
Eric Tymoigne 中国貨幣史


I think flying money(飛銭), a kind of tally, is important.
Keynes quoted in a book review(1912).


Isabella Weber(2021) seems to be more concerned with Guanzi(管子) than Confucius(孔子). 


2024/02/14 19:55

I think flying money(飛銭), a kind of tally, is important.

Keynes quoted in a book review(1912).



Isabella Weber(2021) seems to be more concerned with Guanzi(管子) than Confucius(孔子). 





Eric Tymoigne 中国貨幣史
https://modernmonetarytheory2024.blogspot.com/2024/02/eric-tymoigne.html @


I think flying money(飛銭), a kind of tally, is important.

Keynes quoted in a book review(1912).

"The origin of something between notes and bills of exchange in the ninth century A.D.is worth quoting:…”


Isabella Weber seems to be more concerned with Guanzi(管子) than Confucius(孔子). 

China’s Ancient Principles of Price Regulation through Market Participation: The Guanzi from a Comparative Perspective

Isabella Weber






China’s Ancient Principles of Price Regulation through Market Participation: The Guanzi from a Comparative Perspective

Isabella Weber




European and Chinese Histories of Economic Thought: Theories and Images of Good Governance (Routledge Studies in the History of Economics) (English Edition) [プリント・レプリカ] Kindle版 



Isabella Weber

I think flying money(飛銭), a kind of tally, is important.

Keynes quoted in a book review…

Keynes states in a book review(1912).

"The origin of something between notes and bills of exchange in the ninth century A.D.is worth quoting:…”



Eric Tymoigne
Early Chinese monetary thought is far apart from European (especially Aristotelian line that dominates until 19th century):
1-Monetary system is instrument of statecraft, did not come from market exchange needs.Fiscal policy monetizes the economy (pay soldiers, taxes, etc.)
2024/02/14 10:21


Early Chinese monetary thought is far apart from European (especially Aristotelian line that dominates until 19th century):

1-Monetary system is instrument of statecraft, did not come from market exchange needs.Fiscal policy monetizes the economy (pay soldiers, taxes, etc.)

2-The material used to make money is irrelevant for the nature of money. Whatever is convenient to meet the needs of the economy should be used. Material should NOT be scarce but should be durable and divisible.

3-The main purpose of a monetary instrument is to be medium of exchange and means of payment, it should circulate. Hoarding is not proper and so store of value is not something a monetary instrument should perform in significant way:better left to gold and silver ingots or others

4- Uniform weight is irrelevant, only shape and inscription should be uniform: monetary instrument of a given issue (Knife, spade, or wushu) vary in weight by 50%!

4b-This view becomes a problem when coins made of same material (bronze usually) but of different face value are issued but weight proportion are not respected: people discriminate. Weirdly, Chinese authority never seem to learn the lesson and keep repeating the mistake

5-The core debate among early monetary thinkers (legists vs confusians) is the following: should the state have a monopoly over the material used to make monetary instrument (and so over minting)?

I see the same ideas reflected in Lower Canada’s successful Army Bills experiment during the War of 1812. Check out the recent paper in the JPKE.

1812 年の戦争中にローワー カナダで成功した陸軍法案の実験にも同じ考えが反映されていることがわかります。JPKE の最近の論文をチェックしてください。

Journal of Post Keynesian Economics


Thanks! I've tried to find more about Chinese economics before Europe. I can get whole books, but no rough short abbreviated summary. Like yours. But this seems too close to what I'd expect. Where did you get this? I want more. Did China never fall into metallism?

⁦‪@samvega‬⁩ ⁦‪@tymoignee‬⁩ I think flying money(飛銭), a kind of tally, is important. 
Keynes quoted in a book review(1912).

Isabella Weber(2021) seems to be more concerned with Guanzi(管子) than Confucius(孔子). 

2024/02/14 19:59


Thanks, indeed another among other successful experiments. Note that the view that keeps coming up is the standard(but not universal)European thinking is that there is something special about paper.Iron,clay,leather,tin and paper were all used successfully in China long before.


