
Amazon | In This Economy?: How Money & Markets Really Work (English Edition) [Kindle edition] by Scanlon, Kyla, Housel, Morgan | Economics | Kindleストア

"Few people can communicate how the economy actually works better than Kyla Scanlon."—Morgan Housel, author of The Psychology of Money

An illustrated guide to the mad math and terrible terminology of economics, from one of the internet's favorite financial educators

Is our national debt really a threat? What is a "mild" recession, exactly? If you're worried about your bank account balance, job security, or mortgage rate, what data should you be keeping tabs on? 

For anyone trying to make sense of disorienting headlines, there's no better interpreter than Kyla Scanlon. Through her trademark blend of witty illustrations, creative analogies, and insights from behavioral economics, literature, and philosophy, Scanlon breaks down everything you need to know about how money and markets really work. This indispensable handbook reveals the hidden forces driving key economic outcomes, the most common myths to steer clear of, and the dusty, outdated assumptions that constrain our political imagination, offering a bold new path to building a prosperous society that works for everyone.

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