら、セブンスデー アドベンチストを締め出すでしょう。たとえば、最近まで入国制限がずっと少なかった法律の世界と、医療の世界を比較すると、状況は非常に明らかです。要約すると、ユダヤ人が政府の介入から利益を得ることはほとんどなく、187 年から 16 世紀まで遡れば、いくつかのケースがありました。いわゆる裁判所のグループがありました。ユダヤ人は、特定の王や王子に保護されていました。なぜなら、彼らは財政管理や融資の手配などで役に立ったからです。そのようなケースはいくつかありましたが、彼らは非常に例外的な存在です。ユダヤ人は、基本的に政府の介入の恩恵を受けたことはなく、繁栄してきました。ある程度の自由と偏見からの自由は、大規模な自由介入があった場合にのみ得られました。ここで、ユダヤ人は自由企業と資本主義に莫大な負債を負っているという最初の命題の問題から、2番目の命題に移ります。ユダヤ人は、資本主義に一貫して反対し、イデオロギーのレベルで資本主義を弱体化させるために多くのことをしてきました。カール・マーズからレオン・トロンスキー、そして現代版のミスター・マーズに至るまで、反資本主義の文献の大部分は、15ユダヤ人によって書かれたそれは資本主義的であるだけでなく、もちろんKLマルクス自身のものも含め、反ユダヤ主義的なものもある。

26:21 非常に強い反ユダヤ主義の傾向を持つ著作がありますが、これは別の問題です。もしあなたが社会主義共産主義の反資本主義文献の
図書館を調べれば、その非常に大きな部分、不釣り合いなほど多くの部分が、著者がジュードによって執筆されていることがわかります。近年行われた投票記録に関するさまざまな研究を見れば、全体として、米国で、政治的スペクトルの左側と見なされるものに一貫して投票する民族グループはほとんどないことがわかります。ユダヤ人として、共産主義について書かれたさまざまな本を見れば、米国における共産党員について、何らかの理由で重要なグループが2つありました。27:14その理由はよくわかりませんが、フィンは27:20おそらく気候のセスだったのでしょう。 27:26TRは何かホットなものを作ったが、私は本当に説明がなかった。私は調べたことがない。しかし、彼らは27:32米国共産党の初期の歴史で起こったように、主要な要素であったが、ユダヤ人は他の主要な要素であり、27:40何度も支配的であった。そして、すべてのいわゆるリベラルだが実際には27:45非リベラルな運動を見れば、いわゆるリベラリズムは単に他人のお金によるリベラリズムを意味していた。そのような運動を見れば、ユダヤ人が不釣り合いな役割を果たしてきたことが再びわかるだろう。27:57私は皆さんにそれを強調する必要はないと思う。なぜなら、皆さん全員がこれが事実であることを知っていると思うし、28:03文献を調べれば同じ結論に達するだろうから。私は本当に最も興味深い質問に進みたい。なぜこの反資本主義28:13 精神が今、 28:20このおかしな資本主義的メンタリティに衝撃を受けたのは私が初めてではありません。このテーマについては数多くの本や研究が書かれています。28 :26その中の1冊はローエンス・CESという人物によるものです。28 :31本のタイトルは忘れてしまいましたが、根本的にはユダヤ人の政治的価値観に関する彼の質問に関係しています。28 :39彼の説明は非常に単純です。彼の説明は、ユダヤ人の反資本主義的メンタリティはユダヤ教とユダヤ文化から派生した価値観を反映しているということです。ユダヤ教とユダヤ文化は慈善を強調し、利己主義を強調します。したがって、ユダヤ人の反資本主義的価値観はそこから派生しています。もちろん、この特定の説明は、反資本主義的メンタリティを共有し、魅力的なものを探すように駆り立てられている人物から来ています。


の一部、第一次世界大戦中にナチスと広範囲に浮気し、浮気しすぎたとして、当然の批判を受けましたが、この非常に魅力的で興味深い本は、1911年にそれらの要素をまったく示しておらず、背景と関係についての非常に興味深い議論です。31:20ユダヤ人の態度や考えと彼らの宗教文化との間には、いずれにせよ、その説明は妥当ではないように私には思われます。2 つ目の説明は、知識人は資本主義的であり、ユダヤ人は不釣り合いに知的であり、したがってこれは純粋に統計的なものであり、彼らが知的であるかどうかに関係なく、ユダヤ人の間に不釣り合いに反資本主義的な考え方があるという印象は排除されます。これらの記述は真実です。全体として、少なくとも過去1 世紀ほどは、知識人は主に反資本主義的であったことは事実です。ユダヤ人は不釣り合いに知的追求に向かう傾向があります。2 つの理由があります。1 つは、すでに述べたように、ユダヤ人は競争が最も激しい分野に進出する傾向があり、

