ジョブギャランティと労働インセンティブ ウィリアム F. ミッチェルとマーティン ワッツ 2001 年 6 月 1 日 完全雇用と公平センター ニューカッスル大学、Callaghan NSW 2308、オーストラリア ホームページ: http://e1.newcastle.edu.au/coffee 電子メール: coffee@newcastle.edu.au
The JG maintains full employment using a buffer stock mechanism. The public sector would operate a buffer stock of jobs to absorb workers who are unable to find employment in the private sector. The pool expands (declines) when private sector activity declines (expands). The economies that avoided the plunge into high unemployment in the last 25 years maintained a "sector of the economy which effectively functions as an employer of the last resort, which absorbs the shocks which occur from time to time..." (Ormerod, 1994: 203). The JG fulfills this absorption function to minimise the costs associated with the flux of the economy.
The JG wage would be set to avoid disturbing private sector wage structure and to ensure the JG is consistent with stable inflation (Mitchell, 1998), the JG wage rate is best set at the minimum wage level. The JG wage may be set higher to facilitate an industry policy function.
The state would supplement the JG earnings with a wide range of social wage expenditures, including adequate levels of public education, health, child care, and access to legal aid. Further, the JG policy does not replace conventional use of fiscal policy to achieve social and e
JG は、バッファー ストック メカニズムを使用して完全雇用を維持します。公的部門は、民間部門で雇用を見つけられない労働者を吸収するために、バッファー ストックの雇用を運用します。民間部門の活動が減少 (拡大) すると、プールは拡大 (減少) します。過去 25 年間に高失業率への急落を回避した経済は、「時折発生するショックを吸収する最後の雇用主として効果的に機能する経済部門」を維持しました (Ormerod、1994: 203)。JG は、経済の変動に伴うコストを最小限に抑えるために、この吸収機能を果たします。
JG の賃金は、民間部門の賃金構造を乱さず、JG が安定したインフレと一致するように設定されます (Mitchell、1998)。JG の賃金率は、最低賃金レベルに設定するのが最適です。JG の賃金は、産業政策機能を促進するために、より高く設定される場合があります。
https://nam-students.blogspot.com/2019/06/paul-ormerod.html NAMs出版プロジェクト: Paul Ormerod オルメロッドorオームロッド
Paul Ormerod's book correctly points out that the results of general competitive analysis,general equilibrium theory and neoclassical macroeconomic theory revolves around the concept of one single,unique, optimal,stable point of equilibrium that is presented mathematically as a fixed point based on any one of close to a hundred or so fixed point theorems that have been published in various math and economics journals since the early 1940's.This is identical to the claim that economies are always operating on the boundaries of their dynamic and static production possibilities curves(the stochastic equivalent is that ,on average,the mean position of every economy in the long run,operating without any government interference in the market,is on both boundaries ,combined with small deviations around the mean.These small deviations are interpreted as minor short run cases of recession and inflation that are self correcting through adjusting the mix of product inventories.)Ormerod shows, correctly,that such a theory,based on a misinterpretation and misapplication of the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem,is not supported by any empirical evidence.In fact, this approach is based on the fallacy of conditional a priorism(long runism).Ormerod then proposes to construct an alternative approach based on the existence of multiple equilibria.This is correct,but is redundant since Keynes already constructed such a theory in 1936 in his General Theory.Keynes's theory is based on the theory of effective demand.There are many unemployment equilibriums possible,but only one full employment equilibrium.The mathematical modeling for his theory was provided by Keynes in chapters 20 and 21 of the GT.Any competent mathematician should be able to derive Keynes's result,which is that w/p=mpl/(mpc+mpi),where mpl is the marginal product of labor,w/p is the real wage,and mpc and mpi are the marginal propensities to spend on consumption goods and investment goods,respectively.Multiple equilibria are specified as long as mpc+mpi <1.This result holds for both the short run and the long run.Involuntary unemployment is the result in either case.Only in the very special case of the mpc+mpi =1 will any of the various neoclassical theories be operational.Nevertheless,I still recommend this book for purchase since the discussion of multiple equilibria is more broad based than in the GT.Ormerod's deficiencies regarding Keynes's analysis in the GT can be traced back to his training in the economics department at Cambridge University,where"...Lord Kahn,revered as the closest collaborator of Keynes and ...credited in the oral tradition of Cambridge as having had the original insights which led to Keynes's theories".(Ormerod,p.116).There is no support for this claim,a claim that has misled literally hundreds of thousands of economists worldwide since the late 1930's.
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