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劉尚希 / LIU Shangxi
中国 / China
Yan Liang @YanLian31677392 news.caijingmobile.com/live/live/1131…
Live stream - Liu Shangxi, director of Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences speaking abt MMT. pic.twitter.com/jOwW9uM3R32022/06/14 11:56 https://x.com/yanlian31677392/status/1536543139598675970?s=61
财经号直播 | 现代货币理论与宏观经济政策走向
- CMF 2nd International
- Seminar on
- Macroeconomics
- MMT and Macroeconomic Policy Outlook
财经号直播 | 现代货币理论与宏观经济政策走向 劉尚希 LIU Shangxi
毛振华 中国人民大学经济研究所联席所长、教授、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)联席主席,中诚信集团董事长
刘元春 上海财经大学校长,中国人民大学原副校长、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)联合创始人
刘尚希 中国财政科学研究院院长
邵 宇 东方证券首席经济学家
杨瑞龙 中国人民大学一级教授、经济研究所联席所长、中国宏观经济论坛(CMF)联席主席
Yan Liang 美国制度思想学会主席,威拉姆特大学经济学教授、Peter C. and Bonnie S. Kremer主席、国际研究主任
Yeva Nersisyan 富兰克林与马歇尔学院经济学副教授,利维经济研究院研究员
China’s Economists Are Getting Into Modern Monetary Theory
MMT in focus as fiscal stimulus to become mainstay this year China can consider U.S.-style QE, former PBOC adviser says
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Modern Monetary Theory can inspire China to make sure central bank easing supports government spending, several prominent economists said, as Beijing turns to fiscal policy to boost economic growth.
中国のエコノミストが現代通貨理論に傾倒 - Bloomberg
中国、財政出動が主軸になる中、MMTに注目 米国型QEも検討可能、元中央銀行顧問が指摘
2022年4月22日 6:00 JST
贾根良:MMT及其对中国宏观经济政策制定的重要意义(ジア・ゲンリャン: MMTの重要性と中国の政策決定におけるMMT)Jia Genliang
2022/02/16 #159 Examining China with an MMT Lens with Yan Liang
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2009/10/8 -余永定(Yu Yongding)氏ご略歴 ... 中国の著名なエコノミストの1人。1969年中国科学院北京科学技術学院卒業後、1979年中国社会科学院入所。中国社会科学院 ...
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Senior Chinese finance official: Modern Monetary Theory exacerbates inequality
SAFE deputy head LU Lei on MMT
Reflecting the wide interest of your Pekingnologist and the dire need to bring more quality China content to the English-language part of the world, this is a newsletter that covers a lot of subjects. Today, it is a translation of an article about MMT, or Modern Monetary Theory.
It was published in the beginning of 2022 on 中国金融 China Finance, a bi-weekly magazine under the People’s Bank of China, China’s central bank. The author is 陆磊 LU Lei, Deputy Administrator of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) since June 2017. Prior to that, Lu served as the head of the Financial Stability Bureau (August 2016 to June 2017) and head of the Research Bureau (March 2014 to August 2016) of the central bank.
There have been numerous discussions on MMT in the English-language press in the recent several years, and it appears to your Pekingnologist that there haven’t been many Chinese voices, so the view from a current senior financial official in the second-largest economy should be a contribution.
What’s also interesting is that Lu apparently believes MMT - or at least the essence of it - has already been incorporated in the policies of the United States and Japan, despite MMT being more often described as “a niche theory endorsed by only a small but vocal group of far-left economists” and shunned by “mainstream but left-leaning economists” such as Lawrence Summers and Paul Krugman, who dismissed it as “just obviously indefensible”.
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The Practice and Effects on Distribution of Modern Monetary Theory in Developed Economies
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the CPC has given greater importance to gradually achieving common prosperity in view of the new changes in China’s development stage. Looking abroad, the world’s leading developed economies, represented by Japan and the United States, have adopted a “dual expansion” policy that combines loose monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy in recent years. Indeed, the combination has restrained a rapid economic downturn but has also had a significant effect on distribution.
The widening gap between the rich and the poor has ignited extensive discussions. That Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and Capital in the Twenty-First Century have attracted great attention shows that theories actually mirror the reality on the ground. The practice in major developed economies demonstrates that the redistributive effects of changes in the price structure should be considered.
The reintroduction of MMT is due to mainstream theory's failure to explain current economic and financial phenomenon
Since the 1990s, post-Keynesian economists have developed the traditional state theory of money and put forward the concept of MMT. MMT has long been an obscure, niche theory, but after the 2008 global financial crisis, it became a hot topic discussed by people from many circles in developed economies, mainly attributable to the two following reasons.
First, the mainstream theory is incapable of explaining the current economic phenomenon of “easy money and low interest rate”. Reflections on the Great Depression fueled the rise of the Keynesian school in the 1930s, and government intervention in the economy through monetary and fiscal policy became the mainstream.
In the 1970s, the stagflation in major economies put the Keynesian policies in a dilemma over inflation and unemployment. The monetarist theory argued that the government should refrain from intervening, emphasizing that fluctuations in money supply were the fundamental cause of price changes. Since the global financial crisis in 2008, major developed economies have adopted ultra-loose monetary policies and expansionary fiscal policies, with rising government debts and persistently low interest rates. The stubborn phenomenon of “easy monetary policy, low interest rates, and low inflation” makes an explanation by the mainstream theory difficult.
