
New York Times OpinionさんによるXでのポスト Weber

New York Times Opinion
The "sudden news of cost shocks, like the onset of a pandemic and war, grants companies more freedom to coordinate price hikes across sectors because they realize that their rivals are very likely going to do the same," writes ⁦‪@IsabellaMWeber‬⁩.

Read: nyti.ms/40P79Jo
2024/11/12 22:02


Unemployment weakens governments. Inflation kills them. That's what a government official from Brazil once told me. But in rich countries including the United States, the politically destructive power of inflation had been forgotten. Standard policy tools left us unprepared and the Biden administration was slow to fight back. The re-election of Donald Trump should serve as a warning to democratic governments. In this age of overlapping emergencies — hurricanes, an Avian flu outbreak, two regional wars threats to supply chains are becoming commonplace. Each threat brings the risk of inflation and its power to destabilize governments, including our own. With such emergencies being the new normal, if we learned anything from last week's earthquake election result, it's that we need new means of protecting our society and democracy. that we need new means of protecting our society and democracy. Among the biggest problems that need fixing: Many business sectors today are dominated by large corporations that can profit from these one-time events. Using A.I. and natural language processing in an upcoming paper, several co-authors and I analyzed more than 130,000 earnings calls of publicly listed U.S. companies and found that businesses can coordinate price hikes around cost shocks. This enabled companies, by and large, to pass on or amplify the impact of the initial cost increase in response to shocks in the wake of Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. In other words, the sudden news of cost shocks, like the onset of a pandemic and war, grants companies more freedom to coordinate price hikes across sectors because they realize that their rivals are very likely going to do the same.

New York Times OpinionさんによるXでのポスト Weber


we need to have a serious conversation about anti-fascist economics we need to um think very seriously about how we can do economic policies in ways that protects um people's um essential needs that actually caters to the things that people really need that prevents um economic hardship and that doesn't um take a stance that says oh inflation is transitory and we can just wait for inflation to pass and then we be fine um because eventually prices are coming down again no in the meantime people are suffering and that kind of suffering translates into extremely dangerous kind of political Dynamics I think part of the story that we have with inflation is a story of fear where people feel like um they have been doing their part of the social contract they have been showing up to work they have been doing their job.
 and then the prices of the stuff that they cannot do without has been have been exploding in ways that really um undermine their standard of living which I think um creates a sense of fear and undermines the trust in um the the economic system austerity is poison in this kind of situation there's a lot of historical research from narrative history by historians to econometric studies um from uh economists that shows that austerity contributes to the rise of the far right um and um uh uh this this this the kind of pretty severe austerity that we have experence in Germany in recent years um in that context is really a tremendous um problem and um would certainly be not consistent with an anti-fascist kind of Economic Policy it's really 5 to midnight to start thinking about how we can create an economic policy that doesn't push people into the arms of the far right that doesn't create this massive opening for the Farid to exploit those fears um uh uh with all the the the fear longing around um migration xenophobia um and so on.


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池戸万作@政治経済評論家さんによるXでのポスト 阪口直人 れいわ

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