
Common: On Revolution in the 21st Century (English Edition) 電子書籍: Dardot, Pierre, Laval, Christian, MacLellan, Matthew: 洋書 2019

Amazon.co.jp: Common: On Revolution in the 21st Century (English Edition) 電子書籍: Dardot, Pierre, Laval, Christian, MacLellan, Matthew: 洋書


この徹底的な説明で、ピエール・ダルドーとクリスチャン・ラヴァルは、コモンが 21 世紀の代替政治運動の決定的な原則となった方法を示しています。新自由主義の合理性によって深く形作られた社会では、コモンは、新しい形の民主的統治を生み出す実践的な闘争の運用概念としてますます引き合いに出されています。ダルドーとラヴァルは、分析の明快さの偉業で、哲学、政治理論、経済学、法理論、歴史、神学、社会学の分野からコモンズの概念に関する膨大なリポジトリを分析および統合しています。


Common: On Revolution in the 21st Century (English Edition) Kindle版

Around the globe, contemporary protest movements are contesting the oligarchic appropriation of natural resources, public services, and shared networks of knowledge and communication. These struggles raise the same fundamental demand and rest on the same irreducible principle: the common.

In this exhaustive account, Pierre Dardot and Christian Laval show how the common has become the defining principle of alternative political movements in the 21st century. In societies deeply shaped by neoliberal rationality, the common is increasingly invoked as the operative concept of practical struggles creating new forms of democratic governance. In a feat of analytic clarity, Dardot and Laval dissect and synthesize a vast repository on the concept of the commons, from the fields of philosophy, political theory, economics, legal theory, history, theology, and sociology.

Instead of conceptualizing the common as an essence of man or as inherent in nature, the thread developed by Dardot and Laval traces the active lives of human beings: only a practical activity of
commoning can decide what will be shared in common and what rules will govern the common's citizen-subjects. This re-articulation of the common calls for nothing less than the institutional transformation of society by society: it calls for a revolution.

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イザベラ バラン

      Isabella M. Weber ⁦‪@IsabellaMWeber‬⁩ Basically the same argument is also in Hobson (1902) Imperialism.  pic.x.com/wFYEvgz8VA   2024/1...