
Stephanie KeltonさんによるXでのポスト

Stephanie Kelton
Extremely important. From a recent keynote by Paul Sheard, author of The Power of Money. Former chief economist at Standard & Poor's Ratings. 🇯🇵 pic.twitter.com/h99vXX8aLJ
2024/03/03 5:38
For the Japanese people who own them, JGBs (Japanese government bonds)
are an asset, a form of government-created money. The risk is not that the
government won't be able to repay its debt, because in a fiat money system the
government doesn't have to "repay" its "debt" any more than it has to repay a
twenty-dollar bill or a ten-thousand-yen banknote. The risk is that Japanese
households at some point will unleash into the economy the purchasing power
associated with the government debt they hold as assets (either directly or
indirectly through the banking system) in a way that overwhelms the capacity of
the economy to supply the goods and services demanded. That of course would
trigger inflation. But, again, inflation is what Japan wants, and has been trying to
get (as an explicit goal of government policy) for a quarter of a century now, and
the monetary and fiscal authorities have the tools to contain inflation if it becomes
a problem.

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