Second, MMT to some extent explains the facts such as rising government debt and low inflation in developed economies. One of MMT’s pillars is functional finance, which attempts to achieve full employment without inflation. As an extension of Keynesian ideas in the monetary realm, MMT proposes that the central bank should support expansionary fiscal policy through monetary policy, allowing the government to have a more flexible fiscal policy without being constrained by institutional fiscal limitations.
[MMT argues that] To address economic woes and achieve full employment, central banks can inject liquidity into the market by purchasing government bonds and at the same time reduce the costs of government debt financing to increase the government’s solvency. [MMT argues that] At the level of fiscal spending that achieves full employment, rising government debt and liquidity expansion will not trigger hyperinflation. From a theoretical standpoint, a low-interest rate influences employment and factors of production, helps increasing the proportion of primary distribution in the distribution of national income, and expansionary fiscal policies obviously have effects on redistribution.
The world’s major central banks' practice of MMT enables a transfer of debts from the private sector to the government sector.
The Bank of Japan implemented quantitative easing (QE) for the first time in the world, boosting the development of MMT by putting it into practice. Since the 1990s, the Japanese economy, from the burst of the asset bubble, began to descend into a long-term economic stagnation, and the Japanese policy rate approached the lower bound of zero from 1991 to 1999. Low-interest rates did not revitalize Japan’s economic growth. In March 2001, the Bank of Japan decided to implement QE when the interest rate approached zero. The Bank of Japan’s balance sheet expanded by 50 percent when it quited QE in the second quarter of 2006.
Japan further put MMT into practice after the 2008 international financial crisis. At the end of 2008, the Bank of Japan launched the second round of QE, expanding the yearly purchase of government bonds from 14.4 trillion yen to 16.8 trillion yen, and including a wider range of bonds such as 30-year bonds and floating-rate bonds into its purchases.
In the QE3 since 2013, there was an obvious trend of simultaneous growth in the Bank of Japan’s total assets and the purchase of government bonds. The central bank’s balance sheet soared from 157.9 trillion yen in early 2013 to 573.1 trillion yen by the end of 2019, an increase of 2.7 times. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the size of government bonds held by the Bank of Japan further swelled. As of November 30, 2021, the Bank of Japan held 529.5 trillion yen in government bonds, accounting for 73 percent of its total assets and about half of the total outstanding government bonds.
Following the global financial crisis in 2008 which stimulated heated discussion on MMT, the Federal Reserve initiated putting the MMT into practice. Since the Federal Reserve launched its QE in 2008, it has not only supported the expansion of government debt financing demand but also kept inflation at a low level. The rising debts did not lead to the “economic collapse” that some economists were worried about. Some U.S. politicians became proponents of MMT, further promoting the practice of the MMT.
In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve increased its purchase of government bonds on a large scale, pushing its balance sheet expansion to an unprecedented level. As of December 1, 2021, the size of the Fed’s balance sheet hit an all-time high of 8.6 trillion U.S. dollars, which includes 5.6 trillion U.S. dollars in Treasuries, accounting for 65 percent of the total assets.
The European Central Bank also put into practice the MMT after the European debt crisis. The Eurozone began accelerated QE in 2014 across the board, and the balance sheet size of the European Central Bank rose from 2 trillion euros in September 2014 to 4.7 trillion euros in early 2019. Following the outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe in 2020, QE in the Eurozone picked up again. By November 2021, the balance sheet of the European Central Bank reached 8.4 trillion euros, up by 79 percent from the end of 2019.
Monetary policy in developed economies increases global inequality in distribution through the price structure
Global wealth inequality hit new highs in recent years. According to the World Inequality Report 2022 released by the World Inequality Lab on December 7, 2021, about 2,750 billionaires control 3.5 percent of the world’s wealth, which is far higher than 1995 - just one percent in that year. The quickest growth rate happened after the outbreak of COVID-19. Inequality is caused by a host of reasons, and economic policies, including monetary policy, are important reasons.
Although the “dual expansion” of monetary and fiscal policies of developed economies have prevented economic collapse and worsening crises, they have brought in the rapid increase of financial asset prices and commodity prices. The difference between PPI and CPI has widened significantly. Changes in relative prices in the price structure have had significant effects on distribution for people at different stratas of society, exacerbating inequality. Specifically, there are three aspects:
First, rising financial asset prices brought more to the rich. Stimulated by unlimited QE, the three major indexes of the U.S. stock market have repeatedly hit record highs. After Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced the plan to reduce the balance sheet in early November 2021, the U.S. stock market did not retract significantly but instead hit a new high for the year. Financial assets such as stocks account for a larger proportion of wealthy families’ assets, who are more dependent on income from capital. Rising financial asset price benefitted the rich more.
Second, the rapid rise of PPI is good news for upstream business oligarchs. In the meantime, a higher growth rate of PPI, compared to the CPI, further reduces the profitability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Due to factors such as the pandemic and energy shortages, the prices of some commodities have been increasing.
