コメントの投稿 (Atom)
https://x.com/momotro018/status/1893478932864999914?s=61 2022年、高井たかし幹事長の覚悟。 ずっと前から #財務省解体 を掲げてる唯一の国政政党、それが れいわ新選組 だからね。 財務官僚に洗脳されて消費税増税しといて全...
What keeps me going, is to see economists at unions & think tanks around the world pick up on our inflation research in the struggle ag...
David Fields @ProfDavidFields The fable of mainstream economics is a drastic departure from social reality, arid formalism deeply wh...
Relearning Economics @RelearningEcon "It is the export surplus and the budget deficit which enable the capitalists to make prof...
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