
ケルトン Robert Eisner (1994)

 Robert Eisner Stephanie Keltonのツイートより 2023/01/20

ロバート・アイスナー - (Robert Eisner、1922 - 1998)


Dirk Ehntsさんのツイート  Robert Eisner in "The Misunderstood Economy" (1994)


Eisner, Robert. How Real Is the Federal Deficit? New York: The Free Press, 1986..

 The Misunderstood Economy. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 1994.. 

The Misunderstood Economy: What Counts and How to Count It ペーパーバック – 1995/8/1 

The Great Deficit Scares: The Federal Budget, Trade, and Social Security. New York: Cen-tury Foundation Press, 1997.

Stephanie Kelton
"If we could wave a magic wand and wipe out Treasury interest payments, we would have a lot of desperate people who had lost the income from savings bonds, Treasury bills, notes, and bonds and the pension funds that were holding them... 1/2
2024/04/08 3:13


"If we could wave a magic wand and wipe out Treasury interest payments, we would have a lot of desperate people who had lost the income from savings bonds, Treasury bills, notes, and bonds and the pension funds that were holding them... 1/2

This in turn would mean less spending on goods and services, less production, and less employment for a lot of other people." 2/2 

~Robert Eisner (1994)

"It is sometimes argued that this involves a regressive redistribution of income, on the assumption that the rich receive interest income...

A moment's reflection casts major doubt on that assumption. The ultimate beneficiaries of the interest receipts--via pension funds, insurance, and banking services, as well as savings bonds--must be mainly in the large middle class." ~Eisner

"There is a school of thought, led by Harvard's Robert Barro, which argues that deficits essentially do not matter. That is not my argument...Deficits matter because they add to the purchasing power and aggregate demand of the private sector." ~Eisner

Warren B. Mosler
⁦‪@StephanieKelton‬⁩ Yes, and then "replace" that spending a whole lot more progressively.
2024/04/08 5:30


That’s also in the book. Re-employing freed-up real resources is how he says it.

I’m sure he would have enjoyed the conversation. He was always very thoughtful. Remember hearing him in Knoxville back in the day.


「魔法の杖を振って財務省の利払いをゼロにすることができれば、貯蓄債券、財務省短期証券、紙幣、債券、そしてそれらを保有していた年金基金からの収入を失い、絶望的な人々が大勢いるだろう... 1/2

これはひいては、商品やサービスへの支出の減少、生産の減少、そして他の多くの人々の雇用の減少を意味するでしょう。」 2/2 

〜ロバート・アイズナー (1994)



「ハーバード大学のロバート・バロ氏が率いる学派は、赤字は本質的に問題ではないと主張する。それは私の主張ではない…赤字は購買力と民間部門の総需要を増加させるため、赤字は重要である。」 〜アイズナー

@StephanieKelton はい、そしてその支出をより段階的に「置き換え」ます。
2024/04/08 5:30




Warren B. Mosler
⁦‪@StephanieKelton‬⁩ Yes, we got together briefly in a cab ride in NYC. Maybe Mat was with us? He liked what I was saying and was looking forward to further discussion. Then he died shortly after that unfortunately.
2024/04/08 5:49



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