According to the IMF Primary Commodity Prices, since May 2020, international commodity prices have risen by over 70 percent, with simultaneous increases for metals, food, and energy products. The U.S. Commodity Research Bureau Index grew by as high as 64.8 percent from the low point at the end of April 2020 to early November 2021, and it has remained high recently. Commodity prices pushed up the PPI as a whole. In October 2021, the PPI in the United States increased by 22.2 percent year-on-year, and the PPI in the Eurozone in October 2021 rose by 21.9 percent year-on-year. The profits generated by the rising prices of commodities such as raw materials are mostly reaped by the upstream oligarchs that control the resources. In comparison, SMEs have to bear the rising production costs. Moreover, the difference between PPI and CPI does not result in a simultaneous increase in the income of SMEs, so their profit was being eroded.
Third, the real income of residents decreases when the CPI continues to climb. Inflationary pressures were significant in major developed economies in 2021. The CPI in the United States increased by 6.2 percent year-on-year in October 2021, reaching a new high since November 1990. Germany’s CPI in November 2021 rose by 5.2 percent year-on-year, hitting a new high since 1992.
Inflation in the world’s major countries will peak at 5 percent, according to the OECD Economic Outlook released on December 1, 2021, before gradually falling to approximately 3 percent in 2023. High inflation raises the living cost of the general public and diminishes real purchasing power. Because nominal wage adjustment generally lags behind that of prices, high inflation has a greater impact on the lower-middle-income groups, who mainly rely on wages as income. According to the findings of a study released in late October 2021 by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, inflated-adjusted compensation - nominal compensation, wages and benefits - in the US was 0.6 percent lower than it was in December 2019.
Issac Newton wrote the Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy in 1687, in which the second, fifth, and seventh chapters of the second volume concern the law of viscosity of fluids, which was converted into differential equation by Daniel Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler in 1738. In 1822 and 1845, Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes put forward the nonlinear equations of “convective form” and “pressure gradient” at the molecular level. That could be an inspiration for us: the impact of monetary policy on various sectors is inconsistent, and there is a mutual viscous force between sectors.
This could help explain the relative movement of “monetary policy - reflection on asset prices - commodity market - PPI - CPI”. The monetary system on the gold standard can be understood as classical fluid mechanics. Contemporary monetary policy may need to be understood from the standpoint of turbulence theory.
The Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee emphasized deepening reform and opening up across the board and promoting common prosperity. Financial support for common prosperity is multi-dimensional, and inclusive finance, digitization, and differentiated reserve requirements are good practices. Essentially, the lessons from various countries indicate that the impact on income and wealth effect by monetary policy via “asset prices - commodity prices - consumer prices” must not be overlooked. Given the combined impacts of the changes unseen in a century and the pandemic, how to optimize distribution is a major theoretical and practical issue the world has to face. There is also room for further optimizing economic policies such as monetary and fiscal policies.
(This article is based on the keynote speech delivered by the author Lu Lei at the 2021中国金融学会学术年会 “2021 Annual Conference of China Society for Finance & Banking” held on December 11, 2021)
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先進国における現代貨幣理論の実践と分配への影響The Practice and Effects on Distribution of Modern Monetary Theory in Developed Economies
中国共産党第18回党大会以来、中国共産党中央委員会は、中国の発展段階の新たな変化を踏まえ、共同繁栄を徐々に達成することをより重視してきている。海外に目を向けると、日本や米国に代表される世界の先進国は近年、緩和的な金融政策と拡張的な財政政策を組み合わせた「二元的拡大」政策を採用しています。実際、この組み合わせは急速な経済低迷を抑制したが、流通にも重大な影響を与えた。Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Central Committee of the CPC has given greater importance to gradually achieving common prosperity in view of the new changes in China’s development stage. Looking abroad, the world’s leading developed economies, represented by Japan and the United States, have adopted a “dual expansion” policy that combines loose monetary policy and expansionary fiscal policy in recent years. Indeed, the combination has restrained a rapid economic downturn but has also had a significant effect on distribution.
富裕層と貧困層の間の格差の拡大は広範な議論を引き起こしている。現代貨幣理論 (MMT) とThe widening gap between the rich and the poor has ignited extensive discussions. That Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and 21 世紀の資本がCapital in the Twenty-First Century大きな注目を集めていることは、理論が実際に現場の現実を反映していることを示しています。主要先進国における慣行は、価格構造の変化による再分配効果を考慮すべきであることを示しています。 have attracted great attention shows that theories actually mirror the reality on the ground. The practice in major developed economies demonstrates that the redistributive effects of changes in the price structure should be considered.
The reintroduction of MMT is due to mainstream theory's failure to explain current economic and financial phenomenon
1990 年代以降、ポストケインズ経済学者は伝統的なSince the 1990s, post-Keynesian economists have developed the traditional 貨幣国家理論を発展させstate theory of money、MMT の概念を提唱しました。 MMT は長らく曖昧でニッチな理論でしたが、2008 年の世界金融危機後、主に次の 2 つの理由により、先進国の多方面で議論されるホットなテーマとなりました。 and put forward the concept of MMT. MMT has long been an obscure, niche theory, but after the 2008 global financial crisis, it became a hot topic discussed by people from many circles in developed economies, mainly attributable to the two following reasons.
まず、主流の理論は「お金が楽で低金利」という現在の経済現象を説明することができません。大恐慌への反省から 1930 年代にケインズ学派の台頭が促進され、金融政策と財政政策を通じた政府の経済介入が主流になりました。First, the mainstream theory is incapable of explaining the current economic phenomenon of “easy money and low interest rate”. Reflections on the Great Depression fueled the rise of the Keynesian school in the 1930s, and government intervention in the economy through monetary and fiscal policy became the mainstream.