彼らが富を持ち出すのを阻止するからです。33 :28あなた方全員が、その過程に
いるのがわかります。 33:41
33:46 知的追求に偏って集中し、知識人は
33:51 反資本主義的であったことは事実です。これは非常に部分的で不完全な説明にすぎません
。33:58 まず第一に、ユダヤ人の知識人は知識人よりも反資本主義的です
。34:04 一般的に、ユダヤ人によって書かれた資本主義文献の割合を見ると、
34:10 これは非ユダヤ人の知識人によって書かれた割合よりも明らかに大きいです。しかし第二に
、34:17 非知識人のユダヤ人は非ユダヤ人と同じ方向で異なります。34 
:22 結局のところ、私が最近引用した投票の証拠を見ると、
34:29 ニューディール以降、状況はすべての理由で、米国のニューディール以前とは異なっていますが、
自然なことです。ユダヤ人は、他のどの国よりも差別をはるかに少なく経験しましたが、反ユダヤ主義は残っています。反ユダヤ主義の偏見が残っていることは間違いありません。残っている反ユダヤ主義を資本主義システムのせいにする傾向があるのは理解できます。他の多くのシステムよりも彼のおかげでどれだけ恵まれていたか、次に、悪い点を見てください。エルスには多くのことがあると思いますが、これはあまり満足のいく説明ではありません。資本主義や競争的なカトリックに象徴されるシステムの悪い面を責める理由がないのです。なぜ、教会や貴族階級、官僚などの悪い残余要素を責めないのでしょうか。なぜ市場システムを攻撃の焦点に選ぶのでしょうか。私は、これまで私が考えてきたどの説明よりもずっと説得力があり、はるかに重要であると個人的に思う説明が他に 2 つあります。そのうちの 1 つは、教義論文で提示された説明です。私は、この説明が出版されたことはないと思いますが、ニューヨーク大学かニューヨークのニュースクールでベラルド・C・スミスという人物が書いた博士論文です。彼の説明によれば、18世紀のフランス革命以降、ヨーロッパの政治運動は右派と宗教運動と密接に結びついたキリスト教運動と左派運動から成り、一方で社会党と共産党は反聖職者主義で、右派に居場所を見出せるユダヤ人はほとんどおらず、ユダヤ人が政治運動に参加できる唯一の場所は左派だった。ユダヤ人は右派には受け入れられなかった。彼らは市場志向だったかもしれないが、特定の宗教にも向いていた。彼らはその宗教の偏見を持っており、ユダヤ人はそこで居場所を見つけるのは困難だった。他方、左派は明らかに反聖職者主義的で、ユダヤ人が宗教から外れることなく政治活動や政治運動に参加できる唯一の場所を提供していた。38:35今、私は偉大ないくつかの計画を引用します


