
Isabella M. WeberさんによるXでのポスト

Isabella M. Weber
The possibility that Trump introduces price controls has suddenly become the talk of the town in Davos.

Here is what I wrote in my recent ⁦‪@ForeignAffairs‬⁩ piece. pic.x.com/3l8vQezwdK
2025/01/24 1:04


The Governments That Survived Inflation | Foreign Affairs


Isabella M. Weber is Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and the author of How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate.

In the 2024 U.S. presidential election, the Democrats joined a slew of governments voted out in the past year in the wake of high inflation. Their defeat underscores the long-standing insight of scholars who have studied the history of inflation: price spikes in essentials can topple governments. When people find that through no fault of their own, the goods they cannot live without suddenly become dramatically more expensive, they lose trust in the system. They turn against the status quo. Other governments punished for failing to handle inflation included the Conservatives in the United Kingdom, swept aside by the Labour

イザベラ・M・ウェーバーはマサチューセッツ大学アマースト校の経済学准教授で、『How China Escaped Shock Therapy』の著者: How China Escaped Shock Therapy: The Market Reform Debate』の著者。


These inflation risks are real, but Trump may very well be willing to break with orthodoxies and seize on opportunistic measures if they help him cement his power. After the 2024 election,

Trump and his advisors are fully aware of the politically explosive effects of inflation. He might, for example, limit the degree by which domestic industries protected by tariffs can increase their prices. He could compensate those industries with subsidies paid out of income generated by the tariffs. Or he might again introduce price-gouging bans by executive order,

but this time against industries that use tariffs as a cover for price hikes. Should inflation take off, he might also revert to more drastic measures, such as price controls.

The last U.S. president to impose a total price freeze a far more radical measure than the emergency interventions in prices for essentials seen in Mexico or Spain-was Richard Nixon.

Despite his long-held skepticism regarding price controls, he adopted a general price and wage freeze in 1971 after inflation surged to an annual rate of 5.7 percent in 1970. The Nixon shock was hardly an elegant economic policy, but it did help secure his 1972 reelection—no small feat.

Trump may well take a page from Nixon's book


そして、彼らが彼が彼の力を固めるのを助けるならば、日和見的措置をつかみます。 2024年の選挙後、






価格管理に関する長年の懐疑論にもかかわらず、彼は1970年にインフレ率が年率5.7%に急増した後、1971年に一般的な価格と賃金の凍結を採用しました。ニクソンのショックはほとんどエレガントな経済政策ではありませんでしたが、1972年を確保するのに役立ちました。再選 - 小さな偉業ではありません。


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地域通貨花子1さんによるXでのポスト 中野正剛

    地域通貨花子1 ⁦‪@TiikituukaHana‬⁩ ※財務省大慌て!反撃のつもりが見事に自滅してくれました… youtu.be/E-FVHbxJpzE?si… 中野正剛 三橋貴明 pic.x.com/w3q8mXxmQR   2025/03/10 0:55