1970年代、主要国のスタグフレーションにより、ケインズ政策はインフレと失業をめぐるジレンマに陥った。マネタリストIn the 1970s, the stagflation in major economies put the Keynesian policies in a dilemma over inflation and unemployment. The 理論は、monetarist theory貨幣供給量の変動が価格変動の根本的な原因であることを強調し、政府は介入を控えるべきだと主張した。 2008年の世界金融危機以来、主要先進国は超緩和的な金融政策と拡張的な財政政策を採用しており、政府債務が増加し、低金利が続いている。 「金融緩和政策、低金利、低インフレ」という頑固な現象は、主流理論による説明を困難にしています。 argued that the government should refrain from intervening, emphasizing that fluctuations in money supply were the fundamental cause of price changes. Since the global financial crisis in 2008, major developed economies have adopted ultra-loose monetary policies and expansionary fiscal policies, with rising government debts and persistently low interest rates. The stubborn phenomenon of “easy monetary policy, low interest rates, and low inflation” makes an explanation by the mainstream theory difficult.
第二に、MMTは先進国における政府債務の増加や低インフレなどの事実をある程度説明している。 MMT の柱の 1 つはSecond, MMT to some extent explains the facts such as rising government debt and low inflation in developed economies. One of MMT’s pillars is 、インフレなしで完全雇用を達成しようとする機能的金融です。functional finance金融分野におけるケインズ主義の考え方の延長として、MMTは、中央銀行が金融政策を通じて拡張的な財政政策を支援し、政府が制度的な財政制限に制約されることなくより柔軟な財政政策を行えるようにすべきであると提案しています。, which attempts to achieve full employment without inflation. As an extension of Keynesian ideas in the monetary realm, MMT proposes that the central bank should support expansionary fiscal policy through monetary policy, allowing the government to have a more flexible fiscal policy without being constrained by institutional fiscal limitations.
[MMTはこう主張する] 経済危機に対処し、完全雇用を達成するために、中央銀行は国債を購入することで市場に流動性を注入し、同時に政府の債務調達コストを削減して政府の支払い能力を高めることができる。 [MMTはこう主張する] 完全雇用を達成する財政支出のレベルでは、政府債務の増加と流動性の拡大はハイパーインフレを引き起こすことはない。理論的観点から見ると、低金利は雇用と生産要素に影響を与え、国民所得の分配における一次分配の割合の増加に役立ち、拡張的な財政政策は明らかに再分配に影響を及ぼします。[MMT argues that] To address economic woes and achieve full employment, central banks can inject liquidity into the market by purchasing government bonds and at the same time reduce the costs of government debt financing to increase the government’s solvency. [MMT argues that] At the level of fiscal spending that achieves full employment, rising government debt and liquidity expansion will not trigger hyperinflation. From a theoretical standpoint, a low-interest rate influences employment and factors of production, helps increasing the proportion of primary distribution in the distribution of national income, and expansionary fiscal policies obviously have effects on redistribution.
The world’s major central banks' practice of MMT enables a transfer of debts from the private sector to the government sector.
日本銀行は世界で初めて量的緩和(QE)を実施し、MMTの実践を通じてMMTの発展を促進した。 1990年代以降、日本経済は資産バブルの崩壊から長期経済停滞に陥り始め、1991年から1999年にかけて日本の政策金利はゼロの下限に近づきました。低金利は活性化しませんでした。日本の経済成長。 2001年3月、日本銀行は金利がゼロに近づいた際に量的緩和の実施を決定した。 2006 年第 2 四半期に量的金融緩和を解除したとき、日銀のバランスシートは 50% 拡大しました。 The Bank of Japan implemented quantitative easing (QE) for the first time in the world, boosting the development of MMT by putting it into practice. Since the 1990s, the Japanese economy, from the burst of the asset bubble, began to descend into a long-term economic stagnation, and the Japanese policy rate approached the lower bound of zero from 1991 to 1999. Low-interest rates did not revitalize Japan’s economic growth. In March 2001, the Bank of Japan decided to implement QE when the interest rate approached zero. The Bank of Japan’s balance sheet expanded by 50 percent when it quited QE in the second quarter of 2006.
日本は2008年の国際金融危機後、MMTをさらに実践した。 2008年末、日本銀行は量的緩和第2弾を開始し、年間国債購入額を14.4兆円から16.8兆円に拡大し、30年債や変動利付債などより幅広い国債を対象とした。債券を購入に組み込む。Japan further put MMT into practice after the 2008 international financial crisis. At the end of 2008, the Bank of Japan launched the second round of QE, expanding the yearly purchase of government bonds from 14.4 trillion yen to 16.8 trillion yen, and including a wider range of bonds such as 30-year bonds and floating-rate bonds into its purchases.