41:44 渡ってきたユダヤ人はルーズベルトを偉大な守護者とみなしていたので、実際、

主な説明は、一方では19世紀ヨーロッパの特殊な状況でプロマルク党と既存の宗教が結びつき、ユダヤ人を左派に追いやったこと、他方ではユダヤ人が反ユダヤ主義の誤りを世界に示すという無意識の試みであると結論づけた。興味深いのは、これが49:33イデオロギーこの反資本主義イデオロギーはユダヤ人の利己心に強く反しています。国内での反対は明らかですが、もう1つ強力で印象的な例を挙げて次の質問をさせてください。49:50今日のイスラエルの状態はどうなっているでしょうか。世界のすべての国が社会主義であった場合、イスラエルは最初の支援をどこから得ていたでしょうか。イスラエルは存続期間中、どこから財政支援を得ていたのでしょうか。資本主義国から得ましたか。米国から得ましたか。南アフリカから得ましたか。英国から得ましたか。米国と南アフリカの政府からではなく、英国と南アフリカのユダヤ人居住者から得ました。米国では、イスラエルはこれらの国のどの国よりも多くのユダヤ人から援助を受けましたか。ロシアはイスラエルを支援するために資本を送ることができたでしょうか。50:34政府に影響を与えてイスラエルにキャップを送る50:40イスラエルが支援を受けている社会主義国は他にあるのか 50:40世界中のすべての国がユダヤ人の知的イデオロギーの支配的なテーマに従っていたら、イスラエルは決して存在できなかったでしょう 50:54さて、イスラエルに戻りましょうと言うかもしれません。イスラエルを初めて訪問した後、イスラエルは2つの伝統が互いに争う社会であると言って去ったので、とても興味深いケースだと思います。 50:07イスラエルには150年続く民主社会主義の伝統があり、中央管理による政府の計画が必要でした。 50:18政府の規制を回避する2000年の伝統がありました。そして、幸いなことに、


54:30 ユダヤ人は、映画や娯楽産業、教育や生活のさまざまな側面の小売業の競争市場ではうまく機能していないが、
57:25 メシアニックな伝統を見てください、と言うのは論点先取です。メシアニックな伝統は確かにあるからです。57 
:31 では、ユダヤ人の慈善活動について見てみましょう。
慈善活動でこれほど効果的な仕事をし、あらゆる種類の機関を提供してきたグループは世界にほとんどありません。19 世紀末、ヨーロッパからの難民

58:21 政府の統制よりも効果的な善行の方法
58:26 この点ではユダヤ人だけではなく、米国の歴史全体を挙げてみましょう
58:39 英国では、19 世紀に ENC が無料で提供されました
。 58:44 この時代は、非営利病院の発展と拡大が見られました。
58:53 シカゴ大学は 1890 年に設立されました。 中西部や
国全体に、同じように設立された学校や大学が点在しています。 59:07
59:13 19 世紀に遡る 1 つの印象的な統計があります。

くれたので、比較的豊かな生活を送ることができています。人々は投票箱で投票するよりも、はるかに印象的な方法で足で投票します。この国に詐欺的にやって来た何百万もの人々は、貧乏になりたいと叫んでいませんでした。1:02:34経済問題を緩和するために医者が病気を治すように、1:02:39それは[音楽]にアドバイスするための言い訳です。1:02:45子供たちはもっとよく話したほうがいい、私たちは言論の自由を信じています。1:02:52私はその時そこにいませんでしたし、チリのYを強化するために動いたことはありませんでした。そもそも私はチリのYにアドバイスしていません。1 :03:04チリの人々にアドバイスしています。1年半前に6日間チリにいました。1 :03:11何度も言いますが、私がチリに帰せられている影響について、面白がっていいのか、うれしく思うべきかわかりません。1 :03:18私は1年半前に6日間チリにいました。1:03:23それ以前にチリに行ったことはありませんでした。1 :03:23それ以前にチリに行ったことはありませんでした。それ以前には誰とも話したことがありませんでした。1:03:29チリ政府関係者 私はチリや政府関係者と話をしたことはありませんが、私はチリを運営しています。1:03:42いずれにせよ、私は民間事務所でチリに行き、チリで講演を行いました。1:03:49公開講演で、私は自分が信じていることを述べました。1:03:54チリの人々やチリ政府に助言するためにそこに行ったのです。もし彼らが私の話を聞きたければ。 1:04:00前にこの女性に言ったように、もちろん彼女の記憶は短いですが、前に言ったように私はユーゴスラビアにも行き、ユーゴスラビアで演説もしました。 それは私がユーゴスラビアの共産主義国家を運営しているという意味ですか、それとも私が共産主義者だという意味ですか。 私はソ連にもいましたが、共産主義者でもありません。インド人でした。保証します。1:04:17私はインドにおける原野の破壊については責任を負わないので、どんな場合でもチリについてはもう十分だと思います。落ち着かせましょう。1: 04 :28ひどいですね。その通りです。スウェーデンは興味深いケースだと思います。本当に興味深いのは、スウェーデンとイギリスの比較です。まず最初に言っておかなければならないのは、


