
五月雨(れいわ新選組応援)さんによるXでのポスト くしぶち

桃太郎+さんによるXでのポスト 納税者権利憲章

財務省解体デモの争点「国税庁分離」 国税が財務省の下部組織になってる国なんて世界で日本だけ。 さらに日本には #納税者権利憲章 が無いため、国税が人権を完全無視した税務調査・徴税を行っても罪に問えない状況にあることは知っておいてもらいたい。 国民はもっと怒ろう。
2025/03/01 8:09

GDPNow - アトランタ連邦準備銀行

GDPNow - Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta


The growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) measured by the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) is a key metric of the pace of economic activity. It is one of the four variables included in the economic projections of Federal Reserve Board members and Bank presidents for every other Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting. As with many economic statistics, GDP estimates are released with a lag whose timing can be important for policymakers. For example, of the four scheduled 2014 release dates of an "advance" (or first) estimate of GDP growth, two are on the second day of a scheduled FOMC meeting with the other two on the day after the meeting. In preparation for FOMC meetings, policymakers have the Fed Board staff projection of this "advance" estimate at their disposal. These projections—available through 2008 at the Philadelphia Fed's Real Time Data Center—have generally been more accurate than forecasts from simple statistical models. As stated by economists Jon Faust and Jonathan H. Wright in a 2009 paper, "by mirroring key elements of the data construction machinery of the Bureau of Economic Analysis, the Fed staff forms a relatively precise estimate of what BEA will announce for the previous quarter's GDP even before it is announced."

The Atlanta Fed GDPNow model also mimics the methods used by the BEA to estimate real GDP growth. The GDPNow forecast is constructed by aggregating statistical model forecasts of 13 subcomponents that comprise GDP. Other private forecasters use similar approaches to "nowcast" GDP growth. However, these forecasts are not updated more than once a month or quarter, are not publicly available, or do not have forecasts of the subcomponents of GDP that add "color" to the top-line number. The Atlanta Fed GDPNow model fills these three voids.

The BEA's advance estimates of the subcomponents of GDP use publicly released data from the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, and other sources. Much of this data is displayed in the BEA's Key Source Data and Assumptions table that accompanies the "advance" GDP estimate. GDPNow relates these source data to their corresponding GDP subcomponents using a "bridge equation" approach similar to the one described in a Minneapolis Fed study by Preston J. Miller and Daniel M. Chin. Whenever the monthly source data is not available, the missing values are forecasted using econometric techniques similar to those described in papers by James H. Stock and Mark W. Watson and Domenico Giannone, Lucrezia Reichlin, and David Small. A detailed description of the data sources and methods used in the GDPNow model is provided in an accompanying Atlanta Fed working paper.

As more monthly source data becomes available, the GDPNow forecast for a particular quarter evolves and generally becomes more accurate. That said, the forecasting error can still be substantial just prior to the "advance" GDP estimate release. It is important to emphasize that the Atlanta Fed GDPNow forecast is a model projection not subject to judgmental adjustments. It is not an official forecast of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, its president, the Federal Reserve System, or the FOMC.

©2017 Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to reproduce for personal and educational use only.

MMT太郎🐶消費税は廃止!さんによるXでのポスト2025年2月27日 衆議院・予算委員会 福田昭夫議員

2025年2月27日 衆議院・予算委員会

福田昭夫議員… pic.x.com/i6180J4Bfe
2025/03/01 1:59
2025年2月27日 衆議院・予算委員会


Stephanie KeltonさんによるXでのポスト“A Monetary and Fiscal Framework for Economic Stability”* by Milton Friedman American Economic Review 38, June 1948

by  Milton Friedman 
American Economic  Review  38,  June  1948,  pp. 245-264 ©  American Economic  Association 

Stephanie KeltonさんによるXでのポスト

by L. Randall Wray
Working Paper No. 22 

超大物ゲスト登場!公益資本主義について原丈人先生に解説してもらいました。[三橋TV第984回] 原丈人・三橋貴明・saya

「公益」資本主義 (文春新書) Kindle版 

  3/4 23:59まで 所定金額以上のご購入でポイントアップ (適用条件あり) 細則を確認
四半期決算を廃止せよ! 長期保有株主を優遇せよ! 日本が新しい経済ルールをつくる!







財務省解体デモを知った人から「選挙やデモ以外で私たちは何をすればいい?」と質問されたのでどうぞ。 森永卓郎さん曰く『財務省に洗脳されてない政党は れいわ新選組だけ』 昔から「消費税廃止+財務省解体」を一貫して主張し続けてきた れいわを強くするのが一番現実的。
2025/02/27 19:01


森永卓郎さん『消費税廃止したらとてつもない好景気が来て、財政はむしろ健全化の方向に向かう。 だから悪いことはなんにも無いが、問題は財務省。 天下り全面禁止と国税庁分離、このふたつを同時にやれば抑え込めます』 #財務省解体 ってこういう事。 pic.x.com/vQt0SekD7A
2025/02/25 14:12


    チキン剣士 ⁦‪@gunshipwind101‬⁩ ⁦‪@Bruce_SUNNY‬⁩ 現在の通貨制度は、①通貨の価値は供給力に支えられる、②供給力を引き上げるためには数%ずつ需要を増やして、③売れるから供給力を上げなきゃと言う力動が働いて④企業や投資家が投資しだす⑤需要...