2013年以降のQE3では、日銀の総資産の増加と国債の購入が同時に進むという明らかな傾向が見られた。中銀のバランスシートは2013年初めの157.9兆円から2019年末には573.1兆円と2.7倍に急増した。新型コロナウイルス感染症の発生以降、日銀が保有する国債の規模はさらに膨らんだ。 2021年11月30日時点で日銀が保有する国債は529.5兆円で、総資産の73%、国債発行残高の約半分を占める。In the QE3 since 2013, there was an obvious trend of simultaneous growth in the Bank of Japan’s total assets and the purchase of government bonds. The central bank’s balance sheet soared from 157.9 trillion yen in early 2013 to 573.1 trillion yen by the end of 2019, an increase of 2.7 times. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the size of government bonds held by the Bank of Japan further swelled. As of November 30, 2021, the Bank of Japan held 529.5 trillion yen in government bonds, accounting for 73 percent of its total assets and about half of the total outstanding government bonds.
2008 年の世界金融危機により MMT に関する激しい議論が巻き起こった後、連邦準備制度は MMT の実践を開始しました。 FRBは2008年に量的緩和を開始して以来、政府債務による資金調達需要の拡大を支援しただけでなく、インフレを低水準に維持してきました。債務の増加は一部のエコノミストが懸念していた「経済崩壊」には至らなかった。米国の一部の政治家はMMTの支持者となり、MMTの実践をさらに推進した。Following the global financial crisis in 2008 which stimulated heated discussion on MMT, the Federal Reserve initiated putting the MMT into practice. Since the Federal Reserve launched its QE in 2008, it has not only supported the expansion of government debt financing demand but also kept inflation at a low level. The rising debts did not lead to the “economic collapse” that some economists were worried about. Some U.S. politicians became proponents of MMT, further promoting the practice of the MMT.
新型コロナウイルス感染症のパンデミックの影響に対応して、連邦準備理事会は大規模な国債買い入れを拡大し、バランスシートの拡大を前例のない水準に押し上げた。 2021年12月1日時点で、FRBのバランスシートの規模は過去最高の8.6兆ドルに達し、このうち5.6兆ドルの国債が総資産の65%を占めている。In response to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve increased its purchase of government bonds on a large scale, pushing its balance sheet expansion to an unprecedented level. As of December 1, 2021, the size of the Fed’s balance sheet hit an all-time high of 8.6 trillion U.S. dollars, which includes 5.6 trillion U.S. dollars in Treasuries, accounting for 65 percent of the total assets.
欧州中央銀行も欧州債務危機後にMMTを実践した。ユーロ圏は2014年に全面的に量的金融緩和の加速を開始し、欧州中央銀行のバランスシート規模は2014年9月の2兆ユーロから2019年初めには4兆7,000億ユーロに増加した。2020年に欧州で新型コロナウイルス感染症が発生したことを受けて、量的金融緩和は2014年に欧州で発生した。ユーロ圏では再び持ち直した。欧州中央銀行のバランスシートは2021年11月までに8兆4000億ユーロに達し、2019年末から79%増加した。The European Central Bank also put into practice the MMT after the European debt crisis. The Eurozone began accelerated QE in 2014 across the board, and the balance sheet size of the European Central Bank rose from 2 trillion euros in September 2014 to 4.7 trillion euros in early 2019. Following the outbreak of COVID-19 in Europe in 2020, QE in the Eurozone picked up again. By November 2021, the balance sheet of the European Central Bank reached 8.4 trillion euros, up by 79 percent from the end of 2019.
Monetary policy in developed economies increases global inequality in distribution through the price structure
世界の富の不平等は近年、新たな最高値を記録した。世界不平等Global wealth inequality hit new highs in recent years. According to the 研究所が2021年12月7日に発表した「世界不平等報告書2022年版」World Inequality Report 2022によると、約2750人の億万長者が世界の富の3.5%を支配しているが、これは1995年よりもはるかに高く、同年はわずか1%だった。最も急速な成長率は、新型コロナウイルス感染症の発生後に発生した。不平等はさまざまな理由によって引き起こされますが、金融政策を含む経済政策が重要な理由です。 released by the World Inequality Lab on December 7, 2021, about 2,750 billionaires control 3.5 percent of the world’s wealth, which is far higher than 1995 - just one percent in that year. The quickest growth rate happened after the outbreak of COVID-19. Inequality is caused by a host of reasons, and economic policies, including monetary policy, are important reasons.
先進国の金融政策と財政政策の「二重の拡大」は経済崩壊と危機の深刻化を防いだものの、金融資産価格と商品価格の急速な上昇をもたらした。 PPIとCPIの差は大幅に拡大した。価格構造における相対価格の変化は、社会のさまざまな階層の人々の分配に重大な影響を及ぼし、不平等を悪化させています。具体的には、次の 3 つの側面があります。Although the “dual expansion” of monetary and fiscal policies of developed economies have prevented economic collapse and worsening crises, they have brought in the rapid increase of financial asset prices and commodity prices. The difference between PPI and CPI has widened significantly. Changes in relative prices in the price structure have had significant effects on distribution for people at different stratas of society, exacerbating inequality. Specifically, there are three aspects:
まず、金融資産価格の上昇は富裕層にさらなる恩恵をもたらした。無制限の量的緩和に刺激され、米国株式市場の主要3指数は過去最高値を繰り返し更新している。ジェローム・パウエル連邦準備制度理事会議長が2021年11月First, rising financial asset prices brought more to the rich. Stimulated by unlimited QE, the three major indexes of the U.S. stock market have repeatedly hit record highs. After Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell announced the plan to reduce the balance sheet in 初旬earlyにバランスシート削減計画を発表した後、米国株式市場は大きく後退せず、むしろ年初高値を更新した。資本収入への依存度が高い裕福な家庭では、株式などの金融資産が資産の大きな割合を占めている。金融資産価格の上昇は富裕層にさらに恩恵をもたらしました。 November 2021, the U.S. stock market did not retract significantly but instead hit a new high for the year. Financial assets such as stocks account for a larger proportion of wealthy families’ assets, who are more dependent on income from capital. Rising financial asset price benefitted the rich more.