1:10:43 民間工場としての使用が許可され、ソ連の食糧の 33% を生産しています。
皆さんにお勧めしたいのは、HCK スミスのロシアに関する最近の本です。これは非常に興味深い本で、
到着するまでに 6 か月かかります。夜間に民間の誰かが来て修理してくれます。料金は
1:11:48D のグッズ
1:11:54EXP ノーベル賞は賞だということを世間が一般的に知っていると思いますか?まあ、私はノーベル賞を擁護するつもりはありません。 1:12:07彼
を受け入れることには全然構いませんが、 1:12:16擁護するつもりはありません。 はい、誰が違うものを育てたいですか?ええ、そうです、最初の成長は1:12:29a ​​でした。 いいえ、あなたではありません。 私は彼がファッショナルでした。1:12:35そのファッショナルを理解していません。 1:12:35自由市場では、チャンスが来たらそれをつかむのです。1:12:53経済的自由の追求と政治的自由の追求を区別できるとは思いません。実際、その区別の仕方が私にはまったくわかりません。 1:13:07質問をさせてください。米国の主要医学部の何人の教授が、社会主義医療に反対する発言をすぐにするでしょうか。彼らの研究のほとんどが国立衛生研究所によって資金提供されているのに、それは彼らの政治的自由や経済的自由の侵害でしょうか。大企業から政府の活動に対する批判はどれくらい聞こえますか。大企業はほとんど自由に話すことをためらいます。なぜなら、もしそうしたら、翌日には会計検査院が、その翌日には反トラスト局が彼らの帳簿を調べて、国税庁が減るのではないかと少し心配しているからです。政府の公務員や官僚としての将来のキャリアを考えている学生のうち、最も独立した学生でさえ、あらゆる点で政治的に自分自身を表現することに完全に自由を感じていますか。例えばイギリスが為替管理をしていた時代に為替管理を行っていた国々では

思います。 1:15:19それらは同じものの一部であり、一部であると思います。1 :15:28それは1:15:55いいえ、いいえ、戻ってきてください。1 :16:25多くの人々は、ええと、まず第一にそれを検証できるかどうか見てみましょう。II 1:16:55否定します。この命題は、資本主義のほとんどが国際主義を促進するものであり、国家の自由市場資本主義ではなく、自由貿易のシステムであると思います。19世紀の資本主義の最盛期には、国際主義と国際性の欠如が最も顕著でした。ご存知のように、第一次世界大戦以前は、ヨーロッパ、西側諸国、米国、英国、ヨーロッパのどこへでも旅行するのにパスポートを携帯する必要はありませんでした。1914年以前は、人々は米国に来ることができました。パスポートもビザも移民局の承認も必要なく、ただ来ただけで、移動は自由でした。ヨーロッパ大陸全体でも同じことが言えます。自由貿易です。自由貿易ほどナショナリズムの障壁を解消するのに効果的なものはありません。そして、それはまさにその逆です。ナショナリズムは資本主義の絶頂期に衰退しました。国家が占領し、より大きくしようとしたとき、ナショナリズムはいつ再び現れたのでしょうか。何かできる政府がなければ、ナショナリストになる意味はありません。普通のことではないことを見てみましょう。イギリスで何が起きているか見てみましょう。ますます社会主義的になるにつれて、スコットランド人の発展と富があります。なぜなら今は

1:18:27 分け合うべき財産があり、その財産をコントロールする方がよいのです。簡単な例を挙げてみましょう
。1:18:34 北海の石油は資本主義世界では政府が関与することはありません。それは
システムの失敗ではありませんでした。私は今それをあなたに納得させることはできませんが、私はあなたに非常に良い本を推薦します。1 :19:57そのレビューをよく見れば、自由市場資本主義と企業の全体的な推進力とは反対の方向に
1:21:21 誰もが人間を形成しようとする傾向は常にあります。もちろん、私たちは皆、自分の運命を改善したいと思っています。そして、

:27:25www. law. chicago.edu にアクセスしてください。[音楽]

0 件のコメント:


池戸万作@政治経済評論家さんによるXでのポスト 阪口直人 れいわ

れいわ新選組は言っていることが正しいから、動画の再生回数も伸びるし、比例票も伸びるのです。国会議員に求められることは、実は非常にシンプルなのだと思います。取りあえず、国会議員は財務省に騙されないことですね。 Xユーザーの池戸万作@政治経済評論家(@mansaku_ikedo)さん...