
Isabella M. Weber Who benefitted and who lost from the energy price shock?

as the world faces a deepening energy crisis energy crisis through the roof and oil companies are the big Winners 
that's like asking the tobacco industry to advise you when reducing tobacco use you're never going to get good advice because there is a clear conflict of interest.

who benefited and who lost from the energy price Rock on the side of this ERS and gains we have oil companies raped record profits on the side of the losers and lers we have lower income households that carried a heavier inflation burden.

we have insufficient representation so we need mechanisms for those groups to be heard those who represent households people who are experiencing energy poverty are not being hurt sufficiently.

these companies influence is still massive and there's not much being done to protect people to protect the planet from this corporate interest.

 the resolution of energy poverty is a political Choice.

article 5.3 was put in place because of overwhelming evidence of tobacco industry misconduct exactly that same evidence of misconduct exists for the fossil fuel industry and yet the governor approach remains radically different so it comes down to a political decision and the time to start being aware of those political decisions and to reverse them is now we need to stop ignoring the overwhelming evidence and we need an article 5.3 for fossil fuels to ensure genuinely good governance not good governance as we hear from industry what do weone politics when do we want it now


エネルギー価格で誰が得をし、誰が損をしたのか。この ERS ​​の大きな側面で石油会社が記録的な利益を上げ、敗者の側で、より重いインフレ負担を負った低所得世帯がいる。




第 5.3 条は、タバコ業界の違法行為の圧倒的な証拠があったために導入されました。化石燃料業界にも同様の違法行為の証拠が存在しますが、知事のアプローチは根本的に異なるままであるため、最終的には政治的決断と、この問題を認識し始める時期にかかっています。これらの政治的決定とそれを覆すためには、今こそ圧倒的な証拠を無視するのをやめるべきであり、産業界から聞いたような良い統治ではなく、真に良い統治を確保するために化石燃料に関する第5.3条が必要です。政治は何を妨げるのか、私たちは今それを望んでいます

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池戸万作@政治経済評論家さんによるXでのポスト 阪口直人 れいわ

れいわ新選組は言っていることが正しいから、動画の再生回数も伸びるし、比例票も伸びるのです。国会議員に求められることは、実は非常にシンプルなのだと思います。取りあえず、国会議員は財務省に騙されないことですね。 Xユーザーの池戸万作@政治経済評論家(@mansaku_ikedo)さん...