Do you read French? If so François Thierry is great

Janos Jany ·  2020
次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 332 ページ
... legists who regarded the proper selection of officials and constant monitoring of the bureau- cracy a crucial point in ... thinkers were however aware that in addition to punishments, reward could also be an efficient mean, but it was ..
1-貨幣制度は国家政治の手段であり、市場交換のニーズから生まれたものではありません。財政政策は経済を収益化します(兵士の支払い、税金など)。 )
2024/02/14 10:21


初期の中国の貨幣思想はヨーロッパとは大きく異なります(特に 19 世紀まで支配的だったアリストテレスの系統)。

1. 通貨制度は国家戦略の手段であり、市場交換のニーズから生まれたものではありません。財政政策は経済を収益化します(兵士や税金などを支払う)。



4- 均一な重さは無関係で、形状と刻印のみが均一である必要があります。特定の銘柄の金融商品 (ナイフ、スペード、または武術) は、重さが 50% 異なります。

4b - この見解は、同じ素材(通常は青銅)で作られたが額面が異なるコインが発行され、重量比率が尊重されていない場合に問題になります。つまり、人々は差別しています。奇妙なことに、中国当局は決して教訓を学ばないようで、過ちを繰り返し続けている。




Mathew Forstater
⁦‪@tymoignee‬⁩ ⁦‪@AylSud‬⁩ Historian Richard von Glahn has the book, Fountain of Fortune, it discusses metallism and cartalism (chartalism) in China’s history. I wonder if you know it and what you think of it?
2024/02/15 4:22


Eric Tymoigne
⁦‪@mattybram‬⁩ ⁦‪@AylSud‬⁩ Just finished it. Good amount of details about monetary policy sucesses and failures, as well as nice presentation of conflit between private and gov on monetary issues.
2024/02/15 4:42


Fountain of Fortune: Money and Monetary Policy in China, 1000-1700 (English Edition) Kindle版 

次の書籍のコンテンツと一致: – 332 ページ
... 立法者たち は、役人の適切な選出  官僚制の継続的な監視が重要な点であると考えていた ... しかし、思想家たちは 、罰に加えて報酬も効果的な手段になり得ることに気づいていたが、それは...

François Thierry (numismatist)

François Thierry de Crussol, known by his Chinese name 蒂埃里 (Di Ali), is a French numismatist, specialising in East Asian currency.


Thierry is honorary curator at the Département des Monnaies et Médailles, Bibliothèque nationale de France. Before retirement he was curator of Oriental coins, and a leading scholar in this field, having produced several well-received books, catalogues of the BnF collection, and numerous articles relating to East Asian numismatics.

Awards and honours


This is a selection of Thierry's works.[2]

Selected Books

  • 2017 - Les monnaies de la Chine ancienne, des origines à la fin de l'Empire (Paris, Les Belles-Lettres)
  • 2016 - Royaume du lion, ceylan connu des chinois des origines à la fin des song.(Turnhout: Brepols Publishers)
  • 2016 - (with A.C. Fang, eds) The Language and Iconography of Chinese Coin Charms: Deciphering a Past Belief System (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer)
  • 2014 - Le Trésor de Huê, Une face cachée de la colonisation de l'Indochine (Paris: Nouveau Monde éditions)
  • 2014 - Monnaies chinoises, IV- Des Liao aux Ming du Sud (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
  • 2013 - La Ruine du Qin, Ascension, triomphe et mort du premier empereur de Chine (Paris: La Librairie Vuibert)
  • 2003 - Monnaies chinoises, II- Des Qin aux Cinq Dynasties (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
  • 2002 - Catalogue des monnaies vietnamiennes- Supplément (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
  • 2001 - (with M. Amandry, M. Dhénin, M. Popoff and C. Vellet) Dictionnaire de Numismatique (Paris: Larousse)
  • 1997 - Monnaies chinoises, I- L'Antiquité préimpériale (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale de France)
  • 1995 - Les monnaies chinoises de Pacifique Chardin (Lille)
  • 1992 - Monnaies de Chine (Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale)
  • 1988 - Catalogue des monnaies vietnamiennes (Paris: Bibliothèque nationale)
  • 1987 - Amulettes de Chine et du Vietnam, rites magiques et symbolique de la Chine ancienne (Paris: Le Léopard d'or)
  • 1986 - Monnaies d'Extrême Orient (Paris: Administration des monnaies et médailles)

Selected Articles

  • 2011 - "The Confucian Message on Vietnamese Coins A closer look at the Nguyễn dynasty's large coins with moral maxims", Numismatic Chronicle 171, pp. 367–406.
  • 2007 - "Identification of the Nguyên Thông Coins of the Cảnh Hirng Period (1740 -1786)", Numismatic Chronicle 167, pp. 237–241.


  1. "Palmarès 2018"www.aibl.fr (in French). 2017-01-09. Retrieved 2018-08-28.none
  2. Thierry, Francois. "François THIERRY's Work List 2018".none {{cite journal}}Cite journal requires |journal= (help)

External links[edit]

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