
Don't Expect 'DOGE' Cuts to Cover Spending: Kelton 2025/01/07 ケルトン


カリフォルニアへの長期旅行を終えて、ニューヨークに戻ってきました。街を離れる前に、ブルームバーグ マーケットの Scarlet Fuと会いました。共和党が「1 つの大きな素晴らしい法案」をできるだけ早く通過させる計画と、その法案のどの程度を相殺/「支払う」つもりなのか (赤字を増やすのではなく) について話し合いました。

共和党は月曜日の朝には三権分立することになるのは事実だが、税、国境、国外追放、規制緩和を一つの大きな和解法案にまとめ、ゴールラインを越えるのは依然として難しいかもしれない。民主党が三権分立を掲げていた時にバイデンが悟ったように、法案を可決するのに十分な議席を持つことは、十分な票を持つことと同じではない(マンチン上院議員(民主党、ウェストバージニア州)とシネマ上院議員(民主党、アリゾナ州)を考えてみよう)。一握りの共和党員がトランプの政策の一部を阻止できるだろうか? もちろんできる。実際、下院ではすでに不満が高まっているとの報告がある。しかし、スカーレットに言ったように、彼らがトランプ次期大統領が求めていることのほとんどを実現する法案を最終的に可決しないのであれば、私は驚くだろう。

スカーレットは、共和党が「現代貨幣理論の考えを受け入れ、財政赤字を賄うために必要なお金を印刷する」ことを想像できるかと私に尋ねました。このセグメントの終わりに近づいていることを知っていたので、政府の財政の仕組みを説明する時間はありませんでした(すべての政府支出は、新しいお金をキーボードで入力することですでに賄われていることを説明するため)が、共和党の税金と支出の野心を評価するために MMT レンズをどのように適用できるかを説明しました。

What I've Been Up To open.substack.com/pub/stephaniek…

Don't Expect 'DOGE' Cuts to Cover Spending: Kelton 
2025/01/06 pic.x.com/xoxbP09U4y
2025/01/19 1:59



and and Republicans at the end of the day are going to have to decide how much of this they're willing to allow to fall onto the deficit to get the things that they really want to achieve even if it means not fully offsetting all of the spending.

so do you see the incoming White House as possibly embracing the idea of mon modern monetary Theory and just printing the money needed to finance the deficits?

 well that's not what mmt suggest that's not like a prescription from mmt what mmt is is a framework for analysis. so I think if Republicans were taking seriously the mmt lens what they would recognize is that there is no Revenue constraint. they could afford to spend whatever Congress is willing to vote for. the mmt lens is there to say but before you do that make sure that you're thinking carefully about the inflationary effects of whatever it is you're proposing.
so it's not about printing or not printing money there's only one way for the federal government to spend at the end of the day the question is about the impacts of that spending and if you're doing this kind of the quote unquote mmt way then what it means is you're vetting that spending and tax cuts for risk on the inflation side not because you're concerned about the size of the deficit or the impact on the debt per say.
it's inflation it's inflation that matters.

okay it's inflation that matters do you believe Bond vigilantes are out there waiting to pounce on the US bond market uh at the first sign of overspending or the first sign of uh the deficit growing meaningfully larger than the current 2 trillion look?

 I think investors are out there paying attention to the the potential inflation risk associated with what this government is going to do you can go back and you can look at the UK you can look at what happened after Liz truss presented the so-called mini budget and markets will react if they think your policies are likely to accelerate inflation.
 you will see that right in in interest rates and in in movements and spreads and so forth.
 so I don't I don't know that Bond vigilantes is the right word I just think it's the right way to interpret policy from the standpoint of financial Market markets to think about inflation and investors.
 Traders are going to be watching for heightened inflation risk and you'll see movements in interest rates if they decide that the Trump policies Republican policies are likely to push inflation up.

very quickly yes or no do you see the 10e going to 6% as TBO prices kind of warned is a possibility.

well anything is possible but I suppose um I I'm not looking to see that sharp of movement.








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