第二に、PPI の急速な上昇は、上流のビジネス寡頭企業にとって朗報です。一方、CPI と比較して PPI の高い成長率は、中小企業 (SME) の収益性をさらに低下させます。パンデミックやエネルギー不足などの要因により、一部の商品の価格が上昇しています。Second, the rapid rise of PPI is good news for upstream business oligarchs. In the meantime, a higher growth rate of PPI, compared to the CPI, further reduces the profitability of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Due to factors such as the pandemic and energy shortages, the prices of some commodities have been increasing.
According to the IMF 一次産品価格IMF Primary Commodity Pricesによると、2020 年 5 月以降、国際商品価格は 70% 以上上昇し、同時に金属、食品、エネルギー製品も上昇しました。米国, since May 2020, international commodity prices have risen by over 70 percent, with simultaneous increases for metals, food, and energy products. The U.S. 商品調査局指数はCommodity Research Bureau Index2020年4月末の安値から2021年11月初旬までに64.8%もの上昇率を示し、最近も高水準が続いている。コモディティ価格がPPI全体を押し上げた。 2021年10月の米国のPPIは grew by as high as 64.8 percent from the low point at the end of April 2020 to early November 2021, and it has remained high recently. Commodity prices pushed up the PPI as a whole. In October 2021, the PPI in the United States increased by 前年比22.2%上昇し、2021年10月のユーロ圏のPPIは22.2 percent前年比21.9%上昇した。原材料など商品価格の上昇によって生み出される利益のほとんどは、資源を支配する上流の寡頭政治家によってもたらされる。それに比べて、中小企業は生産コストの上昇を負担しなければなりません。さらに、PPI と CPI の差は中小企業の収入の増加を同時にもたらさないため、中小企業の利益が侵食されていました。 year-on-year, and the PPI in the Eurozone in October 2021 rose by 21.9 percentyear-on-year. The profits generated by the rising prices of commodities such as raw materials are mostly reaped by the upstream oligarchs that control the resources. In comparison, SMEs have to bear the rising production costs. Moreover, the difference between PPI and CPI does not result in a simultaneous increase in the income of SMEs, so their profit was being eroded.
第三に、CPIが上昇し続けると住民の実質所得が減少する。 2021 年の主要先進国ではインフレ圧力が顕著でした。2021 年 10 月の米国の CPI は前年比 6.2% 上昇し、Third, the real income of residents decreases when the CPI continues to climb. Inflationary pressures were significant in major developed economies in 2021. The CPI in the United States increased by 19906.2年 11 月以来の最高値に達しました。2021 年 11 月のドイツの CPI は percent year-on-year in October 2021, reaching a new high since November 1990. Germany’s CPI in November 2021 rose by 前年比5.2%上昇しました。5.2 percent年、1992年以来の新高値を記録した。 year-on-year, hitting a new high since 1992.
Inflation in the world’s major countries will peak at 5 percent, according to the 2021年12月1日に発表されたOECD経済見通しOECD Economic Outlookによると、世界の主要国のインフレ率は5%でピークに達し、2023年には約3%まで徐々に低下すると予想されています。高インフレは一般大衆の生活費を上昇させ、実質購買力を減少させます。 。名目賃金の調整は一般に物価の調整よりも遅れているため、インフレ率の上昇は、主に収入として賃金に依存している下位中所得層に大きな影響を与えます。ピーターソン国際経済研究所が2021年10月下旬に発表した released on December 1, 2021, before gradually falling to approximately 3 percent in 2023. High inflation raises the living cost of the general public and diminishes real purchasing power. Because nominal wage adjustment generally lags behind that of prices, high inflation has a greater impact on the lower-middle-income groups, who mainly rely on wages as income. According to the findings of a 調査study結果によると、米国における水増し調整後の報酬(名目報酬、賃金、福利厚生)は、2019年12月と比べて0.6%減少した。 released in late October 2021 by the Peterson Institute for International Economics, inflated-adjusted compensation - nominal compensation, wages and benefits - in the US was 0.6 percent lower than it was in December 2019.
アイザック・ニュートンは1687 年にIssac Newton wrote the 『自然哲学の数学的原理』Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophyを書きました。その第 2 巻の第 2 章、第 5 章、および第 7 章は流体の粘性の法則に関係しており、この法則は 1738 年にダニエル・ベルヌーイとレオンハルト・オイラーによって微分方程式に変換されました。 1822 年と 1845 年に、クロード・ルイ・ナビエとジョージ・ガブリエル・ストークス in 1687, in which the second, fifth, and seventh chapters of the second volume concern the law of viscosity of fluids, which was converted into differential equation by Daniel Bernoulli and Leonhard Euler in 1738. In 1822 and 1845, Claude-Louis Navier and George Gabriel Stokes put forward the は、分子レベルでの「対流形式」と「圧力勾配」の非線形方程式nonlinear equationsを提唱しました。それは私たちにとってインスピレーションとなるかもしれません。さまざまなセクターに対する金融政策の影響には一貫性がなく、セクター間には相互に粘性のある力が存在します。 of “convective form” and “pressure gradient” at the molecular level. That could be an inspiration for us: the impact of monetary policy on various sectors is inconsistent, and there is a mutual viscous force between sectors.
これは、「金融政策 - 資産価格への反映 - 商品市場 - PPI - CPI」の相対的な動きを説明するのに役立つ可能性があります。金本位制の通貨制度は古典的な流体力学として理解できます。現代の金融政策はThis could help explain the relative movement of “monetary policy - reflection on asset prices - commodity market - PPI - CPI”. The monetary system on the gold standard can be understood as classical fluid mechanics. Contemporary monetary policy may need to be understood from the standpoint of 乱流理論turbulenceの観点から理解する必要があるかもしれません。 theory.
第19期中国共産党中央委員会第6回総会は、全面的な改革開放の深化と共同繁栄の促進を強調した。共通の繁栄のための財政的支援は多面的であり、包括的な財政、デジタル化、およびThe Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee emphasized deepening reform and opening up across the board and promoting common prosperity. Financial support for common prosperity is multi-dimensional, and inclusive finance, digitization, and 差別化された準備金要件がdifferentiated reserve requirements良い実践です。基本的に、各国の教訓は、金融政策による「資産価格-商品価格-消費者物価」を通じた所得と are good practices. Essentially, the lessons from various countries indicate that the impact on income and 資産効果への影響wealth effectを看過してはならないことを示している。過去 1 世紀に見られなかった変化とパンデミックの複合的な影響を考慮すると、流通をどのように最適化するかは、世界が直面しなければならない大きな理論的かつ実践的な問題です。金融政策や財政政策などの経済政策をさらに最適化する余地もある。 by monetary policy via “asset prices - commodity prices - consumer prices” must not be overlooked. Given the combined impacts of the changes unseen in a century and the pandemic, how to optimize distribution is a major theoretical and practical issue the world has to face. There is also room for further optimizing economic policies such as monetary and fiscal policies.
(This article is based on the keynote (この記事は、2021年12月11日に開催された2021年中国金融学会学术年会「2021 Annual Conference of China Society for Finance & Banking」における著者の陸磊氏の基調講演speechを基にしています) delivered by the author Lu Lei at the 2021中国金融学会学术年会 “2021 Annual Conference of China Society for Finance & Banking” held on December 11, 2021)
An MMT Informed Fiscal Reform for China
Employing the Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), this paper examines the current Chinese fiscal system and highlights its three characteristics. First, fiscal revenues are centralized at the central government while expenditures are decentralized at the local governments; second, fiscal spending focuses on public investment but is insufficient in providing social safety net and public services; and third, indirect tax accounts for a great majority of tax revenues, leading to limited progressivity of the tax system. These limitations have constrained the effectiveness of China’s fiscal policies and generated many perverse impacts. With the understanding that the central government has the monetary sovereignty and does not face financing constrained and that taxes are not to raise revenues for fiscal spending but to serve other purposes, the paper calls for fiscal reforms that realign fiscal resources and spending responsibilities between the central and local governments, increase fiscal spending on social security and public services, as well as broaden personal income tax to improve the distributive effect of taxation.
1 China is a unitary state with a multi-tiered government structure. Subnational governments are in principle agents of the central government, tasked with carrying out national policy objectives within their own jurisdictions.
2 Local governments can be further divided into provinces, prefectures, counties, and townships. County governments are responsible for the largest expenditure responsibility. Their revenues account for less than 5% of GDP but expenditure takes up 9% of GDP in 2014 (Wingender, 2018).
3 There are four budgets for the governments, including the general public budget (GPB), the social security fund, the government fund budget (with 24 government funds, the largest of which is the land lease fund), and the state own enterprise operation fund budget. The four budgets account for 52.6%, 23%, 23.3% and 1.1% of the total government budgets, respectively. Surplus from the government fund budget and the state owned enterprise operation fund budget can be transferred to the general public budget to finance public services, while the financing gap of the social security fund budge can be filled by transfers from the general public budget (See Qiao et al., 2022).
4 The majority of the Social Security spending is not part of the general public budget but included in the social security fund budget. What is included in the general public budget are mostly administrative costs of social insurance, employment and labor relations managements, and others.
5 Local governments transfer public assets such as land or shares of public facilities as capital, and use LGFVs to issue bonds or borrow loans from banks or other financial institutions. The funds raised through LGFVs are typically used for infrastructure investments and other fiscal expenditures.
6 One major cause for the rapid expansion of LGFVs borrowing was due to the 4 trillion yuan stimulus package the central government launched in 2008 in response to the Global Financial Crisis. Local governments were responsible for 70% of the spending but without the adequate fiscal resources, they resorted to LGFVs to raise funds for infrastructure spending (see Liang, 2016a, 2016b).
7 Using US$1 = 7 yuan throughout the paper.
8 Local governments were prohibited from issuing bonds on their own before 2014, except for a five-year pilot program that started in 2009, where the Ministry of Finance issued RMB 200 billion in local government bonds on behalf of local governments. The central government later allowed a small number of provincial governments to issue bonds directly (about 3 billion yuan to 4 billion yuan as of the end of 2014) (Lam, 2019).
9 Based on the IMF’s measure of “augmented deficit and debt”, local government debt in China reached 66 trillion yuan ($9.4 trillion) as of 2022. IMF’s estimates include the land sales proceeds as part of the local government debt because it conceives of the reduction in assets as equivalent as an increase in debt. Yu (2023) discredits this computation.
10 Local governments focus on promoting economic growth because their political careers are tied to the economic performance of their jurisdictions. This kind of local government competition tournament on the one hand promotes economic growth but on the other hand, lead to over and repetitive investments in some areas and heighten the local government debt problem, as well as the lack of spending on social programs and public services (see, e.g. Fu & Zhang, 2007; Liang & Li, 2016).
11 As mentioned above, pension is included in the social security fund budget. In 2020, the central social security fund revenue and expenditure were 858.4 billion yuan ($122.6 billion) and 857.8 billion yuan ($122.5 billion), respectively; the local government social security fund revenue and expenditure were 7928 billion yuan ($1132.6billion) and 8550.5 billion yuan ($1221.5 billion), respectively (Ministry of Finance, 2021).
12 For instance, Foxconn facilities in Zhengzhou fill 50% of its workforce with temporary workers in August 2019, violation of the 10% upper limit imposed by the Chinese Labor Law. Many of these temporary workers are not covered by social insurance, including pension. Zhengzhou government has the incentive to look away as Foxconn is a major employer and tax payer for the local economy. Many employers also under report wage levels to reduce pension contributions (OECD 2020).
13 Under China’s hukou (residential registration) system, rural workers can migrate to urban cities for jobs but they are still considered as rural residents and do not enjoy the same social services and benefits (e.g. public education and health care) as their rural counterparts. Migrant workers typically return to their rural residences if they can’t find jobs in the urban cities.
14 Similar to the pension scheme, for medical insurance, a contributory plan is set up for urban employees and the plan consists of social medial insurance and a mandatory individual account. Self-employed individuals could also purchase medical insurance plan. A separate plan would provide basic medical insurance for rural and non-salaried urban residents.
15 Including implicit debt services through the LGFVs, the interest payment could multiply to 20% of the total local government revenues.
16 There are mainly two main counterarguments against the central government involvement. One view holds that central government does not have sufficient fiscal resources to “bail out” local governments. It is clear, from the analysis here, that central government does not have a fiscal/financing constraint. Another view maintains that central government bailout could worsen local governments’ moral hazard. Be that as it may, there are dire consequences if local government debt overhang materializes. To improve local government’s fiscal responsibilities, it is more effective to work on local government officials’ incentives by including debt sustainability as one of the performance evaluation criterions (Zhang, 2023).
閔 傑/『中国新聞週刊』記者 江 瑞/翻訳 2023年09月13日

2つ目は、不動産市場の下落による打撃です。不動産業は他産業との連関性が高く、「房住不炒」〔住宅は住むためのものであって、投機売買するためのものではない〕はまったくもって正しいことなのですが、それゆえ不動産業は、どうモデルチェンジしていくかということを模索している途中で、業界全体が調整中という状態です。その連関性の高さゆえ、不動産業自体はもちろんのこと、川上・川下の全ての産業、さらには金融や国民生活にも連鎖反応が及んでいます。例えば、不動産価格が下落し、不動産の資産価値が落ちていると感じた消費者が、地域によっては現在の資産価値を借入額が上回る状態になると、「ローン滞納」を選ぶ人々が出てきて、バランスシートが収縮する結果になっています。また、「3つのレッドライン」〔2020年8月に中国政府が打ち出した財務改善要求。①負債比率(Liability to Asset)を70%以下とする、②純負債資本倍率(Net DER)は1倍以下とする、③現預金短期有利子負債比率(Cash Coverage of ST Debt)を1倍以上とする、という3つの指標をクリアすることが求められた〕政策が打ち出されると、不動産業向けの金融政策に調整が入り、「住宅引渡し保証」が奨励されるようになりましたが、不動産デベロッパー自体ジリ貧のところが多く、バランスシートは大打撃を受けています。




濱本 良一 (読売新聞出身・国際教養大学教授)
劉尚希 / LIU Shangxi
中国 / China

A Chinese flag in front of buildings in Pudong's Lujiazui Financial District in Shanghai.
Photographer: Qilai Shen/Bloomberg中国は政府借り入れを増やし、企業への税制優遇措置を拡大するとともに金利を引き下げ、経済を活性化させ失業率の上昇を抑えるべきだ。
Weakening Recovery
China's growth seen losing steam in 2Q after rebound in early 2023
Source: China's National Bureau of Statistics, Bloomberg
Note: Second-quarter y/y projection compares with a period in 2022 characterized by lockdowns and Covid restrictions, and so has a low base of comparison.
Broad Budget Deficit
China's fiscal gap much bigger when special bond sales are included
Sources: China's Ministry of Finance reports
Note: Figures for 2023 are budget forecasts.
China Has Been Sparing With Rate Cuts
The PBOC trimmed policy rates once this year so far
Source: The People's Bank of China
Cutting Reserve Ratios
The PBOC last reduced the required reserve ratio for most banks in March
Source: People's Bank of China
原題:Here Are the Options China Still Has for Stimulating Its Economy(抜粋)
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